1.0.1 Patch Notes

sorry i dont what to say...i realy dont like the changes i mean why do i make builds after the game release when they change verything a week later....FUN IS REALY GONE RIGHT Now, i enjoyed this game for almost 6month but the latest changs are so silly i think dont make sense for me, now i have to klick like 20scourings on every gem to make it work again with cast on dmg taken???? and lvl gems are jsut useless my build is destroyed...dont know what else to say its just silly for me to play more becuase my next build will be changed a week later....frustration is realy big ...
Ign: The_Horus

My profile & builds @: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/544588
loCurnus wrote:
ofcorpse wrote:

Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments.

Will this improve my FPS by any chance or make it worse?

There is no point in buying cosmetic items when my game looks like this
texture_quality 10 and custom resolution

And I still get mean FPS spikes.

I really don't feel like buying a new computer/parts just to maybe get rid of my FPS issues with Path of Exile when I can play pretty much any other game just fine.

what is your system gfx card now? maybe there could be done some updates and tricks or stuff like that...

and i guess this one for playing is really ugly never seen this again be4...

It looks like your LOD settings have been tinkered with. I for one would uninstall PoE, maybe even reinstall Windows and start fresh. PoE isn't the problem, I'm sorry, but it's you. Or at least your machine. Find out what is causing the issue and fix it. It's really not hard with a little time and common sense.
k good new gems and did scoure my last gems to lvl9.

CoDT ist not as powerful anymore, but still very viable from my XP now with the patch in maps (im lvl 82 discharger) :)

9 47 48 33 38% 1090 945,554
10 49 50 35 34% 1220 1,138,877
11 51 52 36 30% 1350 1,368,223
12 53 54 37 26% 1500 1,638,338
13 55 56 39 22% 1670 1,956,648
14 57 57 40 18% 1850 2,329,968
15 59 59 41 14% 2060 9,826,462
16 61 61 43 10% 2280 21,126,787
17 63 63 44 6% 2520 50,254,966

Guess i could lvl till 15ish w/o problems in higher lvl maps.

So im fine for now ^^
VladiSSius wrote:
Comply_cat_Ed wrote:
Jakabov wrote:
You really need to address how absolutely horrible the facilities for manual casting of utility spells are if you want to take away the thing that fixed that problem. CwDT is universally loved not because it's a bit overpowered but because it takes away the unbearable burden it was to constantly cast curses, Enduring Cry, Molten Shell etc., especially on characters without faster cast gear/passives.

People were finally enthusiastic about the long-suffering melee gameplay and then you choose to nerf this in a way that completely negates most of its purpose. It should be possible to nerf it in a way that doesn't feel like you finally got a splint on your broken limb only to promptly have it forcefully ripped off again.

CwDT's ability to automate your curse and Molten Shell does not enable some new, previously unavailable power, it just made it bearable where it previously wasn't. Molten Shell has always been available but most ignored it because it's *too fucking irritating to use manually.* The power to spam it was already there, it was just so annoying that people chose not to.

CwDT does not override cooldowns or make skills more powerful, it just relieved a burden so heavy that it previously made most players opt out. Surely nobody can claim that curses and MS are inherently overpowered and should not be usable often -- they always were. CwDT doesn't allow you to do something you couldn't do before, it just removes a problem so big that people solved it by refraining from using some of their skills.

Wouldn't it have been better to, say, implement an internal cooldown for each individual spell linked to CwDT and applying part of their mana cost when triggered? Surely the problem isn't that level 20 MS is too powerful or that the game is too easy when mobs are consistently affected by your curse of choice. If that were the case, people would be using MS and Hex Master in every build.

If you insist on restoring the excessive chore of manually casting several utility spells, you should acknowledge that it *was* too much of a chore before and alleviate the burden somewhat. Perhaps make it so casting a non-damage spell doesn't take a full second for builds in the bottom half of the skill tree. Maybe make it so a higher-level curse doesn't cost like 70 mana, an amount that many builds don't even have available now that auras reserve so much mana that just two of them will take upwards of 90% of your total even when linked to Reduced Mana.

Enduring Cry, paradoxically the one utility skill that wasn't unreasonably steep and cumbersome to use before CwDT, is the only one largely unaffected since its usefulness isn't completely hosed by having to use a low-level gem because using a high-level CwDT is basically out of the question as it tragicomically remains the one skill gem in the game that gets worse as you level it up. The skill that remains useful with CwDT is the one skill that didn't need automation.

Please find a different way to accomplish what CwDT did. It made the game so much better.


Sir, I have good and bad news.
The good news is: Our initative "BANANA ON DAMAGE TAKEN" has proven to be really popular. High concentrations of vitamines, sugar and trace elements have severly increased the survivability of our community.
Especially the formerly unpopular scurvy- and famine-ridden melee fighter caste has recieved an influx of applicants related to the healthiness of the banana initiative.
The banana has become a vital aspect of almost every citizens life.

And the bad news?

Well, people are becoming too dependend on bananas. Also they are eating them in their firm and tasty yellow-almost-green state instead of waiting until they get brown and squishy, as we intended them to be eaten. People could get fat and lazy if they rely too much on bananas.
And worst of all: They would enjoy it!

We can't let that happen! What should we do?

Well, we should increase the appeal to let the bananas age before consumption by somehow removing the squishy treats of the mature state. And maybe we can inject the fresh bananas with a slight bitter aroma which fades over time.
People would have the choice between immediate consumption at a price or higher enjoyment at a later time.

Nonsense! We need to act fast! Extract most of the nutrients and re-inject them only if someone presents a squishy banana!

