[3.7] Konsta's 4-curse Bane + ED CI Occultist | starter | budget | tanky | good DPS


I don't think mana sustain will be a problem if using bane + ED. However ifmana regen is an issue, I would use lvl 20 clarity + arcane will node since it gives some ES as well.

However, looking at you tree you are picking MoM without any additional mana nodes and also no EB. You will have far too low mana pool to really benefit from MoM. I would recommend:

1. remove MoM and go just hybrid or;
2. remove some life nodes and pick more mana (+essence worm for malediction), something like this: https://pastebin.com/2VL2QSsv (very quickly made, most likely more efficient tree can be still made)

Also you picked a jewel socket on top of the tree left of hex master. That's 3 point investment. You have couple of better options:

1. 2-point socket, next to Method To Madness, or;
2. 3. point socket above blood drinker. 1 of those 3 points can be either all resists, ES and life or more damage depending on if you choose to path above or below the shadow wheel

Ok, will take another look at it and apply your improvments to my build. I will probably start this build in the next days.

Thx a lot for all the help :)
Last edited by Reaktorbot3 on Mar 28, 2019, 6:17:14 AM
Hey! Nice build setup. currently leveling one and having a blast. One thing I cannot get my head wrapped around tho, I've been looking at the build and can't figure out how you can apply 4 curse since all i've seen in the "One additional curse" is the one from the Ascendancy and the one from the Gloves, wouldn't that put that max curse on target to 3?

I must be missing something but can't figure out what. please enlighten me!
DarkNostos wrote:
Hey! Nice build setup. currently leveling one and having a blast. One thing I cannot get my head wrapped around tho, I've been looking at the build and can't figure out how you can apply 4 curse since all i've seen in the "One additional curse" is the one from the Ascendancy and the one from the Gloves, wouldn't that put that max curse on target to 3?

I must be missing something but can't figure out what. please enlighten me!

Hi, there is one additional curse on the tree, node called "Whispers of Doom" at very top.
Hi, Thanks for the build its it my frist time playing POE and tried your build and having lots of fun. Is there any defensive stat I should be focusing on besides resistances? I seems to struggle with bosses, is there anyway to include immortal call in the build? if so what should I drop for it to keep it most efficient change.

Thanks again for the build!
Couple of things that might help - make sure you have potions with good affixes - you'll want to make sure you have one with remove poison, one with burning, one with bleeding, one with freeze and chill - and you'll also want the instant recovery on a life flask or two - it's counter-intuitive for a new player to think a potion with less life is better - but the instant recovery is really important (I'm playing in my second league and that was one of the issues I had first go around - didn't have proper potion setups). Also need to learn the bosses - some are immune during certain times of the fight - you got to go run and kill sometihng else etc. if you don't know them - you'll die a bunch figuring it out. That's just some general stuff - but to answer your specific question - I'm leveling right now and threw arctic armor in a gem slot I had and it seems to help with the defense - I'm sure someone will say there's much better things to do - but having enough problems remembering all my hotkeys and what's what so having a passive protection of the armor is nice.
Can we drop poacher's mark for 3 curse-bane? It doesn't seem to do much, and would free up 4 points from whispers of doom
Your final tree is not final. It says level 95, but only shows 96/121 points. Where are you putting the other points?
mastarcrack07 wrote:

Pantheon depending on your preferences and situation.
spectrearc wrote:
Can we drop poacher's mark for 3 curse-bane? It doesn't seem to do much, and would free up 4 points from whispers of doom

Hi, sure you can. You will the though losing 10% of curse effectiveness as well. As we are already picking all the good damage nodes, it would be pretty hard to find as effective alternative for those.

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