... Snail Time ...

Ceri wrote:
@Saranghaeyo_: yeah I think the layout overall is pretty much static, though I find it's a little messy in the middle (the courtyard section). Lots of narrow passages and obstacles, it can get a bit messy. But for sure, it's definitely a great map to roll packsize on. :D

But..vendoring Necros!? I love that map, haha. Always been fond of that tileset, although it's not as efficient I find it enjoyable. Reminds me of the Crypt which has been a long time fave. Add me in-game and we can swap 3:1 for Academy if you like, I hate that map. ;) I grew to seriously dislike it in Warbands when for some reason it was the only higher-level map that dropped for me.. Ran it a ton, and finding really nasty warbands in it - sometimes in the boss room to add spice to things. Hated it ever since.

I'll save the Necros for you ^^

Actually if anyone does favor any particular layout like Necro or something I generally don't run, let me know and we can swap in game. I tend to vendor up a lot to keep the pool at an average of T11/T10 range, but some ones do get lost in that process.

6% for now, got another 3% earlier so I think it's time for a break. Not going to be playing this weekend with the holiday, so we'll see if 100 is possible.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
96.70% - Seeing 97 on the horizon...

No close calls today even after I'd tipped back a few. I think, besides tough for your build bosses and Strongboxes, avoiding playing while drunk (especially of the very stumbly variety like I was earlier) is also not a bad idea. :D

Enjoying messing around with a Lightning Golem...extra attack speed is nice, although like the Stone G because they attack so often they also tend to die a lot faster. Still, cool golem.

Speaking of maps...because I vendor Cells and Orchard I have a huge, huge pile of Underground Rivers...getting close to 5 rows. I could vendor them for Necros but I think I'll just let them pile up more. I run Volcanos when I have them...not my fav but not so bad either...I just remember to pop a flask to get my movement speed over 100% whenever I see the boss and his little nasties pop up. I can usually kill him easily enough, but not worth the risk.

I'm finally sober so time to call it a night. ^_^


I'm still going strong...hope to hit 97 this weekend.

Had a very, very close call with some Unique foe in Overgrown Ruin map who kept smacking me with Desecrate and other attacks for a ton of damage. Had to portal out to bring in my Chieftain...thought I killed him, went back with Pathfinder and that SOB bad guy was still there with a tiny, tiny sliver of life left and he almost killed me again. Brought Chieftain back and took him out...it was too damn close.

sas go go go!!!


97 25%

Out for the weekend, 11% now. EXP gain is slooooooooow.

Have a good holiday weekend folks (in the US, but if not in the US likewise) ^^
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
That's f***ing scary.

I'm struggling at 97 with Xp doing endless t10s.

It's slow for me 3 maps give me 1%. I guess.

98/99 oooooooooo
96.80%...taking a break for a short while...which is good since it is another hour until Zana resets.

Sarang - I won't be surprised if you hit 100 before the new league starts! Enjoy your weekend, I am in the US as well and plan to sit on my butt, eat, drink and be merry (and play lots of POE!). :)

Turnip - Looks like you are well on your way to 98. Looking good, sir.

I'm going to try at hit 90% tonight...and then hopefully finish it off tomorrow. After that it will be break time...I have a huge pile of rare maps drops I've been saving that I will run with my Chieftain wearing his MF gear...and then do the new league to mix things up.

It will good to take a break from high level grinding for a while...but man, has this been fun. :D

E: Btw, I finally took out the stupid Abandoned Ruined bosses without dying, but used my Lv 92 Chieftain. Map mods were kinda nasty - including on crack movement and attack speed. Just lured the little doggy away, got him down to low life, went back and sorta face tanked the ugly bird (almost 8000 Life and very high regen helped). Most of the damage was with my trusty flame totem:

Drop totem, hide behind pillar, pepper liberally with Incinerate, pray like hell, rinse, and repeat!

Then went back, dropped the totem (with a Culling Strike gem I stole from my Pathfinder) and SPLAT = DEAD DOGGIE! :)

No good map drops though...my last red...oh well...it was still fun.
Last edited by SasoriOtoko on May 28, 2016, 7:17:18 PM
96.85%...getting nervous...need another break (and some booze). :D
SasoriOtoko wrote:
96.85%...getting nervous...need another break (and some booze). :D

LOL don't booze too hard man.

I remember a while ago when I was probably fresh into 97, I came home late one night, fired up a map, and almost walked straight into a pack of dead bearers.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
Last edited by _Saranghaeyo_ on May 28, 2016, 9:24:21 PM
Well the title of thread is now "Loopy Groupies". :D

I hear ya...I was pretty wasted last night and I noticed my attention was off. Sobered up now.

96.88%...going to play a little more tonight to at least hit 90%...

E: Ran one more Crematorium before dinner break. T12 dropped from the first mob. Got the T13 from Maegara. Really needed these!

More mapping to come!
Last edited by SasoriOtoko on May 28, 2016, 11:52:42 PM

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