SlightRedeye - Elemental Incinerate. HC, New league and Self-Found build.

d3subz wrote:

The gear I recommended in the guide is what I recommend, there isn't anything new that I can say about your gear unfortunately. If you change a piece of gear because you prefer it (or if it is more convenient) then that is fine, but my opinion aligns with what is in the guide completely.

Spell block and dodge doesn't well work anymore, 30% less block from Acro takes a huge chunk out of it. Forget about block if you have Acro imo.

With a Saffell's Frame you should be able to comfortable kill Atziri, but that doesn't mean you are guaranteed anything. All of the fights are heavily skill dependent and varys from player to player. If you struggle to take down the Uber trio then there isn't much I can do for you sadly. The build isn't meant for Uber farming, it is a new league self-found spec basically.

One way of making the fights easier is getting more damage. Your gems are level 20 without quality which is a huge oversight, vendor all of them except Incinerate/Added Cold with a GCP for 20% quality.

20% cast speed/10% spell damage is a huge boost just from gems, which will kick your damage up by 1k or so at least. The faster you kill the bosses, the less mistakes you are able to make.
IGN: SlightRedeye
(GMT + 0:00)
Last edited by SlightRedeye on Jan 26, 2015, 8:32:26 PM
SlightRedeye wrote:
_SleeZy_ wrote:
Gotta give you kudos for how great this build is.

I'm now lvl 87 with this build in BL.(And it's my first hc char in poe!) The only thing that's giving this build some troubles is otherwordly, they do spike hard!

I've a question though, when would you consider this to be "safe" to try atziri with?
I'm seriously tempted to give it a go soon.

Here's my current gear and stats:

5k hp, 5.6k unreserved, 280hp regen. 3.5k dps tooltip, i've less with added lightning so i'm using FC atm as it feels smoother for mapping. Mana regen is enough to run lvl 13 AA atm. I might switch the sheild out if i can find a nice rolled one with manaregen.
Capped resists, altho i've not 81/75/81 like you do, i'm at 79atm i guess i will need lvl 20 puritys for that?

I'm still leveling my empower so until then i'll keep my coh warlords setup which is great for the leech and free endurance charges. :)

I'm glad you like the build :)

It all depends on how comfortable you are with Atziri, the build is capable of killing her smoothly but it is also dependant on manually dodging. Once you equip a Saffell's Frame the 5k life pool you have would prevent you from being one-shot by any of Atziri's regular flameblasts/storm call/spears, all except the gigantic spells. (double flameblast/white stormcall should never be tanked.)

The more damage you have the easier the fights will be, this also goes for clearing the blue monsters on the way there. In bloodlines this is really dangerous, so I would honestly go really slowly or skip as many as possible. 4k+ tooltip should be enough to take down the Vaal's in two bursts, which is really easy. The trio requires you to warp in and warp out at the right time, wait for the arrow rain to cast then warp in and damage the ranger boss. As long as you don't overstay while dealing damage to any of the bosses, you will be fine. cwdt EC+IC is mandatory of course.

Atziri herself is where dodging skills is the most important, in the video I posted I hadn't played PoE in 6 months and still managed. I brought only one Ruby flask and had no Saffell's Frame equipped which was extremely stupid of me and I still survived several flameblasts and a stormcall at just under 5k hp. A Saffell's would have meant over 20% more effective health for that fight, but you can see what I mean.

If you are confident enough to try farming her, go for it. Totally up to you.

Thanks for your tips!
I did had a free respec on an old 86 shadow in standard. So i decided to throw togheter some gear i had. Sub optimal hp 4.5k only and regen was barely enough to keep casting. And i managed to do it deathless. :)

What i did learn from it though is the way there is quite risky even in sc, so in BL that's gonna be the real challange assuming i dont desynch. I also killed them in the wrong order, had cycloner last but it didn't matter at all. I guess that was due legacy LC i used. So in bl i cant afford to make that mistake. (Also used LL gem instead of any of the other choises due colors, so i essentially did it with a 4l)

Gear used in my quick practice.

So now i'll just have to grind the few gem lvls out on my BL char then i'll give it a go. :)

PS: Tried to facetank dual FB just for fun and see how much dmg she did take. I dodged it :-( But i guess i won't be that stupid in BL. :)
Last edited by _SleeZy_ on Jan 27, 2015, 5:27:46 PM
Just wanted to update abit.
I finally reached my endgame goal of reaching level 90 in a hardcore league.
I said that if i'll make it to 90 ima do atziri.

