Private Leagues are now Live!

Miacova wrote:
Exile009 wrote:

You were noticed.

And the reason they don't do this are covered here -

And I'll repeat what I said earlier -

"And for everyone saying they don't see the point of this, consider that this feature isn't for you.

And for everyone warning about how this will split the playerbase and hence threaten the game, note the aforementioned large number of people all saying they see no point in this.

This is a niche feature, neither mindblowingly awesome nor catastrophically bad."

Fuck reddit. Information like this belongs on their OWN forum if it is legit, not something that reeks of unofficial. Thanks for sharing the post however - at least it provides SOME form of explanation.

Something like this should have accompanied the official announce on the GRINDING GEAR GAMES forum. Honestly, I can't even tell for sure if "ColinStyles" is official GGG or someone hyping up an unofficial opinion.

I mean seriously, official posts come from Bex or another GGG employee, this post on reddit just looks like speculation. Sorry, unconvinced.

Lewlz... failed to convince them in 2013. You can continue to try in 2018. :)

Addit: buy shares in Tencent. Get Tencent to twist Chris's arm to add easier private league mods, ie PTW!
POE is a constantly evolving game, so expect balance changes, buffs and nerfs STILL!
Last edited by THEHORNEDRAT on Nov 11, 2018, 10:50:40 PM
where can i find list of all private leagues? or it only pm specific?
Last edited by Sargazmique on Nov 11, 2018, 10:50:46 PM
please make a forum for this private leagues, i would play one but i dont know where/how and i dont wanna start my own.
I think the private leagues are a great addition to the game. But 40% more life seems very underwhelming, was hoping for 200% to 600% more life. I dislike the play style of killing everything short of endgame bosses instantly, its not very engaging.
Maybe you could add a 'Time Playable' limit option?

As an example, you could create a 10-day, 40-hour maximum, private league with whatever mods you want. This would allow for a 40-hour race in this case, which could be run as the participant's schedule allows.

To add value to the league since it is time limited, perhaps there could be trophies which could be displayed in your hideout and/or at least tracked on your account statistics.

pay to prove you're not in it for the fun!
So THIS, thing, is the news post for today, LUL
please make a forum for this private leagues, i would play one but i dont know where/how and i dont wanna start my own.

Long since done, albeit they really should've linked it in the newspost -
Well done at fragmenting the community even more. Farewell the image of one unified PoE world.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke

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