Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

I dare you, make a forum or fb poll about that change.

Your design team do not know what playerbase wants. This text about slaming chaos and exalts is a sad joke.
This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

This is so beyond fucked. Normal players don't have this sentiment. Normal players don't like having weeks or even months of their game bricked. [Removed by Support] I hope that you lot can manage to unfuck it all with poe2
Last edited by Nichelle_GGG on Mar 11, 2021, 8:46:06 AM
I have been playing longer than usual this league due to harvest. Being level 100 on HC for weeks just to complete my crafting projects. I can say for certain that the HC league will be dead when this update hits. I can understand the change in some way, and a change must be made, but why in the middle of the league?

Why shut down the league with this update? And what harm does a few OP-items do when the league ends anyways? It will be in a stash somewhere and never be used again. And maybe just a showcase to show friends in the game.

For this league crazy items have already been made and its to late. This update will most likely ruin it for people that loves crafting and people dont get to experince the fun with Harvest because they started late or cause they play a few hours a week.

-A crafter with a job that had fun being able to craft even outside of the 0.001% club.
Try to play your own game, spend 2h to farming 1 shitty t2 seeds harvest then nerf smth.

Hoped its about giving us harvest orbs or smth...

thanks for nerf.

Last edited by Gnbb on Mar 10, 2021, 6:29:13 PM
"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

You know that people that exalt items are just the 1% and the SSF guys? Otherwise no one do it, because it's a big currency for a really low chance to get anything good.
Harvest is a great mechanic for people that can't play all day, like me, can get good items.
Doing it is a big mistake, I thought you changed after a great league like this one, but I guess the mistakes from the last few years keep happening...
It only benefits the 1% that control the market, since all their expensive items will be even more expensive.

Like some people said here, let it as it is now and bind the item to the account or something if you want to nerf it, don't break the entire thing.
xweezyfbaby3x wrote:
Awful decision based on out of touch super outdated information.
Anyone should be able to have fun crafting not just the top 1%.
People have lives and jobs to do. We simply cannot play a video game non-stop for a whole day no matter how good it is.

No one misses or wants to go back to the days of pure RNG crafting.
That was never enjoyable, will never be enjoyable, and is something that isn't in tune with western audiences/markets.

Please take steps forward not backward.

Thanks but no thanks.

Please make a statue to this guy.
Path of Exile's Item Philosophy
At its core, Path of Exile is a game about the acquisition of powerful items.

It's also important that items are hard to perfect.

Some mods that had overly-deterministic behaviour have been removed. These include all annulment mods (other than the ones that remove a mod that isn't of a specific type before adding one of that type),

everybody will use maven orbs as inf-targeted annuls in this scenario, plan for 100ex+ maven orb costs, invest now!
"Why would I use a regular Exalted/Divine/Annul Orb when I can get one through Harvest that has a deterministic result?"

We warned you so mamy times about how bad was the idea to create competition to the game currency, and the way to fix this mess with the PoE economy was that Harvest interactions should ask for currency (i.e. Removing XXX mod should require the seed + 3 annuls).

It's been pretty obvious, even before Harvest league release.

You're ruining it.

xweezyfbaby3x wrote:
Awful decision based on out of touch super outdated information.
Anyone should be able to have fun crafting not just the top 1%.
People have lives and jobs to do. We simply cannot play a video game non-stop for a whole day no matter how good it is.

No one misses or wants to go back to the days of pure RNG crafting.
That was never enjoyable, will never be enjoyable, and is something that isn't in tune with western audiences/markets.

Please take steps forward not backward.

Thanks but no thanks.
this!!! please GGG, read this!
GGG, please, stop doing 1 step ahead and 2 back. Its normal to every game evolution that the game increases its power or else people would get stuck in the past and you would never maintain your player base.

You should be looking for balancing the power spike to met the game evolution and not cutting it down on legs because you think its better based on some opinions or so. (You already did it when skipped harvest at Heist based on some dumb streamers opinions)

There are tons of improvements to be made on the actual state of the game that if you focus on them, you wouldn't even need to spend hell's of energy and time creating new content/mechanics every league.

Just some reflections to be made.


Spoiler alert: 1.14 starts to tend to a complete failure.

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