Detailed overview of Diablo 3 vs. Path of Exile


However, I still find it so much more rewarding and fun to play PoE than D3. Indeed it needs to be addressed, but for me and many other players it's not something that will stop me playing the game.

Then this brings us back to something I have already posted... You didnt leave the game due to desync but many supporters indeed DID. Get it? just because you didnt doesnt mean other wont neither...

Let's put in this way, there are plenty of games that made BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars and those games sure didn't tell players to stfu and deal with their programming flaws or telling them to use a 3rd party scripting program and spam some scripts (again this is illegal/bannable in most AAA games).

Imaging if Dota2 or LoL played like PoE... LoL has 12 million player logins on daily basis and are making billions of dollars... and it's also an indie game... and its also f2p...
The real hardcore PoE players and the elites sit in town and zoning in and out of their hideouts trading items. Noobs that don't know how to play PoE correctly, kill monsters for items. It's pure fact, it will never change.

Welcome to PoE.
Nubatron wrote:
Author Response:
The core issue is desync; no other ARPG has the desync issues PoE does, and it’s really unacceptable... desync impacts every aspect of the game, and my friends who have quit did so due to deaths tied to desync. This directly and negatively impacts end-game dramatically... I agree the “gameplay” and “features” of PoE exceed D3. It’s just a problem when desync impacts all of these features,
Edited down to the only part of this whole event which GGG should actually give a fuck about.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Feb 24, 2015, 7:09:14 AM
Reading the article a bit already shows that the author doesn't appreciate hardcore gaming. I don't understand how easy progress in D3 can ever be a good thing. I've played both games myself and levelling in D3 was so much easier. After starting rifts it also becomes a way more boring grind than in PoE.

Anyways, I guess that's what casual gamers are about. Easy progress, accessible for anyone without putting efford.

So what GR level have you solo'd in D3?or are you confused that time=skill?
Last edited by mrpetrov on Feb 24, 2015, 7:12:20 AM

I played the Closed Beta (again, up to Leoric) for over 40 hours in a week. It was so great. Like, d2 stress test level great.

The moment I got the full version, and made it past that, I ridiculously excited to see what came next.

What came next was a quest within a quest, in three parts, for something I needed to do something else.

I didn't even make it to Act 2 until I played it through on console with a friend over a year later.

That demo, that closed beta, was an epic bait and switch.

Epic bait and switch indeed. It worked and they got their pound of flesh from me. This is now solidly in the 'full me once shame on you, full me twice..." category for me. Maybe Blizzard North will come back......then maybe so will I. Until then, no thanks.

Now I'm not saying it's aliens, but...Chris mentioned massive tech changes with Act IV and its associated patch.

Everyone and their mom knows that PoE has the worst desync in the entire genre... even GGG knows that. If the so called tech change is indeed about desyncs you really think GGG wouldnt advertise it?
Lets just have a extremely wishful thinking that this tech change is about desyncs sure but judging by GGG's tune... it's most likely something that "will help a little bit but not really type of thing like when they said they fixed micro stutter".

Also Chris mentioned a tech change not "a massive" tech change.
The real hardcore PoE players and the elites sit in town and zoning in and out of their hideouts trading items. Noobs that don't know how to play PoE correctly, kill monsters for items. It's pure fact, it will never change.

Welcome to PoE.
Nubatron wrote:

I played the Closed Beta (again, up to Leoric) for over 40 hours in a week. It was so great. Like, d2 stress test level great.

The moment I got the full version, and made it past that, I ridiculously excited to see what came next.

What came next was a quest within a quest, in three parts, for something I needed to do something else.

I didn't even make it to Act 2 until I played it through on console with a friend over a year later.

That demo, that closed beta, was an epic bait and switch.

Epic bait and switch indeed. It worked and they got their pound of flesh from me. This is now solidly in the 'full me once shame on you, full me twice..." category for me. Maybe Blizzard North will come back......then maybe so will I. Until then, no thanks.

