[3.6] Triple Herald Blade Vortex Elementalist

dNile wrote:
JordanT7 wrote:
Is this build affected by the "stat stick" changes?
Doesn't seem like it. In the manifesto, they don't use any words that pertain to spells. It seems that the changes will only affect abilities that use weapons (attacks).

there might be some impact with regard to whirling blades - would have to give up scepters to be able to use it.
DirtyDot wrote:
dNile wrote:
JordanT7 wrote:
Is this build affected by the "stat stick" changes?
Doesn't seem like it. In the manifesto, they don't use any words that pertain to spells. It seems that the changes will only affect abilities that use weapons (attacks).

there might be some impact with regard to whirling blades - would have to give up scepters to be able to use it.

As I stated in a previous post DO NOT get excited just yet. I bet my life savings that tomorrow there will be changes to the wording on Blade Vortex to make it fall inline with the "no more stat stick" nerf.

They will not shut melee out like that but leave the most used spell from last league, smashing shit with stat sticks.

I am super keen on a BV toon but am pretty sure that tomorrow we will get our fair share of nerfs to this build.

I know inpulsas will get hit for sure! Too many QQs last league.

PS: I am super nervous for tomorrow and the shit that the notes will bring to this build!

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ NERF ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ NERF ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ NERF ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
”In 3.5.0 we are removing the ability to use stat sticks, through the following changes:
You will no longer be able to use skills that require a specific weapon equipped if you are dual-wielding and one of your equipped weapons is unsuitable for that skill.
Skills that could be used with two weapons, but were main-hand-only when used, now use both weapons when dual wielding.”

As much as I would like the potential price dump om BV gear to gear up cheaply I think the above is clear, especially since there are no spells with weapon type requirements.
I am not so concerned as the build is crazy powerful and I cannot imagine they would risk destroying it... so even if they do some tweaking, the build will still be very strong for nearly all the content of the league and enough for a big part of the playerbase to farm maps, delve, and get to elder / shaper in the end (something I never achieved so far).
I played this for the start of Incursion League and loved it all the way through. I hope with the changes we'll see today that the build wont become negatively affected as I would very much love to start with this again!
You (as spellcaster) can use shield instead of second weapon, as a stat stick, so i dont see any reason, why this changes must affect Blade vortex. The only thing, can ever be affected - extra % of phys dmg as elem dmg, cause dat shit was OP from the start.
To argue with a fool means to sink to his level.
I wonder is scion stronger for boskilling? Or just different. Im 100% sure I wanna start new league as BV but not sure whats the best class pick.
n00b here so dont flame plz

Consecrated Path + fortify + [edit: phase run] can replace whirling blades combo?

Last edited by Sir_Firvain on Dec 4, 2018, 2:02:02 PM
Sir_Firvain wrote:
n00b here so dont flame plz

Consecrated Path + fortify + [edit: phase run] can replace whirling blades combo?


Consecrated Path + Fortify + Whirling Blades + FA combo works well
Betrayal viable? THX

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