Path of Exile: Heist Balance Manifesto

two leagues in a row nerfing ball lightning, stop plz
Thanks GGG

(sorry Nifa)
So you're nerfing all my defensive builds in one patch? You're crazy or what? You don't like huge damege, now you don't like any defence. The only thing you want is players to die all the time. Not sure i'm continuing with this sh*tty game...
As if crafting wasn't difficult enough now its going to be even more tough to learn. they really should simplify crafting or atleast make it easier for newer players. ive been playing for around 2 years and i still am not able to learn crafting after watching so many videos.
Really hate Maven as a boss and its mechanics! pls give us something cool like Elder/Shaper
How come there's almost only nerfs in the balance manifesto? It would seem likely that there's at least as many interactions that are underwhelming as there are things needing nerfs. It would make reading the balance manifesto a bit more interesting.
How come they nerf meta things right when i wan't to try but they didn't got touched for 3 leagues
See is what I'm interested in is the forking + return aspect... most things in end-game will die in 1-2 hits due to wanting to clear quickly, but what about bosses? if 1 projectile forks into say 5 and then return, will all five hit the same target again or will only one hit?
A heavy nerfhammer strikes back
"War's over, soldier. You just don't know it yet. Everybody lost."
Nassko wrote:
So you're nerfing all my defensive builds in one patch? You're crazy or what? You don't like huge damege, now you don't like any defence. The only thing you want is players to die all the time. Not sure i'm continuing with this sh*tty game...

People complete all the content just fine without Offerings, Divine Flesh, Glancing Blows or Enduring Cry...

Why would you make a post like this and not have the old numbers and the new numbers together?

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