We all trash talked D3, but is there any feature that D3 does better than PoE?

and butchered them?

meat good, vegetables bad!

nah d3 didn't poop on your childhood memories or fondness for d2. your fondness for d2 and childhood memories pooped on d3. imo.
Hey...is this thing on?
Last edited by LostForm on Aug 14, 2015, 11:29:40 AM
Dont remember if D3 does it and Im also very outdated with the news on it, but I really loved in D1 the optional random quests given by monsters (and well, other optional quests as well).

Those quest-giving monsters in D1 had a lot of personality.
Loved every single one of them (but most memorable probably Gharbad the weak and Zhar the mad, with snotspill deserving an honourable mention)

Though I understand optional quests might not work very well in this game, or even in D3.
Diablo 1 design was much different.

LostForm wrote:
and butchered them?

meat good, vegetables bad!

nah d3 didn't poop on your childhood memories or fondness for d2. your fondness for d2 and childhood memories pooped on d3. imo.

and WoW didnt shit on warcraft lore, I suppose?
Last edited by Disrupted on Aug 14, 2015, 11:32:28 AM
I liked how classes all had very different resource systems. This wouldn't work in PoE for obvious reasons but it's the only thing I could think of :/
IGN: Smegmazoid
Long live the new Flesh
LostForm wrote:
and butchered them?

meat good, vegetables bad!

nah d3 didn't poop on your childhood memories or fondness for d2. your fondness for d2 and childhood memories pooped on d3. imo.

Dora the freakin explorer is more intimidating/mature than the bosses who "taunt" you mid-act.
Not to start the endless gameplay/depth discussion.. again. No I think that D3 pooped on everything that D1 and D2 represented.
Monk was sick to play.

Combat system was fluid. The end.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
and WoW didnt shit on warcraft lore, I suppose?

honestly, wow + warcraft lore lead to one of my favorite things in gaming, the caverns of time raids, where you basically replay warcraft 3 missions as the peons you formerly controlled in wc3, it was just a really cool way to leverage the lore. so nah I think they leveraged that lore pretty well.

No I think that D3 pooped on everything that D1 and D2 represented.

noipe, d1 and d2 (though d2 got pretty silly with the introduction of enigma)are still to this day fantastic games. d3 isn't as good, I agree, but that doesn't take away anything from d1 or d2 which is what I meant.

but to reiterate, d3 and blizzard are great at player retention, some games are deep and narrow, some games are shallow and wide, blizzard cames are shallow and narrow, but there is several of them and they all feed eachother. It is basically the Mario party approach, offer a bunch of mini games that are thematically linked.
Hey...is this thing on?
Last edited by LostForm on Aug 14, 2015, 11:46:42 AM
RestInPieces wrote:
Ceri wrote:
I've never understood all the D3 trash talk

Because they took all our "childhood memories" from the first two Diablo games, their depth, gameplay, atmosphere etc, then ridiculed them and butchered them? Reason enough? :D (Only my humble opinion ofc)

You may have a great point about childhood memories, for sure. :) I was an adult when D1 was released so I have no such memories. I really liked D1 though, that was a truly great game. Didn't care that much for D2 when it was released. The depth and complexity of it appeals a great deal to me, which is why I got intrigued by PoE in the first place.
I was born same year diablo 1 came out so I never played your childhood memories d1 or d2 and original inferno D3 was best release. Actually best game I ever played. Healing elites enraging elites 5 min elite fights if you wernt one shotted. Had to have teamwork and team auras to even progress past act 1 inferno. Matter of fact when they nerfed it to the ground is when Kripp came here. He even made a video complaining about it. I wish I followed but stuck it out for another year. So no I dont consider it butchered until now.

They do some things right like rifts and net code.

Rifts sorta revives the original spirit and you can play easy mode with lower difficulty settings. Basically game offers something for everyone now. Sadly no trade so I see zero point in playing because you're a victim of RNG no matter how good drops are.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Aug 14, 2015, 12:03:26 PM
The ability to hold a button(shift??, I forget) over an item and see the stat range of the affixes on the item.

Smoothness of combat. PoE fixed desync for the most part but there is still a bit of stuttering for me at times.

The ability to just right click an item and send it over to your stash. I know it's stupid to complain about but having to ctrl + click is something I find to be a minor annoyance.

Floating numbers showing damage taken and dealt. I turned them off in D3 because the numbers are too big and appear so fast that it's hard to see what they are but I think if that option existed in PoE, where the damage numbers are easier to digest visually, I'd use it.

I personally love PoE so much more than D3 that it's one of those games where I will overlook the flaws, like I did in D2, because the heart is where the love is. D3 is a pretty but very shallow bitch. Fun for a few minutes but gets old really quickly.

I love the replayability of PoE. I like taking an idea and experimenting with it and either failing or succeeding with it. It's really a matter of personal preference. Some people hate wasting time with a failed character and I see it as all of that time is wasted anyway but I have more fun wasting time on PoE.
Sound the dread alarm, through the primal body! Sound the reveille, to be or not to be. Rise! Stay the grand finale! Stay the reading of our swan song and epilogue. One drive to stay alive! Elementary, muster every fiber. Mobilize! Stay alive!
- Removing trade completely.
- Smart loot (goes hand-in-hand with above).
- Inventory space. Doesn't cut itself off, more stash tabs available soon through mtx.
- Crafting. Even though it's pretty bad, it's still better than PoE crafting lol. The Mystic grill (forgot her name) pretty much makes the difference here.
- Graphics. Also pretty bad if you zoom in, but still better than PoE's graphics.
- Doesn't rely on 3rd party.
- Build variety post Kanai Cube. D3 takes a step forward in this, while PoE takes a step back with recent changes. There will still be a meta but a lot more builds will be endgame viable compared to PoE.
- Stat balance. Crit is a bit more of a must on D3 than on PoE but you literally can't play a merciless character on PoE without a good chunk of life nodes + life on gear. Not in a progressive way atleast.

Think the rest has been mentioned already.

Graphics? Are you saying these graphics are good or decent ?? http://tpucdn.com/reviews/AMD/R9_270X/images/diablo3.jpg

This is on ultra hahaha. No the graphics in their game are total garbage for the time it was released. On top of that it also asks way too much from your system, the system requirement are way too high for having graphics like that. They're unrealistic, cartoony and overall look like they come from a game out of 2004. This is just embarrassing for a studio as big as Blizzard who can pull talent from everywhere.

The loot in that game is absolutely horrendous. You need to use the auction house and browse it for hours for upgrades. I heard that has been removed though and now legendaries drop like candy. Which is pretty typical from a Blizzard game, their latest games and releases have all had the trend to be incredibly easy and doable even on highest difficulties. It kills attraction more since it just gets boring really fast.

And builds? Are you kidding me? Every class had 1 build. Making 5 builds viable because you have 5 classes in a game is not really diversity. You can create a lot of end game viable builds if you know what you're doing in Path of Exile. In this type of game however you will always have a fastest or most efficient build due to the variety the game has.

Things that Diablo 3 did better than Path of Exile? The cinematics were high budget and done quite wonderfully. I enjoyed that kind of presentation. I loathed as I said above the graphics it felt like some happy fantasy world instead of a dark one (which Diablo is supposed to be).

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