Crymsius' Auto-Tiering Filter for Colorblind - 3.10 UPDATE for Delirium

Maybe it's best to leave it as is. It's going to be enough listed items fast.
Did you notice the latest maptier information by neversink on reddit?
Yes and I've been using the "map tier" property since its introduction last league :)
Customizable Colourblind-proof filter (Updated each league) -
Replaced Old Unique Map Base "Torture Chamber Map" for "Underground Sea Map"
Fixed typo for Gravicius' Veiled mod

Small bugfixes thanks to Glen on github for its input :)
Customizable Colourblind-proof filter (Updated each league) -
Did you decide yet how you want to deal with the league start?
Yes, I'll let the tiers as they are for now and enable the auto-tiering tomorrow.
Customizable Colourblind-proof filter (Updated each league) -
Been leveling with your filter from 1 to lvl 22 where i am now. I noticed rgb items are rather small and easy to miss. May i propose giving them perhaps a bigger label or better highlightning somehow.

That's all for now.
Last edited by kompaniet on Dec 7, 2018, 8:48:51 PM
-Notes (3.5.0b)
Increased the size of chromatic items
Added missing minimap icons for veiled items, scarabs and T1 div cards
Switch priority between veiled items and map-only items (such as opal rings) : now an veiled opal ring will appear as a veiled item, not as a opal ring.
Fixed a small bug in auto-tiering with BaseTypes.
Enabled auto-tiering with a frequency of 1 update every 4 hours

Auto-tiering is now enabled :) I'll lower the frequency later in the league, for now it's 1 per 4 hours.

Next I'll be working on prophecy tiers and auto update for them,
Maybe same thing for scarabs if they increase in price.

I will also try to implement custom sound files so you can also play some Bex's "Pop" !
Customizable Colourblind-proof filter (Updated each league) -

-Notes (3.5.1)
Added Tiers for prophecies
Added auto-tiering for prophecies

-Notes (3.5.0c)
Added missing highlight for bestiary explicit mods.

Update is here, will do custom sounds now :)
Customizable Colourblind-proof filter (Updated each league) -
-Notes (3.5.2)
Added Custom Sounds. You can now choose if you want to use a custom sound for each category and affect write the path to your custom sound file.
Added a DisableDropSound option (to disable default sounds, not the filter alerts)

Hey! A pretty huge one!

In the Sound Types tab, you can now select on a per-category basis if you want to use a custom sound or the sound set in the Sound Theme tab. If you chose to use a custom sound, you can choose the file's path on the Custom Sound tab.

I also added the DisableDropSound command, usefull if you want to mute the default sounds for hidden items (like for gems you still here the sound of them dropping, even if they are hidden in the filter). Use that when you set custom sounds to not have the perfect Bex's "Pop" hidden behind some nasty default sound !
Customizable Colourblind-proof filter (Updated each league) -

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