Harbinger League Statistics

well... I'm part of a small percentage of people. incredible how easy these challenges get fulfilled once you're playing a meta build. shaper becomes doable. that makes uber atziri easy. never had that before, because you'd have to play the meta. now I started with a sunder bleeder, found a kondo's, tried 6linking for fun, it worked. well, as I as well wanted to do some brutality-using build I decided do it now plus cyclone with the new pathfinding was worth a try. oh now I'm in the meta, oh well.. let's go for starforge then.. did it, got it, linked it.
I feel like I'm finished now. these last challenges don't quite feel like my own. also they're grindy as fuck.
Anyway it's nice to see that these challenges are ssf viable these days, although having to do envy and co. uncorrupted because no remnants spawn is a bit of a drag.

Still though nice league, nice orbs, nice amount of exalteds, nice crying about that because the prices are low, sometimes game freezes are annoying, but well, happens, I am too bad for hc anyway. best part of still are the new acts, friggin roths and also bestel in act 6.

What I am missing now is a hideout expansion. there is so many new tiles and it'd all look beautiful as a hideout. also having the atmospheres like in act 8 before you kill doedre in hideouts available daaaaamn. last but not least music choice, would love to hear that happening. so many great tracks in poe these days. most folks probably wouldn't care about that in an expansion, but for those who appreciate it, it just might be the dream.
Hey, hey! It's the Postal Dude! Get him!
"Ancestral Warchief, which provides a strong DPS boost as well as another body to draw the attention of foes, is unilaterally the most popular non-utility skill. This makes sense in the context of a melee-driven meta (note the popularity of both Cyclone and Sunder) as an affordable and reliable way to add a little damage and range to your melee build."

Thats it bois, warchief and cyclone nerf incoming
Last edited by vux_pain on Sep 6, 2017, 4:55:00 AM
Astealoth wrote:
Love these stats posts, but there's still a massive problem with these league challenges. They're broken and unfinishable in the current state if it's only running til December.

I've been saying this since the challenges were revealed, what the actual fuck is rare essences doing in a league with no way to spawn essences? It just makes no sense. I'm over half way done with the map boss challenge and I've found 4 essences creatures, four essences creatures. It will take until 5 leagues later to find the 3 rare essences burning a remnant on every single essence to find one rare essence, and you want us to find 3. It's absolutely absurd. This challenge can't be completed even by someone who can clear an abyss in 3 minutes, how are you intending us to play this game? I burned like 100ex on remnants during legacy league to finish that stupid rare essence challenge burning an essence leaguestone on about 800 maps and it took me to the last week of the league to finish that challenge. It was unrealistically difficult when we could spawn endless essence creatures in every instance. Now we see them once every 100 maps.

You are aware that The Essence of Hysteria, Insanity, Horror and Delirium can only be obtained by corrupting monsters with the Essence of Dread, Scorn, Envy or Misery. Read the wiki entry. You don't go around and just corrupt every essence you find! Corrupting the correct essences has a pretty good chance to spawn Hysteria, Insanity,Horror or Delirium. Corrupting the wrong ones has NO CHANCE to spawn them. I have finished this challange shortly after the map boss challange, because the spawn rate of essences is really low as you say, but was also unlucky had three Hysteria before getting the three different ones. Also corrupting the correct essences will average in a net gain of currency,
so obvious why players not make 36+ challenges, bad rewarded microtrasactions, I not see worse microtransacton I ever see in this game.
shame to man who make this microtansaction, end shame you GGG that microtransaction puts in game for reworde. SHAME YOU GGG
I think I not play more new league if microtransactions its bad like this
Good to know. So, the AW totems is the most useful and verified skill so far..
Not like all saying other things.

And thats why I sold Tukos shield for 500c.

Now regretting it. Better I gone with it, not with fake scion golems, or deadend doomfletch build. Failed to see the league endgame content within the reasonable time, effort and currency investments on both.

Not really have the motivation to do more poe gaming since that `experience`.
Last edited by DarkJen on Sep 6, 2017, 5:33:41 AM
Many people don't give a damn about those challenges, some people just like .. play the game you know.
Anyways I hope they don't continue slimming down pack size in maps just because the 0,01% that farm certain shaped maps. Too many maps already ruined.
Oops maybe I'm too obsessed. Top 0.5%....

yes, maybe :-)

Surprised ppl playing Dark Pact in HC. You can burn yourself down so quick then take an incoming at half life. Is it totems?
Git R Dun!
I heard warchief needs a buff
Daenyo wrote:
well... I'm part of a small percentage of people. incredible how easy these challenges get fulfilled once you're playing a meta build. shaper becomes doable. that makes uber atziri easy. never had that before, because you'd have to play the meta. now I started with a sunder bleeder, found a kondo's, tried 6linking for fun, it worked. well, as I as well wanted to do some brutality-using build I decided do it now plus cyclone with the new pathfinding was worth a try. oh now I'm in the meta, oh well.. let's go for starforge then.. did it, got it, linked it.
I feel like I'm finished now. these last challenges don't quite feel like my own. also they're grindy as fuck.
Anyway it's nice to see that these challenges are ssf viable these days, although having to do envy and co. uncorrupted because no remnants spawn is a bit of a drag.

Still though nice league, nice orbs, nice amount of exalteds, nice crying about that because the prices are low, sometimes game freezes are annoying, but well, happens, I am too bad for hc anyway. best part of still are the new acts, friggin roths and also bestel in act 6.

What I am missing now is a hideout expansion. there is so many new tiles and it'd all look beautiful as a hideout. also having the atmospheres like in act 8 before you kill doedre in hideouts available daaaaamn. last but not least music choice, would love to hear that happening. so many great tracks in poe these days. most folks probably wouldn't care about that in an expansion, but for those who appreciate it, it just might be the dream.

Of course META stands for Most Effective Technique Available so I'd expect it to be an easier go. There are many metas though and some you may discover on your own. Thats petty fun.
Git R Dun!

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