Post aura rage here. I will lock any other aura thread I see.

Russell wrote:
OldeSchool wrote:
Khodar wrote:
No rage, i'm fine either way.

But i still think GGG should implement it as a graphics option. I mean they have the assets for both high/low, why not use them?

Despite the rather presumptive title, this thread has remained fairly civil. Nice work to those who chose the high road.

Though it seems an ideal solution at first glance, I see the potential problems with implementing a toggle, not the least of which would be the task of maintaining two separate (and radically different) groups of effects. High res/low res is one thing, but old aura / new aura setting would be problematic IMO.

The bigger picture here is the art direction of the game; the new auras are clearly a departure from what we'd known (and makes me wonder why presumably the same person/group now hating on the "disco balls" built them that way in the first place...if it was indeed he/they who did). The detail inside the little spinny aura things (sorry for the graphical techno-speak) is very well done, but loses its punch when viewed at full-out zoom. As I have said before, the new auras' bright colours and sharp lines are not in keeping with Wraclast's traditional "look", and I wonder if this is the onset of a new direction insofar as art style. I, for one, hope not, as it was the washed-out, desolate, organic feel that drew me here, and keeps me here.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I sense that there's more afoot here than just a simple aura makeover.

No I just made the original auras in about 1 day with random textures I found around the place and 0 thought. I pretty much had 2 particles emitters that spun around. So what I did was this. Hmmmm this aura seems like it needs to be green. What green particle textures do we have around. These look glowy and sparky I guess (mash them all together into one particle emitter). Cool done. Next. Its kinda funny and cool that people thought I put so much thought and work into them when they were possibly the quickest most rushed effects in the game xD. Curses were also being made in the same kind of manner. They will be most certainly getting a reboot to look more like the reduce elemental resistance curses at some point. Time is a demon.

We are not changing the art direction no. We are just making auras take a back seat as we have always found them far to intrusive. We just never had the time to fix them. I may desaturate the haste and energy shield aura a little. As they are quite saturated and look toony because of it. I know people like big glowy stuff that covers the entire character. However that doesn't meet our vision of what we want our characters to look like(yes I know some of the character micro transactions have been glowy as hell).Also im pretty sure armour reworks are coming at some point. I know some unique 3d models have also been made. They still need to be bound to all the characters though (fat load of grind work for Sav). So hopefully in the future we will have some cool armours. Now with the auras fixed you will actually be able to see that armour.... when it comes : <

Bleh I suck at writing :P

Yes you do. :)

But i kinda like what some one said about a middle ground. I love the new auras but obviously some guys dont. Not sure why there is so much love for the old auras. Dont think any of them had determination + haste + purity combined or 5+ auras at once. That just looked way of.

But i dont really think the auras are the prio one in the GFX department.
Probably should work on those dark hoods with a small dark aura around them.

When a banker jumps out of a window, jump after him, that's where the money is.
Last edited by Xpire on Apr 10, 2013, 11:19:36 AM
Old auras were so much better. And for fucks sake my skeleton totem still locks me up for 1-2 seconds on first cast.

new auras + skele totem fix = no changes at all (aside from ugly auras).


epic whining detected over 29pages in this thread...

Price increases is inflation yesterday. Money printing is inflation today. Deficit spending is inflation tomorrow

xSleMMx wrote:
epic whining detected over 29pages in this thread...

Troll above.
I know people like big glowy stuff that covers the entire character.

I don't. From day ONE, I thought that one of the worst art issues in this game was the fact that stacking auras turned everyone into walking disco balls. You've done the right thing with this change, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Hardcore 4 life!
It's been a couple of days since the change. I've learned to deal with the new auras.

I went from running three auras to running none.

Yesterday I used purity for a couple of fights but after that I ran with nothing.

A week ago I loved getting new auras. Today I am playing without any. Who knew?!
- Rose

Perandus, Hardcore, Standard, and Races
Solo - Self-Found, since Jan 2013
I like the new auras.
Hope we can get an option for the old auras
+1 Graphics Option
Wise words buff -> balance <- nerf , need to happen , deal with it
I do honestly believe that the old aura's look significantly better then what they are presently. I due suggest that Grinding Gear Games begins to either reinstate the old aura's or simply ad an option for those who have the computer power to run the frames per second with 7 auras applied at a time.

I had just started an Elemental Wander Templar. One of the perks of running this Templar was to run 7 auras, in the effect, it made the character stand out and made me look simply "cooler" then without the auras.

However, now they simply look bland, boring and uninteresting. They do not appeal to me nearly as much as they used to. But this might be a probable cause of change. But my opinion can definitely derive in this scenario that the change to the auras have made me divert my attention to attempting to make an Elemental Wander to make a different Character. One of the reasons that I wanted to run the Templar was to make him look buffed out with all the "cool" auras, but now it seems pointless.

Now they're are a few options... Grinding Gear Games can reapply the old auras. Or create some form of Graphical Option ( if possible ) to allow those player who can run all the auras and a decent frame rate should be aloud to do so.

Auras = High/Low

Low = The current auras
High = Old auras

I don't know if adding a Graphical Option for the Aura would be necessarily difficult. But I would suggest to either let fans know it is impossible or reapply the old auras.


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