The trading cancer and hacking once again kills of this game for 30+ players

majesw wrote:
Taganov wrote:

I didn't think Aim was doing anything other than stating the obvious, and I don't think he's in favor of changing drop rates in any way.

Well, I don't believe the drop rates suck... I think the system is pretty darn solid. I can farm faster as a solo player than in a group anyhow...

Honestly, to me to drop rates are far to high... it is the drop QUALITY that blows. The mod weights, the mod system where only a few are usable and even one mod can make break the item along with the horrid base item system that can utterly destroy the item along with massive system imbalances that render all but a few of the possible variations worthless. If they made it so that the floor of item quality was raised and trimmed this utterly item ruining garbage from the system then drop rates themselves would never have been an issue... as it is now even when poorly geared you end up vendoring 99.9999% of rares and its possible to find act 1 normal rares that are more powerful then the possible level 78 map rares you might find.

Raising the floor wouldn't impact the ceiling beyond you not needing to trade until you wish to reach the top echelons of gear, anything below that would be more easily self found but would have been so low value anyway that no one would care about it being easy to get.
Last edited by Jiero on Sep 3, 2014, 8:44:52 PM

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