I was quite nervous and did alot of mistakes, such as killed one vaal to fast so i had to fight a turbo vaal and almost got smashed twice. Then we've the trio, i accidently killed cycloner last. Which was managable but way harder than it should have been. :D

And then we've atziri herself which was quite smooth, did some misstiming on potions but it worked out fine.

She decided to bless me with:

So again i thank you for this build!
Here's atziri kill if anyone wanna watch. :)
_SleeZy_ wrote:
She decided to bless me with:

So again i thank you for this build!
Here's atziri kill if anyone wanna watch. :)

wow congrats, that was really lucky first drop!
IGN: SlightRedeye
(GMT + 0:00)
Nice build. Feeling a bit squishy at times (with grace) but that might have something to do with my playstyle. Level 81 at the moment.

My gear:

What should I be looking to upgrade and why?
Last edited by ludise on Feb 7, 2015, 7:14:53 AM
ludise wrote:
Nice build. Feeling a bit squishy at times (with grace) but that might have something to do with my playstyle. Level 81 at the moment.

My gear:

What should I be looking to upgrade and why?

It is hard for me to give advice without knowing exactly what your stats are, so i'm limited to pretty vague answers.

Take every life node on the tree for the build before damage nodes, particularly the shadow's ele nodes.

Life on your shield would help a lot, life/spell damage shields with crafted regen aren't expensive.

Remember that leveling up will increase your life quite a lot with all of the %life taken from the tree. 5 levels is around additional 180 life which makes a big difference.

Your gear looks great as far as I can tell, for mapping your damage should be really solid. There is honestly nothing wrong with your setup, I don't run grace myself but some people prefer it. I'm most likely giving this build another shot since the last I played of it was a month ago.

About 20 mins ago I yolo'ed Atziri with my Aegis BoR Soul Taker build.

I got slapped and died on the last phase to a flameblast. rip


Now I'm pretty poor in Bloodlines and might need to use this spec again. :D
IGN: SlightRedeye
(GMT + 0:00)
Last edited by SlightRedeye on Feb 7, 2015, 8:44:42 PM
This build is pretty awesome, I'm currently level 87. The problem i'm having right now is fighting against atziri. I did atziri 4 times and only succeeded once. Some how i always keep screwing up on the second stage of the boss(3 boss). I need opinion whether the equipment that i have right now is durable.
I have 5.2k life and after reserved is 4.6k. My dmg with buffs is 4.2k and using Saffell is 4k. Is it better for me to max my skills first? currently lvl 19. I have empower but curretly trying to lvl it to lvl 2.

thanachot wrote:
The problem i'm having right now is fighting against atziri. I did atziri 4 times and only succeeded once. Some how i always keep screwing up on the second stage of the boss(3 boss). I need opinion whether the equipment that i have right now is durable.

The issue isn't your gear, your setup is perfectly fine.

On the trio you have to play it like I did in the video. I played it poorly, so you can do a lot better. My screen kept freezing during the fight while recording, too.

Kite in circles until the Arrow Rain is casted at you, then warp in and dps the ranger as much as possible. Warp out before she casts the second arrow rain.

When she dies, focus the dual striker. When the dual striker is enraged (on fire and burning) try not to attack it. Enraged means that he reflects damage and can ignite you, which hurts a lot. Keep running in circles and damage where you can, it is really straight forward.

The cyclone boss requires bleed removal. Wait for him to use his cyclone attack then damage him immediately after. As long as you can remove his bleed (and become immune to it after flask buffs) he cannot deal any damage to you. The white mobs that spawn cannot damage you as long as you have arctic armour running.

If you run out of flasks just rung in circles and kill minions, try not to panic flask for no reason. It comes with practice, these skills translate into other builds as well. good luck.
IGN: SlightRedeye
(GMT + 0:00)
i did not know the dual striker can reflects,HUE. Tried again using your technique, didn't die, thanks a lot.

First of all thanks for the build. I really like it so far.

I'm playing in Bloodlines, currently level 47. Shredding everything on a 4L without a problem.
No close calls or anything, feels pretty tanky even with slightly uncapped light/cold resistances.

My only concern at the moment is leveling clarity. My unreserved HP is the same since level 30... about 1100-1200.

My 4L is Incinerate / Echo / Added Lighting / GMP... would faster casting be better than added lighting?

Will update as I progress, pretty solid till now, great job!


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