widescreen resolution removed from the game.


What advantage is there? They still get the same loot drops the rest of us do.

re: loot

...you can literally see loot that others can't. hence, why i mentioned delve, where this is most obvious.

so you're getting more loot (vs missed chests/etc), more efficient loot (less wasted time), or both.

come on. it's one thing to want to play in 32:9 and it's another to pretend it brings no advantage.
[Removed by Support]
"Your forum signature was removed as it was considered to be inappropriate and a breach of our Code of Conduct."

...it was quotes. from the forum. lolz!
onexxx wrote:
robmafia wrote:

it certainly gives advantages, especially in maps that are more horizontal and in instances like delve, where you'll have a much greater fov to see what is (or isn't) ahead.

at its core, it was/is supposed to be competitive. but i do agree that this hasn't really been the case for ages and matters much less now. damn near everyone who embraced the competitiveness already quit.

the pvp/racing arguments were only really mentioned to refute claims that wide resolutions were never complained about before... despite actually being some of the oldest complaints. the most relevant that pvp has to this is ironic (they can't just increase aggro range to adjust to the resolution due to invisible projectiles [proj go invisible beyond some range while they're still actually active, it's been a bane of pvp for ages] which would murder the shit out of you in quite unfair ways. so ggg's basically stuck with a series of bad solutions due to being unable/unwilling to fix that bug.

On a real 32:9 ultrawide display,it does not give an advantage. Not in Delve, not in mapping. As I said (and others said too with LoL), a wider field of view also mean more distracting/irrevelant informations on screen. It mostly is thoses irrevelent infos that draws your attention, and make you lose focus of the important and closer ones.
I understand that it may seem unintuitive at first, but that is obvious after several maps on this kind of displays.

So I really hope that GGG just revert it, 32:9 players would neither be bothered by the action range of the mouse, nor some idle mobs or visual glitches at the edges. We just want to play with a greater immersion.

random bold words doesn't refute anything and lolz @ even arguing that useful information not only is not helpful - but is a liability. get real.
[Removed by Support]
"Your forum signature was removed as it was considered to be inappropriate and a breach of our Code of Conduct."

...it was quotes. from the forum. lolz!
robmafia wrote:

What advantage is there? They still get the same loot drops the rest of us do.

re: loot

...you can literally see loot that others can't. hence, why i mentioned delve, where this is most obvious.

so you're getting more loot (vs missed chests/etc), more efficient loot (less wasted time), or both.

come on. it's one thing to want to play in 32:9 and it's another to pretend it brings no advantage.

Every time you make a useless argument here you are bumping our thread.

We appreciate that.
XeoTech wrote:

Every time you make a useless argument here you are bumping our thread.

We appreciate that.

holy crap, it went from the 2nd most recent to the most recent! THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!

'every fact-based argument that BTFOs my claim is useless'

lolz @ thinking ggg cares about how recent this thread is or how many posts are in it or that this forum even exists
[Removed by Support]
"Your forum signature was removed as it was considered to be inappropriate and a breach of our Code of Conduct."

...it was quotes. from the forum. lolz!
Why are people feeding the troll?

Also, bump.
robmafia wrote:

come on. it's one thing to want to play in 32:9 and it's another to pretend it brings no advantage.

I don't have a widescreen monitor, but my most active friend does, and I doubt he'll be playing again.

I do wonder why you think 21:9 is fair if 32:9 isn't though, but I guess you're mostly just trolling.
robmafia wrote:

come on. it's one thing to want to play in 32:9 and it's another to pretend it brings no advantage.

I don't have a widescreen monitor, but my most active friend does, and I doubt he'll be playing again.

I do wonder why you think 21:9 is fair if 32:9 isn't though, but I guess you're mostly just trolling.

It gave me an advantage, A pretty big one, I didn't really exploit it too much since i do a lot of minions but if i were on a bow farming build, ggez bro's.

I didn't like the change either, I'm over it though and im surprised it took GGG this long to put their foot down.

Wouldn't say no to some kind of fix or compromise i did lose a bit of immersion.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Sep 8, 2022, 3:05:30 AM
To the top!

Fix it, GGG.

Pretending 32:9 is an advantage that should be prevented, but 21:9 and 240Hz displays are OK is the silliest nonsense I've ever heard in my life.
Last edited by Zucktheduck on Sep 8, 2022, 8:29:07 AM
Zucktheduck wrote:
To the top!

Fix it, GGG.

Pretending 32:9 is an advantage that should be prevented, but 21:9 and 240Hz displays are OK is the silliest nonsense I've ever heard in my life.

I love how people think POE is a top tier competitive eSports game with wallstreet investors.

"bUt tHe AdVaNtAgE!" "OmG lEaGuE sTaRtS aRe So CoMpEtItIvE"

These people should have bigger things to worry about than someone with a 32:9 monitor having an advantage over you. Try 6 man parties who will literally shit on you without even trying. They make exponentially more currency than you will ever make as a solo player. Even two man parties, can get the exponential jump on a solo player. Literally has nothing to do with computer hardware. You can have a six man group running 1024x768 resolution on a vintage CRT. They will always be at the top tier of the economy with the real advantage.

This has been going on for years, even with 32:9 and ultrawide. Nobody has ever complained about it until now, because it literally was not an issue. Now all the trolls come out of the woodwork like our homeboy here in this thread. These people are just trolling and white knighting because they like to aggravate people and they get their rocks off doing it.
Last edited by XeoTech on Sep 8, 2022, 10:32:37 AM
XeoTech wrote:
Zucktheduck wrote:
To the top!

Fix it, GGG.

Pretending 32:9 is an advantage that should be prevented, but 21:9 and 240Hz displays are OK is the silliest nonsense I've ever heard in my life.

I love how people think POE is a top tier competitive eSports game with wallstreet investors.

"bUt tHe AdVaNtAgE!" "OmG lEaGuE sTaRtS aRe So CoMpEtItIvE"

These people should have bigger things to worry about than someone with a 32:9 monitor having an advantage over you. Try 6 man parties who will literally shit on you without even trying. They make exponentially more currency than you will ever make as a solo player. Even two man parties, can get the exponential jump on a solo player. Literally has nothing to do with computer hardware. You can have a six man group running 1024x768 resolution on a vintage CRT. They will always be at the top tier of the economy with the real advantage.

There isn't one real argument in this thread for the removal of 32:9, and I can't believe GGG is acting this foolish and out of touch with reality.
Last edited by Zucktheduck on Sep 8, 2022, 10:34:23 AM

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