[2.0] Lvl 93 Tempest [HC] Templar - Shock Nova/Call of the Brotherhood

Do you see any glaring errors in the lot? I'm pretty sure that getting less garbage jewels will help me out a bunch, but the gear probably isn't perfect either.

Thanks for the positive feedback :)

Think of jewels this way. If the jewel you are using is bad, you basically are wasting 2-3 passive points. If you aren't using a good jewel, it's better to put those points in other places (for example the circle of life wheel).

Not hating but you are using a 16 dex Fluid Motion jewel when you can buy a 23/24 dex one for dirt cheap - that's a free 7/8 dex right there. No reason to not have a near max rolled one.

I know you just started up the toon, but do your best to obtain some dex on your gear. It would probably force you to rebuy a bunch of items, but it would allow you to remove the two +30 dex nodes you currently have and you eventually could remove Fluid Motion for a very strong jewel in the future.

Your gear is pretty solid honestly. Especially that Two Stone ring... that's gorgeous.

Do you need the crafted mana regen on the necklace? You could craft dexterity on it instead of mana regen. Honestly I think your necklace is probably your weakest piece of gear.

Also, try to get Heart of Thunder above the Witch starting area. It is a SIGNIFICANT boost to damage.

Also consider speccing out of Faith and Steel in the beginning Templar area - it's not the strongest notable presuming you already have capped resists. Your call. Definitely get rid of that 3% cast speed to the right of it. That's not needed.

Anyways, I hope some of this feedback steers you in a direction.
Last edited by SleepThieff on Aug 23, 2015, 11:13:39 PM
Can Doere's Scorn boost dat build?
ign: PlasticSupporter
Can Dodere's Scorn boost that build?

Sure can! Now remember that Call of the Brotherhood already has zero life on it. To introduce another unique with zero life (Dodre's Scorn) would be really risky in a HC setting. If you are playing the build in a non-HC setting and you are comfortable with less life, then it is a very powerful helm.

I finally got my hands on a

Packs now freeze all the time and suddenly the build has become 100x funnier ! haha
Which flasks do you recommend using with this build?
Which flasks do you recommend using with this build?

I added a flask section to the main guide. Check it out.
Last edited by SleepThieff on Aug 26, 2015, 8:11:41 AM
While I am only lvl 65 and I only invested 27c for an awesome jewel I feel so squishy. Didnt feel this way since I played abyssus. YES it so fun but I dont think ill get to 85 with this lol.

Corrupted Blood, Reflect and others... ouch.

What I think Ill do is add even more radius, like a corrupted belt of deceiver (6% radius, -30% dmg from crits, all res). + Radius on tree.
Divinarius is that bad?

If ill get to 75 maps ILl buy my fav flask: Rumi
Last edited by wasabisamurai on Aug 26, 2015, 3:29:57 PM
Awesome build! Could you layout a crit version of the skilltree?
Hey! Currently playing this build and really enjoying it, currently lvl 78. I was wondering what you think I should focus on upgrading, I would appreciate any help. This is my current gear:

Awesome build! Could you layout a crit version of the skilltree?

It gets a bit complicated with what to give up woopie so I'm not sure what I would drop to get the crit nodes. But your main three crit notables are:

1)Arcane Potency (between Templar/Witch)

2)Annihilation (Witch starting area)

3)Throatseeker (between Witch Shadow)

Of the three Throatseeker is probably the least priortized since it offers no crit chance and only crit multiplier.

Here is a skill tree that has Arcane Potency, Annihilation, and 5 jewel sockets. 103 points of 123 used.

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