Patch 3.11.1f Deployment and Full Patch Notes

Thank you.
IGN: JerleNecroDD/JerleNecroRuthless
Harvest is the BEST league EVER. Deterministic crafting ftw.
How will POE2 and POE coexist?
I wonder if the people complaining about bloom even read what's posted or tried it on slight, I've had no issue's with anything after I changed that setting. It's also been explained that it is impossible to turn bloom off but there are still complaints about it. There will never be an option or ability to set it to 0. Keep up the good work GGG.
Messages intended to be sent to a Global Chat Channel which contain "WTS" will now automatically change the chat window to a Trade Chat Channel. This has been done in a way which should not affect legitimate words that end in 'wts', such as newts.

I'm sorry but I can tell you straight away that I will end up hating this as I often use WTS in a joking manner which isn't ment for trade chat.

I just wish you would implement a chat system similar to what EvE-online did (think it's IRC based) where you can claim ownership of a channel, add moderators, and maintain it for a specific purpose.
In game contact @MajorAsshole

Challenge T-Shirt: 4/6 | Full Challenge Totems: 21/27
boredom529 wrote:
I wonder if the people complaining about bloom even read what's posted or tried it on slight, I've had no issue's with anything after I changed that setting. It's also been explained that it is impossible to turn bloom off but there are still complaints about it. There will never be an option or ability to set it to 0. Keep up the good work GGG.

No it isn't. You can easily modify the GGPK file to disable bloom..
Thanks for fixing the bloom effects, the flashlight in the mine were killing me.
arrowedknees wrote:
SHE TURNED ME INTO A NEWT(s)! got better.
Can we now also please get a toggle for all the other post-processing effects that aren't bloom?

I mean all the various scene warps that look like shockwaves. Like, even Mines have this little wobbly effect around them when you're dropping them. I hate these kind of effects and disable them in every single game, and used to disable them in PoE too when post-processing toggle existed.
Last edited by Derptime on Aug 17, 2020, 7:28:36 PM
can't i just disable the damn thing?
I feel shield charge is way op, seems to even do damage to the operating system every league and need to be patched.
finally i can put my sun glasses aside again playing poe, thx :)

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