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Guild Recruitment Channel: Global Chat #100

LFG @jay_bc

Discord: Huundai#2609
Last edited by redser1999 on Oct 1, 2022, 3:44:48 PM
Looking for English speaking guild.

IGN: DejaKin, Level 81 Duelist

Have played off and on over 18 months.
Have recently, in the last 6 weeks, been playing non-stop.
Still complete noob, but catching on fast to the basics.

I am in California, US. I play very late at night, so an Oceanic guild might be best. I do play occasionally during the day. So a NA guild or even a EU guild would work as well.

Discord ready!

Thanks for reading...
Last edited by dejunai on Oct 19, 2022, 7:23:26 AM
Looking for English speaking guild. I usually start in leagues but might play a bit in standard aswell. Mostly looking for just some ppl to chat with and maybe get some help on things not familiar to me. Timezone GMT +3.

Looking for a furry guild. I also have Discord

I usually play SC every league start weekend since Synthesis league
Some procrastinating artist...
Looking for a relaxing guild for players around 40.
I Love playing POE but I'm not a 20h a day gamer.
Just want some people to talk to while enjoying the game.
Normally playing SC league but if there is a fun idea i'm open minded.

language: german/english

Best regards,
Last edited by Melatox on Dec 8, 2022, 4:38:47 AM
i am a noob player with not much experience. Would love a guild with active players to help me .
i am a noob player with not much experience. Would love a guild with active players to help me .
hey hey new league, looking for an active guild to join :D
lmao left the last guild cuz all members basically quit sadge
ign : KINGgodPINK
lets have fun may rngesus be with us <3
i am a noob player with not much experience. Would love a guild with active players to help me .

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