Goddamn Hall of Grandmasters

srogi_kotek wrote:
GGG nerfed it or what? Just completed this crap with bow ele hit. Once had to swap to Belafire and shield, because one troll was just "invulnerable", but he doesn't inflict any damage though. Rest was quite easy.

Saw this topic bumped and wanted to say the same thing.

I tried it last night with CoC discharge and found that it was actually pretty damn doable even without block chance reduction. Danzig just doesn't seem to be the extreme danger he used to be. I'm squishy as fuck so I still die occasionally (level 100 in softcore so who cares), but the only one that can lock me out of a 4-hall clear is Achilion's character Sir_Janusz which he had spec'd for scorching ray with (I assume) Aegis Aurora and general tankiness. This character kills me faster than I kill him with balefire. There's also a level 93 aegis tank, but they do literally no damage so I kill that one with balefire very quickly. Literally every other character I essentially oneshot.

This morning I just ran 10 hogm maps and got one
, so that's something. I have to turn back from a hall in which I see Sir_Janusz but can always clear at least 3 halls (and there are enough grandmasters that Achilion's character shows up in maybe half of the maps--the rest of the time I clear all four halls).
Did a random free carry for this "map" a few times.
Each time, the reaction of the guy clearly indicated he attempted it a lot, until my cheesy Trapper came to cheesy trap the cheesy bullshit builds lurking in that Hall Of Trolls.

It's a map designed to frustrate people who play the game normally.
The only reason it exists is money.
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
Last edited by johnKeys on Feb 17, 2019, 4:29:36 PM
Has no one ever used

Any build with a green link can put this into their setup and easy mode the map. And afaik overpowered doesnt even need to be in your main skills link, as long as it is in a skill that is hitting the mob.
Last edited by Nubman on Feb 17, 2019, 4:54:21 PM
Nubman wrote:
Has no one ever used

Any build with a green link can put this into their setup and easy mode the map. And afaik overpowered doesnt even need to be in your main skills link, as long as it is in a skill that is hitting the mob.

I played a build that didn't actually have any issue with blocking, and then got stuck on an invulnerable npc anyway. Add to that a high density of insta-nuke builds, and you get a terrible experience for most users.
Sure, you can cheese the map, but those that don't are going to hate it.
Nubman wrote:
Has no one ever used

Any build with a green link can put this into their setup and easy mode the map. And afaik overpowered doesnt even need to be in your main skills link, as long as it is in a skill that is hitting the mob.

Why would you need that if 0L Scorching Ray can kill those "tanky bois" w/o much problem.
Aynix wrote:
Nubman wrote:
Has no one ever used

Any build with a green link can put this into their setup and easy mode the map. And afaik overpowered doesnt even need to be in your main skills link, as long as it is in a skill that is hitting the mob.

Why would you need that if 0L Scorching Ray can kill those "tanky bois" w/o much problem.

Because you can just plow through without weapon/skill swapping by having it? 5l dps is more than enough to wipe everything in there.

As I said though, doesnt have to even be in main skill. Get a firestorm/OoS/storm brand and link it to that, cast and then go crazy.
Krappakreepo wrote:
They paid $500 to get their characters in, it's a good idea to not piss off the whales keeping your game afloat

You mean to say the morons paid a shite ton of real money for the characters to never be seen by anybody because nobody runs the map any more due to it being impossible cause of balance issues. If it was me I would be screaming at GGG to balance things and make the rewards worthy so as multitudes of people got to see my build. Has to be the dumbest map GGG has ever created, or the Grandmasters featured have to be the dumbest people ever!
Ratava wrote:
If it was me I would be screaming at GGG to balance things and make the rewards worthy so as multitudes of people got to see my build.

Most of the working HOGM builds are made to utilize imbalanced loopholes.
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