Content Update 3.8.0 -- Path of Exile: Blight

Jeeez sorry, I am braindead today.
Last edited by Varskar on Sep 4, 2019, 9:21:46 AM
PayneK wrote:
Exile009 wrote:
Also, did you seriously gut righteous fire? Herp derp this skill is the fastest clear speed for a tanky build let's kill it because we only want glass cannons. Oh yeah, this skill does less burning damage to everything but you! Hahahaha. Unless the skill is no longer secondary bullshit damage since I can see actual damage over time values so it will now have a duration tag without arcane surge and end up being affected by way more mods than before and actually do massivly more damage? In that case, ya burried the lead so deep that it's turned into a diamond.

They didn't guy RF, the changed it. They've made their intentions on that clear - they don't want RF players to benefit from having their primary offense and defense come from the same stat: life. There's lots of Fire Damage Over Time available now, and they expect you to get it. You'll probably end up with the same or even possibly higher damage, but less life cos of having to actually shift some of those life points into damage instead. You know, like every other build in the game...

He had a good point on GGG killing tanky builds in favour of glass cannons and your justification is that by investing all those life points into damage nodes you will have same damage like before but with less life.
WOW. You should work for GGG. You have the same clueless mentality on why a person would play a RF build in the first place.

Other builds make tanks without their skill building off of their life. So invest into defense, like they do aka "like every other build in the game..."
Exile009 wrote:

They didn't guy RF, the changed it. They've made their intentions on that clear - they don't want RF players to benefit from having their primary offense and defense come from the same stat: life. There's lots of Fire Damage Over Time available now, and they expect you to get it. You'll probably end up with the same or even possibly higher damage, but less life cos of having to actually shift some of those life points into damage instead. You know, like every other build in the game...

You clearly never played RF in your life. Fire damage over time mods do not affect Righteous Fire by itself.

*sigh* and you suck at reading patch notes, evidently. RF has a base DoT number now. Go back and actually read the notes, rather than someone's reaction to the notes. And here, some numbers by people who know how to react to change positively, or at least analytically -

Several Daggers are now classified as Rune Daggers. Daggers can no longer roll caster-related modifiers, while Rune Daggers retain their old mod generation behaviour.
Several Staves are now classified as Warstaves. Warstaves can no longer roll caster-related modifiers, while Staves retain their old mod generation behaviour.

So cheap & "easy" weapons for attack classes but a diluted drop-pool for caster-weapons to make those even more expensive? ... Sounds fair ... ._.
paduck00 wrote:
it is about mine throwing and a unique helm Scold's bridle.

if the mana cost of mine skills also reserves as much as the number of thrown mines (which are not detonated), can the action of throwing mine trigger the 400% of mana cost as physical damage on character?

i wish someone tell me the answer of it because it is super super super important for my build.

Mana reservation isn't typically considered the same as mana cost. Could be wrong with all the changes, though. I'd ask such specific questions as a separate post on either the Gameplay Help sub-forum or Reddit. It'll just get quickly lost on this post, due to the high number of reactions here.
Last edited by Exile009 on Sep 4, 2019, 9:30:59 AM
Goodbay my reckoning, riposte, vengance gladiator you last at least 1 league!
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
The toxicity towards the game is stunning. I for one love Changes although I do not always agree with them.
Keep doing your thing GGG. Don’t lose the balls that made me stick with it in the first place. Much love and see you in 3.8!
Varskar wrote:
mic01851165 wrote:
POE end game is delve. It's equivalent to GR in D3.

Delve is gated behind sulphite, greater rifts are not.

mic01851165 wrote:
Some people has climbed to 3500~4000, which takes more skills than Diable GR

With infinite attempts, while in GRs, when you fail that juicy one, you may never find another like that.

Thank you for demonstrating you barely delve. Got it.

You said gated behind sulphite then you mention infinite attempts. Way to contradict yourself.

Also it shows that you probably never join a Sulphite rotation before.

It's like saying climbing GR doesn't require some grind too lolz..

Oh well, no point arguing with Delve newbs.
I understand the concern/disdain regarding zombiemancer build users (I use one myself), but don't you think calling the build "dead" is a bit too soon considering:

- We don't know the detailed changes to the passive tree yet.

We've added and improved many minion passive skills on the passive skill tree.

That's all we know regarding the passive tree. Disciple of the Forbidden, Golem Commander, Indomitable Army, and Ravenous Horde are brand new passives that sound like they could possibly make up for the loss in damage. For all we know, "Indomitable Army" reads, "your minion's abilities have 100% cooldown reduction speed." We don't know.

We have no idea what's been changed with the current passives. For all we know, they've all been buffed. For all we know, the number of maximum zombies from the tree remains unchanged. If so, that gives a zombie build a +1 number of zombies that we didn't have before, without even factoring in The Baron or zombies granted past gem level 20.

Old = 3 from gem + 2 from ascendancy + 5 from tree + 1 from Bones Of Ullr = 11 zombies

New = 7 from gem + 5 from tree = 12 zombies

- We don't know the accumulated damage increase from running Carrion Golem.

We have no idea how much of an increase the Golem provides because they've not provided us with the hard numbers of what exactly it does. They've also not told us what the new Golem passives provide. Increased golem effects? Number of Golems? Golems fart while idle? We don't know.

- We don't know the accumulated damage increase from running Feeding Frenzy.

We know it increases physical damage, attack/cast speed, movement speed, and aggressiveness. We don't know by how much for any of those. We also know that this support gives the buff to YOU which applies to ALL of your minions, meaning you can throw this support on any minion that attacks (Carrion Golem?) and still buff zombie damage output. We don't know.

- We don't know of any new possible damage increases from itemization

Added 16 new Unique Items.

And we know nothing about what any of them do. We know there is a new wand base type that adds minion damage -- surely at least one of those 16 is a new "minion wand"? But, we don't know. Queen's Decree/Escape sure got a nice buff and apparently gets to keep its +1 zombies and skeletons. People were sleeping on this item already for minion builds as that +100% minion speed made skeletons off-screen trash mobs already -- I'm genuinely curious what happens with it if zombies are linked to Feeding Frenzy. But again, we don't know.

- We don't know if Violent Dead can't still be acquired through Divination Cards.

Violent Dead: Can no longer drop or be obtained from quests.

Quite specifically states from quests or drops. Also says nothing about existing Violent Dead jewels (for those who play standard). Four different cards could, in theory, still drop Violent Dead -- two of which being unique jewel specific. If it can, it renders the vast majority of the doomsaying completely moot. Yes, you'd have to work harder/pay out the ass for them, but they are still there. We don't know.

- We don't know how any/all of this adds up

Okay, let's put ourselves in GGG's shoes for a moment. Anyone who played some type of zombie build knew going into this patch that the potential for the build could reach Cyclone or Tornado Shot levels of absurdity (okay, maybe not Tornado Shot...). Maybe, just maybe, GGG had the foresight to see that allowing an easily obtainable jewel go unchecked would be too much power for the build given all the other across the board changes. I know people like to make jokes about GGG buffing builds to stupid levels only to break them the league after, but having such a mentality isn't a sustainable business model in the long run. People will get pissed and leave then never return. One would think a developer would learn from their mistakes, not repeat them. A 40% Cyclone user base may/could be an eye opener for them and they're taking steps to not make the same mistake. Just a theory, but what do I know.


TL;DR: We know nothing until we know everything.

Haven't read all the comments but i see no mention of The Baron helmet and the +minion gem level affix that you can roll on helms.

Any word on if these are unchanged?


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