3.19.0d Patch Notes (restartless)

looking how they changed some harvest crafting 10k -> 4k or so, shows that GGG don't know what they are doing, they are just throwing numbers at us and doing iterations like some math or calculus test, they actually don't have the slightest idea what kind of value it should be, are you guys THAT short on QA in your development? PLAY. YOUR. FRIGGING. GAME. BEFORE. RELEASING. IT.

Last edited by Dragoon_Diver on Aug 24, 2022, 9:43:46 AM
Go back on everything you have done in 3.19 and then we will talk.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
Every streamer I follow is quitting.
Game is dying.
Revert to 3.18

...and if anyone reading this thinks its fine, you don't understand how items crafted by the top players feed the gear for those below. When that dies the game dies.
"very impactful"
32:9 support back pls
The Black bars feel like im playing Diablo 2 ;(
Last edited by kouze on Aug 24, 2022, 9:52:13 AM
Main problem is after fighting a rare twat in harvest you get nothing!!!
And so in way many mods, it's stupid that a unique mob dies in seconds while rare mobs survives 4-5 minutes.

When i see an OP mob i just walk away, it's a waste of time
Was playing some juicey Maps in Standard with my MF Legacy Quantity Gear.

Yeah, it was empty. Ur changes was probably useless, just fix other league mechanics back to where it belongs. I don't want to run heist or blight for a "LITTLE" bit Currency or gear. Even Archnemesis dropping nothing but emptyness.

It breaks my heart, u will soon see what happens to our beloved game. Because the Community is way stronger than you. :)
drops are still terrible, the modifiers showing up on the rares in maps are still awful 60% of the playerbase already gone, too little to late im afraid.
Still bad please ggg do something to make your game fun again and don´t focus all balance changes around your vision of the game it´s not worth destroying such a nice game just becouse of a vision!!!!

I still have hope that this league can be saved if you just revert the changes to item quantity and apologize but if you don´t do something along those lines I think this league is ruined and if noving changes untill 3.20 it´s gonna ruin your game.

Yust look how many content creators already are quitting the league and when those are gone a lot of players won´t know how to farm currency or which build to play so in conclusion one could say that after the content creators are gone it´s just going to be a matter of time until a large percentage of the player base of your game is also gone! So please give us more so I can continue to play this fundamentally awsome game.
Bentic wrote:
As a lot of people pointed out these days, they give a little and really only a little back and we have to eat this as "we are hearing you". in fact they got in what they wanted. Massively nerfs and disrespect to your fun and time.

Stop playing and skip the next league if you want the game to be like before 3.19.

Don't forget to change your steam review to negative. We will not eat your shit anymore GGG.

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