1.0.0f Patch and Data about League Distributions and Map-only Uniques

I didn't like the change when it was first detailed in the patch-notes, I'm glad to finally have some actual numbers, but I still think the change is a bad and heavy-handed way of either making the items prestigious or incentivizing maps. I don't know which reason GGG went with, or both, but I know they can come up with something better than this.

This just feels as lame as bind on pickup or bind on equip.

great no wonder ive probly wasted about 50 chance orbs in the new league, this info would've been useful like a few FBN weeks ago

This actually pisses me off, and I knew the ilvl would matter but come on trying to chance stuff even in 70-74 maps I thought would be ok. Now such a waste. I'm pissed this wasn't said before.

I'm sure thousand of people have wasted a few thousand chances farming maps not doing 76+ so far.

big thx
Like really you could of just told us earlier instead of you me wasting like fucking 300 chance orbn or something stupid.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Map only uniques are a terrible idea IMO.

RIP solo players.
Last edited by ケイファ on Nov 6, 2013, 12:32:40 AM
I'd just like to up it out there. During Onslaught league, I was able to maintain 73+ map pool, and gotten to 76 maps on several occations - playing mostly solo. Sometimes I play with a friend, but his timezone is very different from mine so we don't have the chance to play together often.

I play solo, I've never found anything like Shavronne's, Voltaxic Rift, Lioneye's, Void Battery, etc. The single item I found more valuable was Rainbowstride. But I was able to maintain 73 maps. Trading has a lot to do this this, and this is with me dying twice at lv80+ and once lv74. If you want to get to 75+ maps, don't die if you're on hardcore, play in a group, or start trading.
IGN: MinusFour/Teeda
[Removed by Admin]
Last edited by Bex_GGG on Nov 6, 2013, 6:38:10 PM
bad drop set

GGG will turn into DDD's shadow
I dont like trade, or grouping, but I love the GAMEPLAY and the skill tree/customization so I just want to be able to play and achieve well on my own.

No gameplay, only trading now. Tranks god they've made a good trading syste- oh wait.
DaveSW wrote:
Wait, are people complaining that only those that play in the highest level maps get the best uniques? Really?!

The hell is wrong with you people?!

No I'm pissed they didn't say anything about not chancing anything pre 76 map. We will all be in those maps soon enough. Just everyone wasted and has wasted all their chance orbs already trying to get the 1 unique they want for endgame.
GGG you know how many great game companies made some kind of an update to their great game that completely ruined all what was good about it? You might want to reconsider this iLVL Unique drop change, because this is exactly that kind of an update that will turn shit load of players - new and existent, away from your game.

Just read all the replies. 10 pages of overwhelmingly negative feedback.

IGN: Iworkeout
Last edited by cutt on Nov 6, 2013, 12:37:33 AM

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