Solution to EXP loss/Death Penalty that wont make everyone angry

Fruz wrote:
A logical fallacy that a primary school kid could likely understand was pointed out.
If anybody's intellect was "hurt" in the process, it's too bad, but it can't be helped.

PS : the word "justify" does not necessarily go with "argument" lol, putting words in other people's mouths now, good job. point stands.

The issue with your post here is with one tiny little detail.

A logical fallacy was pointed out was based on a made up statements i never made. But i guess it too hard for you grasp.

In theory what he said is correct and i am glad he, and maybe you know the basic logic. Too bad i didn't actually say what he valiantly disproved.

But you know don't let facts get in the way of your imagination.
Fruz wrote:

PS : the word "justify" does not necessarily go with "argument" lol, putting words in other people's mouths now, good job. point stands.

I went and checked, you did not infact put them together. I stand corrected.

You see when you are able actually justify your stuff i have no issues agreeing when i was wrong.

That said you did put them together with video game and it was directed at a direct insult to my intelect not about video game.
Deathfairy wrote:
Fruz wrote:

PS : the word "justify" does not necessarily go with "argument" lol, putting words in other people's mouths now, good job. point stands.

I went and checked, you did not infact put them together. I stand corrected.

You see when you are able actually justify your stuff i have no issues agreeing when i was wrong.

That said you did put them together with video game and it was directed at a direct insult to my intelect not about video game.

Not that i dislike my thread being perma-bumped but could you try using edit instead of double/triple posting :D?

also are any of you actually attempting to discuss the topic at hand or is this just a pissing in the wind contest lol?

Please everyone i made this topic for the majority of users who did not have a proper direction to funnel their frustrations into since when one is angry they rarely think clearly, It is a solution hardcore players and standard players really have no business to fight against, There's only one thing i think maybe fruz posted it about people taking the path of least resistance and the potential for the majority once in an easier mode that GGG would focus on them for the games development/balance.

^this is silly however because while yes initially many people will take the path of least resistance they tend to get better if they keep playing and MANY would be attracted to play higher difficulty's such as Standard and Hardcore, This would also provide a landing ground for LITERAL NEW PLAYERS many of which quit this game without ever understanding how to do much of anything, If you were to combine the 3 game difficulty/game modes with the RNG changes i posted several times here then it would work beautifuly as people would be enticed by better drops encouraging more people to play hardcore and standard over softcore.

Many people think this thread is about ME WANTING THIS, i do not want this but a big majority of people do have serious issues with the xp loss and i challenge ANYONE to come up with any other realistic idea that won't make everyone else angry who likes the game how it is.

Innocence forgives you
It divides the playerbase even more. Over such a minor difference in gameplay.

And can we stop with this stupid shit about "boo hoo I have a family and jerb, we're the ones with the money so do this for us". This is so desperate, selfish, and cringe. And I'm saying that as someone who also has a family and works a full time job.
.also are any of you actually attempting to discuss the topic at hand or is this just a pissing in the wind contest lol?

Pissing in the wind contest.
yamface wrote:
It divides the playerbase even more. Over such a minor difference in gameplay.

And can we stop with this stupid shit about "boo hoo I have a family and jerb, we're the ones with the money so do this for us". This is so desperate, selfish, and cringe. And I'm saying that as someone who also has a family and works a full time job.

I'm not one of the people this would affect in a positive way, not boo-hooing about not having enough time or any of that either, I sympathize with those people however its a bit late in the game to be changing everything to suit working class folks at the level they would like as many modern mmorpg do these days with their cancerous dailys and what not.

Sometimes i think everyone would rather watch a house burn down with a bunch of people inside screaming asking them to open the door so they can get out but arguing about how to open the door correctly and thus everyone + the house burned into ash.

^its a shitty example but that's mostly whats going on here, a lot of arguing about pointless crap and mostly by people who don't really care about anyone but themselves, Of course not everyone here is like that but holy crap can we come up with some solutions to problems?

Hardcore players/Standard players QQ'ing about how it would split the player base as if hardcore and standard aren't essentially dead as they are now anyway.


