[Outdated] Zivko's CI Chaos Incinerate build - 200k dps / 10 000 ES

Vaindolf wrote:
Hi there.
You think the support gem Elemental Focus would work on this build? Perhaps its even better then Void manipulation or controlled destruction as this incinerate never inflicts status aligments.

Yes, elemental focus is better for this build then controlled destruction. Void manipulation is still the best multiplier since it also affects poison, it gives more damage then both CD and EF even thou tooltip increase is lower.
Last edited by ogrec on Mar 11, 2016, 1:13:42 PM
I'm writing here wanting to try this build out, it seems really nice, and I do realize you're probably very busy during the start of a new league and expansion, but I wanted to ask if you could point me in the direction of a nice way to level before transistioning to full CI, I.E where to go in the tree beforehand and such?
Hey. Cool build. Really enjoying it so far, although cant equip half the gear i bought for it so stats are pretty low, but its working. But wouldn't it be better to take chaos damage nodes near Vaal Pact instead of shadow starting nodes? Nodes near Vaal pact give 54% Chaos damage for 4 nodes, while shadow nodes give 56% for 5 nodes. I dont think this build needs physical damage or life?
Last edited by izrees on Mar 12, 2016, 4:20:08 AM
While leveling take all the hybrid es+life nodes, shadow life nodes and witch mana+life nodes. Once you have Atziri's Promise and infernal mantle (and around 10k tooltip), it's safe to switch to CI. You should get ghost reaver as soon as you pass 1.5k es to leech es and use flasks to regen life before you completely switch to ci.

That was an oversight on my part, Method of the Madness is better then shadow starting points. Thx for pointing it out, i'll update the skill tree in the guide. Cheers.
Great guide really enjoying the build so far! One question though, when i watched your 2.2 video i don't think i saw you using warlord's mark. Is it a skill you only recommend if you feel that our leech isn't good enough yet or do you have it on cast when damage taken?

-Nevermind i see you got incinerates cost down through other means.
Last edited by WrathfulTobi on Mar 15, 2016, 12:19:37 AM
Hi, I just had a question about the build. Basically, I have a 6L Mantle, I followed the build up to level 81, most of my gems are 20/20 or close, but without Elemental Overload I only get about 18k DPS with LMP, and I haven't been using Orb of Storms or switched to Ele Focus from controlled destruction, so I don't know how much it would help. Is there any reason why you seem to be getting more than twice my tooltip with similar gear?
Here's a link to my character, for reference. The one I'm running the build on is SaevaContaminationis.
Last edited by demonman24 on Mar 15, 2016, 2:16:46 AM
I can't answer you but what I can tell you is that (for me atleast) your characters are set to "private" and you need to change that for OP to take a look if he has the time (:
OK, thanks!
May I ask for your opinion?
Currently I am using cwdt+ics+bv+orb of storms to trigger Elemental overload. I noticed that if i link Increased critical strikes gem with Incinerate then Elemental overload stays up almost all f the time. So my question is: Do i use Increased critical strikes and say goodbye to Faster casting, Controlled destruction or Void manipulation or I use CWDT setup?
Sorry for the slow response, folks.

I don't recommend you use ics over any other gem. Incinerate does enough dmg vs normal mobs and dropping orb of storms is enough to proc EO vs blue, rare and unique mobs.
I think overall clear speed would be slower with ics (instead of faster casting for example) but i haven't tested it and since i'm playing a temp league i dont have time run tests on std atm to give you a definitive answer. You're welcome to run tests yourself and post the results, id be very interested to hear what your thoughts are on ics if you try it.

I checked your character, reason why my tooltip is so much higher is for four reasons:
1) my witch is lvl 93 and has more damage nodes on the skill tree
2) i have more spell damage/fire damage on gear and more cast speed from quality on gems
3) i have really good jewels which add close to 100% increase damage and 10% increased cast speed.
4) i'm using lvl 21 incinerate
Small things like that add up and the difference is pretty significant. I would recommend trying to get better shield with more spell damage and/or crafting cast speed on it, upgrading your jewels (replace unique ones you're using first as they dont boost your damage) and, ofc, level more and get more cast speed and dmg on tree.

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