I tried the D4 Beta. I think PoE is going to be just fine.

Played the better for about 10 hours this weekend.
Meh, I don't think it's a day 1 buy for me.
Maybe better to wait for a sale.
The skeletons were underwhelming. I hope there's a way to scale them up to be faster and do more damage and be more tanky.
Played the better for about 10 hours this weekend.
Meh, I don't think it's a day 1 buy for me.
Maybe better to wait for a sale.
The skeletons were underwhelming. I hope there's a way to scale them up to be faster and do more damage and be more tanky.

Skellies were fine for me. And we are level 25... with 75 levels to go, a paragon board, unique items, and aspects left to find.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Meh, I don't think it's a day 1 buy for me.
Maybe better to wait for a sale.

Same for me.
Diablo 4 isn't a bad game but at least the Beta was too much walking and talking and too little hacking and slashing for me.
I tried diablo 4 and it is neither a disaster nor a masterpiece. But I have a hard time deciding how it will end up between those 2 extremes.

-Act 1 has more content than any ARPG act BUT it feels like ''checklist gameplay': Having to complete a list of all dungeons/side quests/altars/etc in each zone. How fun is redoing this each season?

-Druid gameplay is clucky, sorcerer is smooth

-Class balance is a disaster: Dungeons are 10 times easier with sorcerer than druid. POE is an extremely well balance game in comparison. But on the other hand cant we expect finetuned balance during development.

-Color pallet feels too grayish but game also has a ton of atmosphere

-Character and outfit customization is GREAT, by far the best of any ARPG, nothing comes close BUT gear stats don't excite me, feel boring.

I will buy this game but I buy any ARPG that remotely interests me. Hard to judge this game at this time.

hoho D3,D2r,DImmortal,D4 they trying lol.
-Official Forum Dweller-
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Agree with most OP wrote.

I found Lillith interesting, and would like to know more about her, so that is a pro for me.

I never cared much for D3 endgame, and am not sure D4 will be significantly different. Still doubting whether I will buy it on release, maybe I will buy it when its on discount to just do the "campaign".
D4 is for those who can't read or write and are happy with that.

Ivanovv83 wrote:
D4 is for those who can't read or write

Jesus this is so toxic. I mean wtf?
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
DarthSki44 wrote:
Ivanovv83 wrote:
D4 is for those who can't read or write

Jesus this is so toxic. I mean wtf?

To quote some rando on here, DO NOT ENGAGE.
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
grepman wrote:
Ivanovv83 wrote:
Lazy remake of d3 with almost no changes to the shitty boring gameplay...

Verdict: 3/10 at best..

The combat was one good thing in d3 even though it was more of an arcade.

D4 combat is worse than d3. It feels clunky and not smooth button mashing. Raiz actually has a good video in which he explains what exactly feels off (animation canceling and unable to cast skills after moving, hard to explain).

D4 couldn't compete with real arpgs we already knew that. But it can't compete with lost ark either. The combat is a$$ compared to lost ark.

So a more grounded, slower, more methodical combat is worse than abstracted rainbow spam? Ok.

Not to mention, in D3 at some points of progression you'd bash sth for 3 minutes to bring the HP down. In D4 a 2H mace send standard enemies flying with basic attacks. Sure they sacrificed the whole rpg thing for that heh, but the point is, they did it for the sake of meaningful moment to moment combat. Yet it's worse, apparently.

Last but not least, where does PoE combat stand on that list? First 15 levels of D4, I had to constantly mind the enemy attacks, position, dodge, plan the heals etc. PoE I play ruthless now (with trade but I don't) and still first 30 levels I just deleted everything 1 skill at a time, if sth tougher came I stood next to it and bludgeoned while spamming life potion (which in D4 would get me killed straight away). Is this better combat? Genuine question.
Last edited by Rabarbar_Lichy on Mar 28, 2023, 3:28:57 PM

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