Crymsius' Auto-Tiering Filter for Colorblind - 3.10 UPDATE for Delirium

Edit [March 13 2020]

Delirium update is here, the auto tiering will be enabled later the first week end.

Hello exiles!

Before going anyfurther, if you want to see what the filter looks like, check out one of the filterblast down below or check the gallery section that displays some items and their tiers !

Storytime !

At the time when filters were new, I was playing very casually and being colour blind, I didn't want to rely on someone else's filter from fear I'd miss something, and started writing my own one. I left PoE behind for a year and came back in Prophecy in which I commited more than ever before, getting my first lvl 90 and managing to get 36/40 (it was also my first temporary-league character !). I've been doing 36/40 each league since (not in legacy, I took a break to prepare for 3.0) and continued to update the filter as I learned more and more about the end game.

Some IRL friends joined me in PoE and their feedback helped a lot to improve the filter and fix bugs !

Now for the filter

There are some directing lines I try to follow when I design the filter :
• Good looking
• Self explanatory (bigger, louder, brighter = better)
• Tiers and color schemes from PoE or the item itself
• The item name has to indicate what the item is.

The Filter :

Please note that you can customize a lot of things to show or hide them. You can also set some custom base items for chancing, crafting, maps to highlight, etc.

To get the best experience, go see the AutoUpdates instructions.

The idea is to get colours and themes from the game itself : for instance for each league specific currencies, the colors will be those from the general theme of the league

Some examples :

• Silver Coin : silver + prophecy's purple.
• Currencies use the original font colour for currencies but use the white-blue-yellow tier colors for the background to differentiate an augmentation orb from a chaos one.
• Maps are using the grey of the item as the background and the white-yellow-red from the glyph as the text color.
• Sextants are currency but specifically for maps, thus the use of the font color of currencies, the background from maps and the border, white, yellow, red for apprentice, journeyman and master tiers.
• ...
Everything in the filter is meticulously crafted with that in mind. Also it's colourblind proof (well at least for my colourblindness which is moslty red-green-brown and blue-purple)

Features :
AutoUpdates for uniques and divination cards' tiers : 2 updates a day to match the economy !
Colourblind-proof experience
• Colours and Themes follow Path of Exile's Style and look
• Regular + pre-league updates
Chaos/Regal Recipe higlights for groups of items : Chest/2H in dark blue borders, Rings/Amulets/Belts in cyan borders, Boots/Helm/Gloves in Black borders
Highlight of good bases items for rares
Highlight of good tiers for unique, currency, maps, essences, divination cards.
integration with filterblast : personalize what to show and what to hide as well as sound alerts, colors and bases to chance or craft !



Divination Cards





AutoUpdate Instructions
Follow the instructions to get FilterNova to work with your customized filter and et dailies updates, automatically matching the economy!
• Go to
• Make all your customization you want : check, uncheck, choose bases to highlight...
• Once you're done, click the 'refresh preview' button
• You will see that a hash has just been added at the end of the url, something like "". Copy this hash (in this case, '2cuoud2')
• go to the FilterNova page, choose Crymsius filter and in the hash key text box, paste the hash.
• you can set the name of the filter and other stuff, when you're done, click 'Add to Settings' then 'Download FilterNova'
• Launch the script you just download and you're good to go !

If you're in game and an update to the filter has been pushed, you will be notified and it will download with your customzied setup. Don't forget to click the reload button in your poe's UI settings.

For the indepth changelog, check this file :

If you have suggestions, ideas or anything please, post a message here, or via pm or on github

TL;DR : Pretty filter colour blind-proof, respectful of the game's and items' colours, that's auto udpated twice a day to follow the economy.

Have fun !
Customizable Colourblind-proof filter (Updated each league) -
Last edited by Crymsius on Mar 13, 2020, 6:53:56 PM
Last bumped on Oct 27, 2020, 6:21:31 AM
i am not colour blind but the effort is appreciated.
Updated the filter for 3.1, added changes in the first post. Have fun in Abyss :)
Customizable Colourblind-proof filter (Updated each league) -
Doesn't work, can you fix?
RichardPoot wrote:
Doesn't work, can you fix?

Just checked - this is fixed now. Redownload the file and all's good.
Life is short - deal with it
Yep sorry, it was a simple typo in chance bases (Lether instead of Leather). And Thanks Dissolator for hot fixing it !
Customizable Colourblind-proof filter (Updated each league) -
would be nice with another option for displaying gems in filterblast.
maybe: Quality (> 10%) as well.

Show Drop Only gems
Show Quality (> 0%)
Show Others
Thanks for the feedback! Sure I can do that, i'll add it in the next update.

By the way, I did some adjustement last week with some important fixes on shaped maps that were not displayed correctly, updated some divination card tiers, and some minor bug fixes.

In the next big update I'm focusing on doing another tier for uniques (trash tier) so we can hide them without risking to hide a good one. With that I'll do something similar to what I did with divination cards that allow me to retier them easily when new uniques come out or when economy is shifting.
I'd like to improve the top tier rare item section too, maybe allow the user to choose what class he wants to see or what type of item (with some kind of sorting from ev/es/ar or something... i'll figure it out eventually)

Thanks again for using the filter, hf !
Customizable Colourblind-proof filter (Updated each league) -
that sounds great. i am testing and using a lot of people's filters and yours is very good.

some additional feedback:

in filterblast if i remove entries like vault from highlighted maps it will still highlight that. it seems like atleast one map needs to be there. you might wanna add that in the descripion. edit: found out that you can disable shaped/unshaped highlightning in the block switches

edit: rare astral plates should probably be added to the good bases. it's hidden when i have highlight good bases only.
Last edited by kompaniet on Jan 13, 2018, 1:19:59 PM

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