When is Incursion Being Added to the Core Game?

Good! I enjoy the temples and some of the corruptions and special drops are nice.
"Though evil endures, and legends don't die, the hero exists in a blink of time's eye"
As long as i Can choose which rooms i want to update and when i want to do the boss fight i am game. .
Stopped Quite early in the league tbh. As often as not you could get an awesome temple but no path to the boss and no access to dynamite. .
Just make all the Doors open tbh
I am your Devine one Bow before me
Personally I would like to see about a 33% spawn rate for incursions, with 15-16 being needed for a complete temple. And for God sakes, buff the shitty ass drops in the temple (not counting maps). I want the temple to feel more rare but also rewarding and special as well.
Shppy wrote:
hmm, so does that mean no way to obtain the incursion uniques for now? Sad, i was liking slavedriver's hand.

You can get them from relinqueries
I am your Devine one Bow before me
Qarl wrote:
Due to the league being such a success, we have worked out a plan to add it to the core game. This will be included in December's 3.5.0 update, not in the September Delve release.

Terrible news. I hoped this abomination wouldn't get added to the core game. Yeah, I'm sure the streamers and other top 1% players enjoyed it, since it was a great incentive for speedy players, but there are actually more players out there, and I had hoped you took that into account as well.

Money talks I guess, and decisions are made accordingly.

At least I hope it's possible to totally ignore this, and that Alva won't spam us in every god damn map.

So yes, I did not like it. Way too constraining, stressful, unbalanced and rewarding of speedy meta builds.

I do hope the next league will be different. It sounds promising, but everything depends on its implementation.
shadopaw wrote:
As long as i Can choose which rooms i want to update and when i want to do the boss fight i am game. .
Stopped Quite early in the league tbh. As often as not you could get an awesome temple but no path to the boss and no access to dynamite. .
Just make all the Doors open tbh

only true in low level from my experience.
as soon as you have at leat 5L and your 3rd acendancy you'll have all the doors open and no need for dynamite anymore.

only thing that sux is the timer in incursions.
because the timer is the reason why you cant do anything in incursions at lowlvl.

IMO: remove timer, make architects a little challenging instead,
have a 10% spawnrate for alva and thats fine.

and maybe, consider having more incursions and more rooms and a bigger temple.
more incursions means more higher tier rooms, in combination with a bigger temple,
and the temple will not feel like "rushing the 2 good rooms, rush boss, fck the rest" anymore.
Unknown rule type: SetFondSize
Pangaearocks wrote:
Qarl wrote:
Due to the league being such a success, we have worked out a plan to add it to the core game. This will be included in December's 3.5.0 update, not in the September Delve release.

Terrible news. I hoped this abomination wouldn't get added to the core game. Yeah, I'm sure the streamers and other top 1% players enjoyed it, since it was a great incentive for speedy players, but there are actually more players out there, and I had hoped you took that into account as well.

Money talks I guess, and decisions are made accordingly.

At least I hope it's possible to totally ignore this, and that Alva won't spam us in every god damn map.

So yes, I did not like it. Way too constraining, stressful, unbalanced and rewarding of speedy meta builds.

I do hope the next league will be different. It sounds promising, but everything depends on its implementation.

indeed money talks, and this league has been great.
the only issue i had with incursions were with the timer being a bit short and some of the layouts being pretty bad.

but overall it is fun , and i felt i could sustain maps much higher. i enjoy the fact that you can not get an amazing temple every time, and rarely had a layout not reach the top if i took 5 seconds to look at what room i was going into and where the doors were i wanted to open.

if you could not complete a path to the top, the fault is entirely on you for either failing too many , or not taking a moment to look while building the temple.
Hmmm. Still no sense how it might be incorporated into the core game.
IGN: JerleNecroDD/JerleNecroRuthless
Harvest is the BEST league EVER. Deterministic crafting ftw.
GGG, pls extend the forum badge display limit please T_T
That's nice .... But could we have Bestiary mobs and the maps back in somehow. Also the Bestiary pokedex. Please and thanks.
Sounds fun, we need to make them like a daily thing we can do and just daily. Would be great little bonus once every 11 days.

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