Mechanical Questions Thread

Hi, I am considering a build with Replica Dreamfeather (armor stack). If we want more armor, then we want to use a shield with armor. Hence a shield throw comes to mind.
Question: Does "1% increased Attack Damage per 450 Armor" affect the increased damage of a shield throw? It seems (in PoB) the evasion affects.
The Сhampion has a lot of armor. Physical damage from a shield throw + impale looks promising.

I have an earthshatter juggernaut build. I don't understand, why am I getting rage? And how? I'm missing something. This is my char:
Achnologiya wrote:
Здравствуйте, расскажите мне пожалуйста как работает уникальный амулет Хор Бури (Choir of the Storm), должен ли он работать если я бью врагов через мины? я почти постоянно критую, но способность от амулета не работает.
Так же расскажите мне как работает уникальная нательная броня Разбитое Сердце Инпульсы (Inpulsa's Broken Heart), от того что я постоянно критую я всегда накладываю шок на врага, а этот доспех должен взрывать шокнутых мобов, но они не взрываются, так же играю через мины цепной молнией, к тому же если я не критую, то у меня есть мехаботы, которые всегда накладывают шок, но ни один моб не был взорван, я предполагаю что всё выше перечисленное баги и непроработки игры. И у меня есть предположение, что в случае с доспехом это решается простой сменой камней с оружия (Скипетр Сотрясения (Tremor Rod)) в этот доспех. Но почему? тогда это точно не должно так работать, на доспехе не написано, что камни должны быть именно в доспехе. Я буду ждать ответа, и надеюсь мне внятно ответят, и/ или исправят это.

Google Translator:

Hello, please tell me how the unique amulet Choir of the Storm works, should it work if I hit enemies through mines? I crit almost constantly, but the ability from the amulet does not work.
Also tell me how the unique body armor, Inpulsa's Broken Heart, works, because I constantly crit, I always shock the enemy, and this armor should explode shocked mobs, but they do not explode, I also play through chain mines lightning, besides, if I don't crit, then I have Skitterbots that always shock, but not a single mob was blown up, I assume that all of the above are bugs and non-development of the game. And I have a guess that in the case of armor, this is solved by simply changing the stones from the weapon (Tremor Rod) into this armor. But why? then it definitely shouldn't work that way, it is not written on the armor that the stones should be in the armor. I will wait for an answer, and I hope they will clearly answer me, and / or fix it.

'When "You" kill or crit'

Mines are not "You".
Last edited by jeerinho on Sep 30, 2020, 12:09:11 AM
Bleed vs Overwhelm

Does Overwhelm improve bleeds damage?

How is it possible that I am trying to get this answer for 3 days and none know?
I assume not but I need a confirmation, plz.
Last edited by conundrumstash on Sep 30, 2020, 7:16:19 AM
Can we confirm how the Iron Mass Gladius works? Does it replace existing skeleton damage (removing gem level as a factor) or add to it?

And also that you (the player) have to hit with the weapon to trigger the triple damage, not you (the skeleton holding a copy)?
SkulkLife wrote:

I have an earthshatter juggernaut build. I don't understand, why am I getting rage? And how? I'm missing something. This is my char:

You have Warlord's Mark supported by Cast When Damage Taken, which as of Heist league, now has the line 'Cursed enemies grant 5 Rage regenerated over 1 second when stunned' - or at least, that's the only possible source I'm seeing.
Hi, Is the Headsman node from the Slayer working with DoTs ?
The phrasing is `More Damage` but PoB and PoB fork only increase the hit damage, not the bleed damage. Is it a PoB bug, or is DoT damage not affected by this ascendancy node ?
YES or NO will suffice. Is possible:

1)hide visual effects, like skill animations, etc?

2) Option to DISABLE useless drops (like normal and magic items or gems without quality? (not hide, DISABLE!)

Less shit running on PoE 76, less chance of crashing, I guess...
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Hi. I am trying to figure out what support gems and passives to get to scale the damage from Death Wish skill from Maw of Mischief. It seems annoying to try and figure out as it doesn't say in-game.
The stats offered are only of the first spell. For example, Arcane Surge gem only shows a checkmark that it can work and increases the damage of the skill, but that's only for the fire damage and not the minion explosion. I did look into PoB fork and poedb but they don't list it there either as far as I can tell.

Please clarify:

1. What tags does the skill have that can be scaled?

2. What gems work with the explosion? for example, I am wondering about the two below:

2a. Does Infused Channelling Support work for the explosion? The explosion itself isnt channelled....

2b. Does Minion support damage and elemental army support work? I assume not but asking anyways

I know it is only spell damage that doesn't affect it, so I've been using regular methods of scaling like elemental focus and fire pen but please let me know what does or doesn't work. Thanks

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