Too many new players quit way too early before learning how this game works and how to play it

Softcore league gives new players a softer landing into the complex world of POE allowing them to reach the highest levels with much less punishment.

without facilitating better player retention at the low skill level we are going to keep dwindling on the high end too.. I was incomprehensibly bad at this game for quite a while in standard but eventually as i got better i started doing leagues/races/hardcore and the same will be true for many

This would not destroy the game as much as it would help it under 1 simple condition that Softcore does NOT affect the game balance.. imo (HARDCORE should be the standard of balance for the ENTIRE GAME)
Innocence forgives you
I will bet everything that standard/hardcore has at least double digit percent representation. Everytime I die in hc I see a ton of chat flooding in standard. It's not dead at all and this shouldn't be used to counter against the division argument... because the "standard/hardcore is dead" claim isn't true.

The exp penalty has nothing to do with player retention. Like seriously where did you even get this from? Most players don't even make it past a1 brutus. The problem is obviously not exp loss.
yamface wrote:
I will bet everything that standard/hardcore has at least double digit percent representation. Everytime I die in hc I see a ton of chat flooding in standard. It's not dead at all and this shouldn't be used to counter against the division argument... because the "standard/hardcore is dead" claim isn't true.

The exp penalty has nothing to do with player retention. Like seriously where did you even get this from? Most players don't even make it past a1 brutus. The problem is obviously not exp loss.

Global 1 maybe and it only takes a small handful of people to make that one channel seem active.

Division argument? Hardcore players are not gonna suddenly go to Softcore because its so easy LOL

and standard players? most of the ones that were here for a while are never leaving that either they have too much stuff

..but new players who mass-ragequit all the time and more frequently than you'd like to admit because of that exp penalty and you can see it with all the threads that get posted.. For every single unique bitch thread about EXP loss you can equate a % of the playerbase to that single post as only a small fraction even bother posting here once++.

^to say exp penalty has nothing to do with player retention is absolutely wrong and likely driven by the fact that you play the LEAST populated gamemode in POE, must seem packed in standard.. But as someone who's played standard longer than i have leagues i can safely tell you its pretty damned dead, sure i got a good handful of friends that still play there but its nothing like it was 5 years ago lol not even close.

They are the majority and if anyone doesn't like that... find a new game to play, This solution is for them not me and most certainly NOT YOU.
No offense^

If the RNG were reduced in Softcore, normal in standard, and increased in hardcore it would also encourage people to try harder difficultys to get better loot and naturally over time hardcore would start seeing more players and support again as well as standard.

If you can't see how its all connected then i don't know what to tell any of you.

so this question is looming now:

why do you a hardcore player care what casual players do?

why do you a hardcore player think the "division" you speak of will affect you or has anything to do with you?

Seriously outside of "this is the internet" why do you even care about this thread? really i would like to hear why so many hardcore players think they have so much to contribute in this thread.

It won't be taking users from hardcore.. A few might leave standard(wont hear me crying a storm) AND A LOT MORE THAT DID NOT QUIT MIGHT JOIN OUR NEARLY DEAD GAME-MODES down the road.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Feb 27, 2020, 10:30:48 PM
It's driven by the fact that I play sc and hc so I know what goes on in every league and I logged in standard just now and saw an immediate scrollbar of chat in global. /global 2. I see chat. /global 3. I see chat.

No it's not dead. Can we stop guessing the problem now?
yamface wrote:
It's driven by the fact that I play sc and hc so I know what goes on in every league and I logged in standard just now and saw an immediate scrollbar of chat in global. /global 2. I see chat. /global 3. I see chat.

No it's not dead. Can we stop guessing the problem now?

No you're wrong, You play Hardcore and Standard there is no Softcore not yet anyway and like i said just because the global chat isn't dead does not mean the game mode itself is not basically dead compared to what it used to be, the fact that you call Standard SC shows just how biased and diluted your opinion on this matter is, you could never be trusted to make a fair decision regarding casual players with your current logic.

And since when is hardcore/standard being dead the problem? it has literally nothing to do with this topic.. i only brought them up due to the positive side affect having a Softcore league/gamemode could potentially have on those higher difficulty options.

Answer my questions from the previous post in reply to you, offer something of actual substance besides (the global chat had people in it) right now is a shitty time to use it as an excuse as a lot of people are winding down from the league and testing builds in standard they do not represent the actual standard population even hardcore players do that, and of course most of them are chatting it up in global, bigggggg surprise.

Innocence forgives you

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