Free beta key

I'm a veteran. I have fought in both world wars, the Vietnam war and one intergalactic war. Lost both legs in a horrible incident in the war-caffeteria, got them replaced by mechanical spider legs. Lost all my fingers, replaced them with knives and forks so that I have one fork-hand and one knife-hand.

Ive been doing alot of reading into this game and I just decided to make an account and hope that I get randomly picked for the beta. I have played many different online games and this is the first one that really catches my interest. It's unique while still sharing similarities with other games, but I think this one with be very successful once released. I would love a chance to play it while it's still in beta and help to suggest changes based on what I see and experience.

I've watched many streams on the game and I am just itching to play it! I hope I can get a beta key but if not I'll continue to hope and wait for one :)
Hey Arfa- I deserve a beta key because I would be an awesome addition to the beta community, and would provide you with hours upon hours of quality in-game conversation. I'll probably start playing default league, just to get the hang of things, then create a HC char soon after that.

My mind has a mind of its own.
Last edited by Remnant on Sep 11, 2011, 2:56:18 PM
Not a veteran either, i have no idea why i have missed this game. I used to love play Diablo 1 and Diablo 2 but no more, they have been overplayed and badly.

When i heard path of exile, it was love on first sight. As a tester i would be

- Active player
- Giving Feedback and Suggestions
- Helping people out in forums with more knowledge about the game.
- Upload some neat stuff about the game on youtube and discover maybe new playstyles!

Good luck everyone.
What happens atleast once in 60 minutes?

Ingame, forums, irc:

"Nyydia: Brb getting coffee"
I'm 26 and have grown up with the old Diablo games and played them through my whole Life. I love the flow of these ARPG's, the way how it keeps you want to find more loot, test your strenghts, to risk something and how it can push you to the Limits.

I would be truly happy to get a key for PoE and to start to get this feeling i described. I want to feel like this small kid again :)

And i would definitly play the Cutthroath League, i like the risk to lose everything and to fight against others.

Thanks for your time to read all the posts and good luck to everyone.
redesf wrote:
I must say thanks you keeping the key within the community in a charitable way. I would greatly appreciate the key to be able to help test this game and make it the best it can be for all of us.
If you choose me thank you, if not congrats to whoever is able to further join the community.

They can take all our money, take all our gold, but they'll never have your heart and no one can take your soul
arfa wrote:
Well i got an extra beta key. Giving to a veteran of the forums, or someone who has a good reason why they deserve it.So if ur a vet n have a good reason u have a even better shot. Giving away in 2 hours. Post here to have a shot at it.

Uh, I'm a lurker for a long time... I have a good friend who is already in the beta, and desperately begging me to play with him (if I can get a key!)

I beta test and provide feedback to developers for most major games, and a lot of small ones. I'm in several right now- but the ones I'd like to tell you about all have an NDA!

I logged many hours in Diablo/Diablo 2, Titan Quest, and many others similar to PoE, and I'm a huge fan of the genre.

All I can promise is that I will be extremely active, helpful, and playing Path of Exile pretty much constantly in order to find things to whine to the devs about.

I love you arfa. Love. And doesn't that count for something too?
Love, love is a verb
Love is a doing word
Fearless on my breath....
not gonna beg but gotta be in it to win it :P

gl and hf whoever gets it
I would love to have a beta key for this, what seems to be an amazing game. (From gameplay videos) I would love to give it a try and help out GGG by giving feedback. I am not begging for a key i would just like to get one before open beta.
I'm not a veteran to these forums, but I've been a fan of the Diablo series since they were made. Played Diablo 2 for more than 6 years.

This game looks so intriguing and well made that I'm looking forward to it.

I've always been drawn to "Hardcore" versions of Diablo II so that would be my league of choice.


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