The Hunt for Rigwald - Prizes by Alienware

Andrewr05 wrote:
I've been playing this game since the beginning and have only ever gotten a handful of characters near level 60.
I only have about one hour of play time a day, sometimes less.

So, why not a more attainable contest? *
This seems to be rewarding the people who have a lot of time to play, no kids, no housework, no job, et cetera.

Not to mention the requirements to spawn him (if I'm reading correctly) seem a bit hard as well.

I thoroughly enjoy POE, but getting to level ~60 for a contest seems steep.

Oh well, I guess I'll have to pass.


Obviously it has to be a challenge, I understand this.
Make it one 'entry' per account, per IP address or something.

It can still be a challenging enough fight if it were a lvl ~30 boss, that would allow more players to actually be capable of competing. I know... I know... lesser chances of winning due to more entrees, less exclusivity.

I get it, but I'm willing to bet the average player is more like me and less like the harcore players.

My friends and I get together the night a new league releases to play. We are generally close to level 60 by the time the night is over. If you're really that busy it sucks man... A boss at level 30 would be about an hour and a half of play for me... Even if you're moving slow it's like 3-4 hours for level 30. To get to 60 at a slow pace it should be 10-15 hours. That's two or 3 weeks of play for you. Even if farming the talismans takes another 3-4 weeks this is a three month league. You can do it.
Plz let me win a new pc so i can play this awesome game without laag! xD very nice! ^^ and ty to Alienware!!!! keep up the support! ;)
Nice give away! Still need to farm up some amulets thank the lord the drawing is in march...
Andrewr05 wrote:

I get it, but I'm willing to bet the average player is more like me and less like the harcore players.

Killing Rigwald at any level (60+) during a 3 months league is nowhere near hardcore. Apart from giving the entry ticket for the contest to each player who killed Normal Hillock I don't know what they can do.

The average player is not like you (since it's what you said), any player that would call him/herself super casual would see your situation as very very particular (5 years old account with no high level players, even with only one hour a day of playtime). You're hardcore in your own way, trust me on this.
IGN : @Morgoth
Last edited by Morgoth2356 on Dec 16, 2015, 8:13:09 AM
Nice thing. Also i don´t yet have enough talisman but i really want to clear the challenge. Even a lot of players will clear it and so there will be a low chance to actually win something... But at least i have a chance :D

But out of couriosity: How often was Rigwald already killed?
idk which tier are my talismans :/
my english sux.
Yeah Ty GGG :)
finally a good contest again.
vio wrote:
that's an incentive, my 3 year old rig starts to stutter in fracture maps already...

edit: and i don't even have to be on facebook!!!

Thats not because of your rig.. but rather the game that is not optimized
C1111 wrote:
idk which tier are my talismans :/

You can tell the tier of the talimans by the colour of the neck, white neck is tier 1, black neck is tier 2 and Red necks are tier 3.

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