Content Update 2.6.0 Patch Notes

drake1666 wrote:
sidtherat wrote:
'ES, double dip, win'

keeping broken and stupid things in the game makes that game a very shallow game because that stupid things overshadow EVERYTHING else

how about you actually play the game instead of watching kripp videos
Why would watching a Hearthstone streamer have any effect on his game knowledge? Kripp hasn't made PoE videos in years lmao.
"so you can see who has more PvPenis" - Chris Wilson
Cornholius79 wrote:
LaNkYLaNkZ wrote:
"With 2.6.0, there are Standard and Hardcore variations of the Legacy challenge league available. They have the same core mechanics and items."

What do they mean by this?

They mean that unlike the first 6 ( correct me if i am wrong) leagues, there is no difference mechanically (like Onslaught Vs. Anarchy) between the 2 leagues. it makes it easier to code, and doesn't penalize someone for making a choice between the leagues as far as unique item access one way or the other.

Ah great, was hoping this was the case and they weren't reverting back the first 6 league days!
Bex_GGG wrote:

  • With this change we are hoping to make increasing the area of effect for skills a meaningful, and eventually costly, decision.

what did he mean by this
Did not see the nerf coming to Reach Of The Council. Now in comparison with Death's Opus it is not even. Before, players get to choose more projectiles and little more damage or more crit and higher attack speed. Now it is just Death Opus. Besides majority pros actually chose Death's Opus over Pre ROTC
Well, glad they didn't nerf Occultist Tanks, was going to start league with that. :)
Please reply to your whispers for items... Even if you are mapping, in a rotation, in uber lab, or if its sold. Thank you. :D
As other people have mentioned, elemental hit needs a major buff. Literally there is only 1 build I found for it. With wild strike doing 100% conversion, why would you even bother with elemental hit when physical can be easily scaled. Even ignoring wild strike, this sill simply has no merit. All you need to do to get a guaranteed shock/ignite/freeze is to score a critical hit. Elemental focus isn't really an option here because then it goes from bad to terrible.

Bex_GGG wrote:
Thief's Torment: Life Gain on Hit mod increased to 40-60. Mana Gain on Hit mod increased to 30. All Resistances mod increased to 16-24%.

HOLY COW thank you for that !!!

So many unique item changes, nice to see old uniques getting some love >3
Thank you GGG.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Last edited by Fruz on Mar 1, 2017, 1:11:29 AM
Will the items that are going legacy from this patch have their legacy version in the Legacy League?
Bex_GGG wrote:

  • With this change we are hoping to make increasing the area of effect for skills a meaningful, and eventually costly, decision.

what did he mean by this

instead of increasing by radius (which will increase the area (square units) exponentially, they increased the initial area ( in square units) by a substantial amount. because increasing area by a linear amount ( an exponential value) will result in diminishing returns the more you increase it, it becomes more useful in the beginning than it was before, and becomes exponentially more costly to increase in a linear manner as it was before by increasing a linear value of radius ( a geometric, exponential value) to get a much larger ( exponential ( read: 1* X^2 units) value. old value: 9 radius plus 20% increased radius is 10.8 units. the difference in area of that increase is 44%. the values on the tree have gone typically 5% radius to 8% area. the initial value of radius taking a total of 50% area only amount to 12% radius. this will prevent the screen-sized EQ/Reave that was possible before, with maximum investment. now, with even the increased values to area, the break-even point will be somewhere around taking 2/3 of the area nodes on the tree or taking 1/3 and using the Inc AOE gem. the last sentence is an estimation, not a calculated number.
KRUHKS wrote:
Will the items that are going legacy from this patch have their legacy version in the Legacy League?


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