What are some of the things from Closed Beta that you remember?

I think I'd purged memories of drop trading from my mind.

You WERE allowed to name and shame, stryker. I made a thread for purely that purpose, but since GGG said they wouldn't act on any of it (as they shouldn't have; it was purely about community awareness and self-regulation), no one used it.

People didn't want name and shame -- they wanted a dev police force.

I was referring to before that. But after your thread some people did use. I used it a few times and sure enough there was one or two guys doing it on multiple accounts. But it wasn't super necessary in the end because the trade screen came and this was before the game really blew up.
Standard Forever
Short Allocation with named loot for all!

I think I am one of the few that miss this. Having to be constantly alert in groups to not only stay alive, but to ensure you pick up "your" drops and take "other people's" drops. It encapsulated a distinct cut-throat, hardcore feel.
Phase run
Firestorm+fireball,freeze pulse,ground slam builds were the shit
Summoners were one big pile of crap
Multi-auras with most of them being only 60 mana reserv. instead of 60%
Old aura animation
Zones had diffrent names
Fellshire 24/7

Edit: Also CI being good without the nerfs that it later got.
Last edited by ImKanger on Sep 28, 2014, 3:52:43 AM
1) double strike + lmp

2) phys attacks did almost no dmg in early beta

3) chaos ledge runs

4) u could knock monsters off the map

5) desync

6) beta key timer

7) holding portals in a party in high lvl areas

8) 2 mirrors droped in 1 day

9) exalted orbs as npc rewards for quests

10) old marauders voice effects (best)


Шось? (IGN: Owner)
My two handed marauder running maps without an AoE attack.

How hard Vaal was as the end boss. That was a tough fight.

Certain monsters casting spells like machine guns. (Frozen nova especially)

My Face Breaker gloves being powerful.
I remembered another one:

Cold Snap Totems.

The Preceding message contains discretion.
Viewer nudity is advised.
i remember i cant play closed beta
Nobody mentionned (or I missed it) the most broken things during CB in my eyes, the fact that Ancestral Bond was only a notable (not a keystone) and you still could deal damage with other skills while going dual spork. Mobs had to go through 12 totems when players were nuking them with their Blood Magic Lightning Arrow build. Spark had a more opaque design too, so it was a gigantic flash lights fest.
IGN : @Morgoth
-Aiming to upper left/right corner with split arrow for maximum shotgun effect.
-Characters with 1500 hp was viable endgame, 3k hp was counted as much like 7k+ nowdays.
-Brutus wasn't really a threat. No hook attack, his gs did like 1/10 dmg than now.
-Golems didn't roll
-Placeholder NPC guy
-No ctrl+click management of your items
-No trade window, ppl used to drop items on the ground
-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CMCG5f_TQA this soundtrack
-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3GYGaLKbD8 also this
-Great White Beast at Dread Thicket
-Boss rooms contained a large chest
"I'm programmed to say something that is kind and uplifting at this point, but there is apparently an error that is working in my favor."
Last edited by Alternalo on Sep 28, 2014, 7:23:04 AM
No Chain and no Fork. I played a Lightning Arrow character back then. Fun times.

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