Content Update 3.11.0 -- Path of Exile: Harvest

menchop wrote:
With all due respect and love for GGG:

We have those extremely OP builds like self-curse, herald stacking, huge mana pool + lightning spells, SNIPE+ bleed, and all that shit...
You allow that to be present in the league for a long time and then, in order to "balance", you nerf starforge, the only viable endgame 2h sword.
Seriously, wtf is wrong with you?

Why would you wait 4 months to re-balance the entire game? You keep on failing everytime you try it.
You call it "balance", but it´s just an undercover META change. What a bunch of crap...

You really don´t balance anything, you are just forcing the playerbase to change their functional builds in order to try new ridiculously OP shit in the new league. This process keeps going.

Not everyone has time, or wants to create new characters, level them, and face endgame content periodically.

For god´s sake: give standard some love, balance your game (with REAL balance, not that crap you call balance).

I NEVER play meta-builds, but my builds get nerfed anyway cause you don´t like standard. NO WAY BRO.

PD: You have killed dual weilding.

They nerf uniques because they want rares to be uncontested best in slot. You know, to enforce the heavy RNG dependency of this game even further :'(
Wissle wrote:
haniii1 wrote:
Why do you guys need to nerf chaos damage that much? it doesnt make any sense since chaos dot damage is already weak compared to other builds

I didn't catch that, what happens/happened to chaos damage?

Does anyone know what the new "to the goddess" items do? Is there another lab now? Or better rewards? Or...

Pretty sure the chaos damage thing was sarcasm, as they didn't touch it at all and it is very safe to play.

The new Goddess items change lab rewards. Just an incentive to run lab more.
I would be weary of the disgruntlement this league is bringing. We are at a time in the world where a lot of players have time... to find other interests... when you should have vested in having them investing it in your league.

I am standing this one out... actually, won't bother with this game until POE 2 is released... we'll see if this gamble pays off in this end.

GGG, even your advertisers (streamers) could not fake enthousiasm promoting this league... throwing in a laptop and a helm skin won't do much for you now.

Looking through the comments, a lot of disgruntled people were very faithful pack supporters... I am not sure you need less money and less players to develop the 2nd installment...

Chris, your recycling formula is running on fumes.
Mom help they made the game harder!!!!!
I really hope that the removal of summon spectral wolf skill on the Scourge is just a stepping stone to turn it into a serious skill.
Be concerned about the increases and then reduction to unique weapons. I hope they didn't overdue it and it's still it would be better to use dual wielding etc

Instead of nerfing Dual-Wielding and Crit multi, are you ever gonna nerf summoners ?...

Summoners are broken, for the investment and effort. Way too easy
Affliction and Necropolis are the worst leagues ever to exist. The current game design and direction is atrocious.
Bring back the War Bringer ascendancy, or add your exterted shinanigans on top.
For anyone not wanting to play melee as a Berserker the ascendancy is gone straight to hell thanks to this.

It has been the worst ascendancy class for years, then there was finally some improvement with the cyclone league and now you kick everything back into the bucket?

Return enduring cry to it's former values and the argument to destroy war bringer is gone. Also no more mana management for Berserkers, the only thing the class had going for it in quality of life.

Killing Berserker build diversity and forcing your melee exclusive play style meta agenda is not THE WAY.

No more supporter packs until fixed, seriously.
Last edited by Psykrom on Jun 18, 2020, 8:08:22 PM
GGG: were gonna buff melee and 2 handers
Also GGG: Nerf the better 2 hander weps and cyclone for reasons....
Also GGG: ....Remember last league we increased phys res on monsters.....

GGG get your shit together hundreds of skills and you continue to shrink the viable builds more and more and more
Toss a Chaos to your Leader
OH Red Maps a Plenty
oh Red Maps a Plenty
Toss a Chaos to your Leader
Hey GGG, uninstall yourself and try again with better balancing, fucking embarrassing.

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