Yea guys make sure you dont get fulled by all the crazy company that's trying to full you all the time like its their full time job to full you all the time.
The real hardcore PoE players and the elites sit in town and zoning in and out of their hideouts trading items. Noobs that don't know how to play PoE correctly, kill monsters for items. It's pure fact, it will never change.

Welcome to PoE.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Nubatron wrote:
Author Response:
The core issue is desync; no other ARPG has the desync issues PoE does, and it’s really unacceptable... desync impacts every aspect of the game, and my friends who have quit did so due to deaths tied to desync. This directly and negatively impacts end-game dramatically... I agree the “gameplay” and “features” of PoE exceed D3. It’s just a problem when desync impacts all of these features,
Edited down to the only part of this whole event which GGG should actually give a fuck about.

I'm not saying that is not important, it is. All I'm saying is this guy tried to take an objective approach to grading to include weighted categories scored separately with a mathematical conclusion....then let his personal feelings bias the outcome. It was clear he had decided the outcome before he started to me.

That in and of itself makes the referenced article for this whole thread garbage. This thread and analysis carries more weight for me than the referenced article by OP:

Get some Megaman! (I loved Mega Man 3 on NES when I was a kid)

I guess I take exception to desync being the end all/be all decision for POE. For some that might be the case, but don't mistake that as an all encompassing answer for all of us. Desync is a minor issue for me, far outweighed by the other elements of the game. If there was one thing that I would have GGG steal from D3 (and believe me, I mean the only thing) it would be the engine and fight mechanics. That is one area where D3 shined for me, the combat mechanics were quite fluid.

BUT, POE as a whole is better and desync does not tear it down close to enough to change that for me.
Nubatron wrote:

That's just garbage. This guy has no business reviewing and comparing games based on that snippet alone.

Business? LOL. Don't tell me you were suckered in by the presentation as well? This is no business. The page gets less than 200 views a day. It's just a dude mimicking professional review sites to fool people into thinking his opinion has any weight behind it.

Suckered has such a negative connotation to it :)

It was more of a means of expression to discuss the OP (which probably has gotten more attention than it should). The Mega Man vs. POE thread should have gotten this many pages.
Nubatron wrote:

I have friends who stayed with POE because getting everything quickly and having no real tangible risk with dying isn't appealing to them. Neither side is right or wrong, just different.

You are aware of that you reach endgame gear (as in gear worth over 10 exalt each in temporary leagues) much faster in PoE due to being proficient in trading?

You are aware of that both games have a hardcore mode that appeal to the "having tangible risk with dying"?

To pretend as if the games are intended to appeal to completely different demographics is to be lazy or naive. Both games try to appeal to hardcore and casual players. A big actual difference is that D3 is not intended to attract players that love trading, while PoE is intended to attract people who like in-efficient trading.

This message was delivered by GGG defence force.
Pewzor wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
Pewzor wrote:
PoE has much higher potential than having barely 10k active players.


There's really no source kiddo. GGG is not the kind that would reveal any figures... thats blizzard they are not afraid to let others know if they are growing or rolling downhill.

One thing is fore sure, Steam do have a statistic on PoE and mathematically and statistically correct. (before the fanbois saying steam chart is only 0.00000000001% of PoE population while again kids... doesnt matter if 1 steam vs2 non-steam or 1 steam is 10 non-steam... they are roughly proportional to each other... statistics 101... this mean is steam shows a decline the game is indeed declining)

At least on steam currently PoE peaks out at barely 10k players and averaging 6k... and is declining overtime... sure rightnow is not the worst population ever in PoE history but it's almost tied with the lowest and is still declining and this is well AFTER the whole RoS hype has cooled off.

Again the point is to the blinding fankids that think desync is nothing... its "tiny inconvenience"... its "stfu just get a 3rd party scripting program is spam /oos script" it's "desync doesnt exist, its your cpu" and so on...

I believe PoE will be a lot better if the stupids dont give GGG all the excuses to keep their game play like a piece of garbage.

Thanks for the laugh I guess :3 You're not worth getting rekt so I'll leave it at that.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.

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