Goddamn Hall of Grandmasters

Just did my first attempt on this map as a Necromancer and it's a load of turd.

Gonna have to roll another char just to complete this one map to complete my atlas... crazy
IdyllaUK wrote:
Gonna have to roll another char just to complete this one map to complete my atlas... crazy

That is the main issue with this 'map'. It needs to be removed from the Atlas. When it's just a niche for those who care about it, there won't be a problem anymore.
Hah, this reminds me to make a cheesy build when the League ends to finally get the completion.

It is a stupid map but it'll feel good to beat it.
Fun and quick map 10/10 want more maps like this.
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If you want the completion and cant do it, pay for a carry, just like people do for shaper/lab/etc.

Alternatively, you could learn the fights and come prepared for them.
Failed miserably in the current run :(
Some GMs should not spawn all at once... one "hard" GM per Hall is enough, but I had 5. FMRNG.
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
Last edited by johnKeys on Aug 26, 2018, 8:40:17 AM
I would say there are three tweaks needed to make that map ok-ish for everyone:
1) Remove it from the atlas. Placing it there is a heavy incentive for non-PvP players to attempt it, get wrecked, then complain about it.
2) Add it to the items tier 8 Leo sells. Players capable and willing to complete this map are sufficiently interested in PvP to expect them to have a level 8 Leo quickly in leagues.
3) Make a real snapshot of the characters.
"ItHurtsWhenIPeeFire". Seriously how to kill this guy?
The regen-tankiness of Gubben/SpiderQueen + the brokenness of Scorching Ray.
I'm usually the one who brings the Balefire cooker to this kind of fight - but he cooks me faster.
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
Perq wrote:
GGG made a mistake of giving people, adding their characters, no disclosure about balancing them.

Now GGG can't do anything about those broken Grandmasters, because their creators will complain about the changes.

I also gotta love the logic behind adding those idiotic builds in there:

-> Spend shitton of money, to show off your character
-> Add a stupid, anit-fun, broken build into the map
-> Nobody ever bothers to enter the map, because you did
-> Map is essentially dead, nobody ever sees your Grandmaster

GGG should only take the base idea around the build, and balance them of their own, so all of them are somewhat challenging, but not broken-ass-stupid, as some of them are atm.

In other words - Hall of Gandamasters is a great showcase what happens when you allow community to balance the content.


The problem with that argument is GGG has removed/tweaked broken masters in the past.
all masters can be beat with a simple setup

Traps/totems to precast before going forward
and a scorching ray for the troll builds.

the map in itself is silly and unrewarding most of the time.
They should increase the loot dropped by each master significantly.

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