Content Update 3.16.0 -- Path of Exile: Scourge

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Deicidasum wrote:
No general skill gem balance changes?

Ya.....where is this at?
BEST LEAGUE SO FAR :)) Awesome changes GGG !
Best patch notes in years.
I only missed molten strike nerf.
Can we get some mechanics info on the new Energy Blades gem?

My guess is we replace the damage of our weapon with the damage of the gem (correct me if I am wrong and it adds). But do we lose other stats such as "increased global crit chance" from a dagger implicit?

Edit (another question): It seems like we can use this with wands. Would we still benefit from the Wandslinger notable passive?

Awesome reveal and patch notes, don't know how you got all of this done in under 3 months.
Last edited by Deadseeds on Oct 14, 2021, 5:50:09 PM
"Spectral Shield Throw now has a base Attack Time of 0.65 seconds at all gem levels (previously 0.7-0.6 seconds). Now has 3 to 4 Added Physical Damage per 15 Armour or Evasion Rating on Shield at gem level 1 (previously 4 to 5), up to 5 to 7 at gem level 20 (previously 6 to 8). Now deals 47 to 70 Base Off Hand Physical Damage at gem level 1 (previously 58 to 86), up to 203 to 304 at gem level 20 (previously 399 to 599).
The Merciless Labyrinth Enchantment for Spectral Shield Throw now grants “Spectral Shield Throw Fires 2 additional projectiles” (previously 3). Existing items with this Enchantment are unaffected.
The Eternal Labyrinth Enchantment for Spectral Shield Throw now grants “Spectral Shield Throw Fires 3 additional projectiles” (previously 5). Existing items with this Enchantment are unaffected."

Typical. I'm not even Mad anymore. I'm just sad and tired.
Is the Poisonous Concoction mod that adds 3% of life recovery based on what you would recover from the flask (affected by passive tree, belt mods, etc) or the base amount of the flask?
Another document detailing the decay of the game into shovelware.
GGG refuses to buff Melee and gives every surivability tool to Spell/Ranged/Minion Builds because they dont play the game or at least melee themself.
[Removed by Support]
-The Truth
Also will there ever be an addition of Perandus in the future? I understand why Prophecy and Talisman were removed, but Perandus had good rewards and if you simply buffed the atlas nodes to 5 choices instead of 3 it would have been meta again, and it seems a lot easier to keep in since there's little opportunity cost to keeping it in compared to the other two?

Expedition is great and I can understand why it replaces Perandus, but my 25k coins in standard aren't going to be happy about this!

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