But what about all the people who are dependend on ready-to-eat-bananas? What about the melee caste? Should they go back to growing spinach with one hand while slaying dragons with the other?

Damn right. Send them a box of eye-patches so they can be scurvy-pirates.

But sir, there will be a lot of complaints!
What about the ongoing campaign against evil? Whole platoons dependent on bananas will become inoperable because of malnourishment in the middle of the campaign!

Shut up landlubber or I'll have ye keelhauled! Arrrrr

Okay, seriously. Cast On Damage Taken was OP, but this nerf is ridiculous and comes to the most mistimed moments of all.
It wouldn't have hurt to properly rethink the CODT mechanic before issuing a destruction patch of doom.
Just my opinion.

Well, a lot of good points here, also some pointy humor.

"You really need to address how absolutely horrible the facilities for manual casting of utility spells are if you want to take away the thing that fixed that problem."

That summs it up perfectly. Couldnt have put it myself any better. GGG, please think carefully about this. I love that game way too much!

How about nurf discharge (the real issue since open beta) instead of CwDH

Lesson: dont build around just released gems.

Are you serious? Do blindly follow where they take you? When the Lead Developer and Founder completely showcases the gem, specifically points out how he doesn't like to micromanage skills and proceeds to showcase it further in the Build Series; We are not to build around newly released gems?

I actually agree but not for the same reasons.

The people that continually say this is ok, it was OP, everyone used it blah blah blah and etc are more damaging to the games longevity that the whiners and criers.

The main reason so many are pissed is they were told about this beautiful new toy coming to release and all the wonderful things it could do. Everyone was excited. I for one planned sorta around it and also around purity by not maxing my resistance..no by not getting as much passive resistance for the 1st time playing this game. Now it's all fucked. Sure I can play it but have to find new gems for the codt shit..but the purity things stings. But this is all applicable to me. Everyone else is in similar situations.

People accepting this wild roller coaster ride of development are welcome to it. As long as you say you'll take it they will dish it.

People so wisely encouraging the ones threatening to leave..and that this F2P game will not miss them... I'd say think about that again. This game more-so that a game sold for revenue needs every last person 100 X more. Each one is a possible source of income throughout their stay. SO keep encouraging....fewer wallets will be around to wallow with you in the nerf dung.
a bug with aura effect increase

I use Hatred, and Charisma node didn't apply increased effect.

This happened today. after patch.

please note.


also posted here

Last edited by Wully_Bully on Nov 13, 2013, 2:10:03 PM
exxidus wrote:
galantonp wrote:
Klowdy wrote:
I see a lot of complaining and over a free game. Appreciate what you have people. They could have charged you for this. Look at D3, It's a joke compared to this game and they charged you (and me =[ ) $40, and the expansion isn't going to be free either.

Things are changing all the time, and if you can't understand that, maybe this game (or any MMO for that matter) isn't for you. I find it quite fun to theorycraft after a huge overhaul.

To GGG, you are all doing a great job. I've played this game since early beta, and even though I thought it was a fun game then, you have all done so much to improve it. Keep up the good work.

First, I already spent more than that on PoE.
Second, this isn't an MMO, but even if it were, in no MMO do you have to burn tons of currency only to get your characters destroyed regularly - and by the looks of it this is going to be the norm in PoE.

TBH, I don't see myself spending on cosmetic effects and such if I don't have the confidence that my characters have any sort of longer-term future. I don't have the time to roll a new build every 2 weeks, nor do I want to.

You kind of ruin your own statement ... Do you think this is a long term base, where you had to think this time? ... The Skill Gem came out a few days (let it be weeks) ... and just because you have to go with the flow, as you see that it is EXTREMELY OVERPOWERED ... doesnt mean you have the right to stay that overpowered.

It was kind of obvious from the first videos about the new gems abuses that there will be a nerf ... so better turn on your brain, before destroying everything you have for a new (<- see this word .. NEW ... not LONG TERM) build ... or did they ruin your build you had before rerolling yours to the OVERPOWERED build? ...

You just wanted to be cool for the moment, thats what you have to pay for it now ...

Actually they didn't ruin anything because I didn't get to use the gem much. However, alot of people's chars were ruined and I see myself in the same boat sooner or later. My gripe was with the game changing significantly every 2 weeks, not with this particular change. But I guess that's too complicated to comprehend for some.
Make another gem that will be similar to CoDT or maybe not THAT Op but still way better than it is right now, and make it worth 60 exalts. So it will be like a very good piece of gear that u are investing in to make yourself better. Make it drop as rare as Shavronne's Wrappings ( just a suggestion) , and don't allow to be received from a quest. Can be called Superior CoDT lets say.
IN this way, this ppl that are complaining about this gem ( that pretend they cant live without it) will be able to use it, by actually paying good exalts for it.
So if u want to have better things than others, pay in orbs, prove the difference between you and a new player.
U can also add this gem as a receipe from vendor, 60 exalts to the vendor gives u this gem.
And problem solved.
I prefer to be a very rare drop so "noobs" like me, and others will have the chance to find it and sell it to those who want it that bad. So we also get rich.
So this can be a good strategy for the game in order to keep older players keep playing. U will have either to farm a lot in order to find it, either to work hard, spend hours by selling gear to get rich and have enough orbs to buy it. Everything that is very good or too OP should require hard working in order to get it. U make it easier to get, u kill the game, no satisfaction what so ever. This ppl that were using this build just by paying 8 chaos would had made a new character in 3 months from now.

Sry for my English.

It`s just a suggestion, don`t hate
Last edited by AdrianaYouKnow on Nov 13, 2013, 2:42:49 PM
I'd like to see some kind of auction house and a guild search feature.

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