
I don't think it is working as intended for totems.

Just tested it.

The Flameblast will grow to maximum radius and if i expire the totem it doesn't go off.

When the totem is dead from enemy killing it, it doesn't go off.

On top of it it occasionally goes off when i kill that particular enemy it is aimed at.

However at times even if i kill the enemy the totem is aiming at , sometimes it doesn't go

I think it might not work properly with DOT damage.

I think it has a problem with totems linked to it.

Maybe GGG can do something about it to make it totem friendly.

For example. for totems.

1. Make it explode once it reaches it's final stage.
2. if enemys kill the totem. let it automatically explode.

please review the usage of this gem with totem builds

ty ggg
Rampage IGN : Cool_Hamster
Standard IGN : Hamsterbaby
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Last edited by chosk80 on Dec 25, 2013, 11:35:40 AM
Lehm wrote:

No faster cast?. Mind to show your skill tree please.
"The exodus of humanity in search of a new home? It is like spreading a virus in the healthy space."
Last edited by Kiri2k on Dec 25, 2013, 12:26:00 PM
oh i forgot inc burn dam support's quality was ignite chance... guess its possible 100% ignite without a curse and without using spells.
oro's sac (20%), cloak of flames (10%), 2 taming's (2 x 5%), 20% inc burn damage (10%), lv 21 chance to ignite (45%), the passive close to shadow (5%).

of course molten shell, flame blast, and fireball can just have enhance linked to it for up to 66% chance to ignite via + level equipment and max quality. thus making you need only a max lv chance to ignite to reach 100%...
full crit proliferate everything. stormcall totem, coldsnaptrap, fireblast. EE build. man it's beast.

why spend all those points/currency on ignite chance. when you could crit nearly every time and do more dmg + ignite?
Last edited by waffenheimer on Dec 26, 2013, 4:10:52 PM
waffenheimer wrote:
full crit proliferate everything. stormcall totem, coldsnaptrap, fireblast. EE build. man it's beast.

why spend all those points/currency on ignite chance. when you could crit nearly every time and do more dmg + ignite?

I have capped crit chance discharger and still with her my crit chance around end 60's with 7 power charges its nowhere near close to 100% chance to ignite with support gems and flamibility
also u gonna 1 shoturself with any small reflect pack with crit thats for sure...
yeah can't reach full out crit like that. also no, its not that costly because you didn't read my second part, no uniques, just quality plus a support that takes awhile. my first 100% ignite, is really for an infinite flicker strike build (of dominus intensity of desync).
this skill is frighteningly overpowered when used in a group setting. with an avatar of fire build, using added cold, added lightning, proliferate, faster casting and cold to fire, you can almost triple the damage of the skill, which is already absurdly high. swapping out proliferate for concentrated effect on single target bosses allows you to 1 shot them by yourself, or if you get lucky and proliferate a giant burn you can kill it in a few seconds pretty easily.

this is probably the highest overall damage skill in the game right now, i'm not sure that it needs to be nerfed in terms of its regular functionality, but its interaction with added cold/lightning should probably be fixed. the way proliferate and freeze/burn works should also be addressed, as they're usually at the core of the majority of game-breaking builds.
xenogfan43 wrote:
this skill is frighteningly overpowered when used in a group setting. with an avatar of fire build, using added cold, added lightning, proliferate, faster casting and cold to fire, you can almost triple the damage of the skill, which is already absurdly high. swapping out proliferate for concentrated effect on single target bosses allows you to 1 shot them by yourself, or if you get lucky and proliferate a giant burn you can kill it in a few seconds pretty easily.

this is probably the highest overall damage skill in the game right now, i'm not sure that it needs to be nerfed in terms of its regular functionality, but its interaction with added cold/lightning should probably be fixed. the way proliferate and freeze/burn works should also be addressed, as they're usually at the core of the majority of game-breaking builds.

You'll do far better damage without Avatar of Fire and prolif in that build. AoF is really only good with phys/weapon-based builds, as all the generic +fire damage nodes spells would have to rely on suck something fierce. Just use the spell damage/ele damage nodes with added lightning/cold and you'll do more than enough damage. People are so bizarrely obsessed with burn, it's strange.

Of course, you might one-shot yourself to reflect, but at least you can drink flasks during your charge-up phase.
Read my book! The world ending in every way anyone ever thought it might end, all at once. First few chapters are available online for free.
Last edited by TheTenthDoc on Dec 27, 2013, 1:52:13 AM
soul4hdwn wrote:
yeah can't reach full out crit like that. also no, its not that costly because you didn't read my second part, no uniques, just quality plus a support that takes awhile. my first 100% ignite, is really for an infinite flicker strike build (of dominus intensity of desync).

crit works. yer thinking about it wrong. the only diff between 50% ignite(im at 70% crit on fireblast now) and 100% ignite is... the dmg starting to tick a second earlier.. but if you are critting then the dmg that is ticking far outpaces the noncrit. I BELIEVE IN MATH OF EXILE

ele reflect is a non issue. im ghostreaver with LL and rarely charge over power lvl 3 even
are you srsly charging up like over lvl 5 every time you cast?

I actually removed EE because it was holding me back. you can be much faster. I had forgotten about cold to fire... that sounds promising.

edit: well no, cold to fire is dumb without avatar of fire and avatar of fire is dumb because no shockstorm totem. ah well. BACK TO EXPLOSIONS
Last edited by waffenheimer on Dec 27, 2013, 2:30:25 AM
My review after about 50 levels....
#1...1100% MORE damage is really....cool. also kinda over kill for almost everything, and you're going to sit there for quite a long while to do this, and it can't move. May be a tad bit too much power, but I like it. I like how it also makes Conc Effect NOT needed, and in fact detrimental to this skill's effectiveness because most of the damage is coming from the MORE damage, and Conc effect is only giving +50 something MORE damage, which stacks additively instead of multiplicatively for -20% AoE.
#2. I however, REALLY like that, as I said. You trade mobility and adaptability for raw and extreme power. This is just such a nice change from PoE's "Spam till everything dies" ideal, that it reinvigorated my interest in this game.
#3. Here's the problems now. While the stacks you generate for determining damage are done faster with increased attack speed...meanwhile, the AoE increase remains the same speed, which was REALLY disappointing. I would have even swapped those around, requiring flat time for damage, but letting cast speed increase the speed of the AoE increase.
The spell just kinda feels really slow because of it's animation not speeding up even with 87% bonus cast speed. It would make it just feel better if the AoE increased with cast speed, or had a greater speed of increase as a base. Making the stacks not speed up with cast speed, but instead having the AoE do that...it could be a good way to balance it's insane potential, while making it feel better.
#4. If you click on an enemy, and they are desynced (and let's admit it, they always are), it casts the circle on that enemy, server side, while showing you it being cast where you pointed client side. As you can imagine, as you can't change it without canceling the spell, and you wouldn't even know you should unless you already canceled the spell, this is a BIG problem.
Simple solution: Make it cast on area without creature targeting. SIMPLE!
Last edited by ShacoFinder on Dec 28, 2013, 10:48:14 AM

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