Private Leagues are now Live!

Legit so disapoint.
Was so keen for this hectic announcement and this is what we get?
Sad days.
Can I make a crowd funding page and have noobs pay for it, and then take all the money and use it to buy a non private league. Moma needs a new pair of mtx shoes.
If you can't handle the truth, just delete the forum post - Precious Flower
Last edited by Ringx on Nov 12, 2018, 2:57:36 AM
So these characters end up in standard after their leagues end?
You can not choose old leagues
you can not choose cool mods
you can only choose some restrictive mods with no upsides
you have to PAY to have it harder
the crowdfunding is not openly available, only by invite
this gets put out less than 4 weeks for the new league
you can't update the league to a new released league
and the price is at least $12 to play something you can already play just with harder mods of which you can do some already just by makeing it yourself like ignoring stash...

I reallyfail to see why I would want to put money into this when I can have some cool MTX or stash tabs for the same price.

While I would like to test a league where all mods are active, I would never pay for it as I have completely different ideas in what I want to do with my own league.

My thoughts exactly.

YAAAY now I just have to find money for what I thought was a free-to-play :)

But it's okay because it's a cosmetic feature.

... Wait ...
Well i will be more interested in this if we can change something like Quantity or rarity.
Waste of time GGG, like PvP was :)
Playing marauder @ Hardcore leagues

[changed by user]
PFFF.. 120 for create and 60 to extend with 10 days XXDXDXD plus this mods.. lol

Adding a feature like this totally make the game pay-to-win, but how you feel it guys..
this is such bullshit
by means of private leagues, if we start a private league the last week of delve, is it possible to "extend" the current league in that private league?

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