[1.2] Whaitiri's Flickering Viper [Atziri proof]

Also in the Gem list you have as one of your Auras Herald of Ash, I was using that for a while. Then checked your Gear and saw that you use Herald of Ice, so I switched to ice instead.

Tell me plz that I did the correct thing?
@cyranorick: Indeed, one thing i've overlooked as i had the char leveled & geared before patch. Have updated the gear section in this regard.

@p4rasite: Herald of Ash is the correct one. I tested both (Ice & Ash), with a Bino's the difference isn't big, but with more physical burst damage from your dagger, Ash becomes far superior. The reason Ice was linked (and still is), is that i don't have enough chromes on Standard atm to get my CoE the correct colours. But when you chrome whatever piece you put your auras on, go for RRGB.

Thanks for all the feedback so far guys, helped me alot to improve this guide!
Last edited by Enki91 on Aug 26, 2014, 3:57:52 AM
A friend has let me test his Dragon Hunger (top Flicker dagger in Standard League), reached 113k Viper Strike and 19k Flicker with that and the gear linked in first post - without things like Haste, Vaal Haste or Atziri's Promise!

Here's a screenshot i took of Viper Strike (sorry, forgot to take one of Flicker aswell)

He is leveling this build atm, and will try the Uber-viability once he's high enough.
Last edited by Enki91 on Aug 28, 2014, 10:34:42 AM
Great build however it could really do with a leveling guide, you obviously cant level as CI which means you need to level using heath and your build doesn't show what the best route to do this would be. (Plus associated switch over from HP to CI).

I am at level 37 and dieing in level 35 areas, part of that is gear but part is a total lack of health :)

You're probably right, for now i hope that people will pick life nodes themselves while leveling. Next week or so i'll start to level this in Rampage, currently i'm too fixated with Beyond.

Will work out a leveling guide soon.
I'm at 78 atm. Not dissappointed, pretty fun build.
Last edited by xzyxzy on Aug 28, 2014, 10:55:23 PM
Awesome guide but may you help me with a purely flicker-strike, VP version of the build?

I am thinking that it would turn out to be something like this.

Also, what do you think about going for an Auras+Iron Reflexes build like this instead of block?
Last edited by Zhen on Aug 29, 2014, 8:35:56 AM
Thanks! For a pure Flicker build, i would do something like this:

You would lose VP but gain more Accuracy, Crit Chance/Multi and another Frenzy Charge. But i must admit, i'm not that experienced with pure Flicker builds and can't say how important VP is without Acuity.

The second, block-less version looks better imo, but once again got no experience with pure Flicker. Leveling it may be a bit tedious, as the major nodes are very far spread from each other. I would rush down to IR, then lay out the way so you can take CI, GR and VP at the same time through quest reward passives.
Here is my current gear. I have been playing self found besides my leveling uniques. I was just curious what you thought my first major purchase should be. I have about 17 ex that I can spend for upgrades. Which looks like it will put me close to a bino's or coe. At some point I need to ditch the Tabula rasa also though.

Last edited by protips on Aug 30, 2014, 7:29:22 PM
protips wrote:
Here is my current gear. I have been playing self found besides my leveling uniques. I was just curious what you thought my first major purchase should be. I have about 17 ex that I can spend for upgrades. Which looks like it will put me close to a bino's or coe. At some point I need to ditch the Tabula rasa also though.


I'd recommend, don't waste your currency on the big stuff when your overall gear isn't sufficient yet. You will need atleast a decent amount of ES on Chest, Helmet, Boots and Shield before going CI, else you'll be a total glass cannon.

With your budget you should be able to find a ~400 ES 5L Hybrid chest, ~200 ES shield with resistances (or Rathpith Globe), ~300 ES helmet, Rainbowstride, Maligaros, Dream Fragments, Eye of Chayula and even a physical Doryani Belt. That will be a HUGE improvement and let you start mapping.

Keep the Sol Gyre ring, it's pretty good. After you've got all these upgrades and farmed up for currency, go for Binos. CoE won't really do anything for you unless you got a good amount of Spell Damage on shield and tree.

If you wan't a dagger upgrade until Binos, try following my dagger crafting advice from the leveling section. Together with Vagan you'll be able to craft something decent for lower maps.
Last edited by Enki91 on Aug 31, 2014, 1:42:00 AM

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