Hardcore is not so hardcore?

Elynole wrote:
PipPitkin wrote:
When my HC character dies, I would appreciate that in addition to "Resurrect (in Default)" I'd be offered another button with "Bury". That way, I could kind off select to have the HC character die properly without the one-second-long trip to the Republic of Default.

+1 I like this idea :)

renting this space - 1 gcp/month
I made my first hardcore char and she's still alive and kicking. However I decided to make a new char as I was on a laggy connection and wanted to try another build. I also had glare and fatigue working against me and didn't much care and got a level 8 char killed. I didn't care that I died and am completely fine with it going to softcore league. However what really bothered me was that the death was very anti-climactic. There was no real death screen. It was just a resurrect button like default league and treated it like nothing. Additionally then it's like you NEVER played in hardcore as far as I could tell. There is no ghost or any record of when you died out of hardcore. In Diablo 2 you left behind a ghost and held your position on the ladder. You may be dead, but you still got to a certain point. Here you could be ranked #1 on the ladder and die and then it's like you were never there and you completely lose your position, whereby someone who played to level 2 and quit essentially has a higher rank than you (and always will, granted level 2 obviously doesn't make the ladder top 15k, but the point stands).

What I really want to see is a notation that the character was hardcore, at what level/xp they died and to remain as a ghost on the ladder. Possibly having a ladder option that includes and excludes dead chars. I feel like the lack of recognition bit by having no graveyard sort of thing of any kind is kind of annoying. I'm hoping you atleast note this information on your servers so you can change this aspect after the fact if you change your mind on having such a mechanic. I'm not suggesting anything in regards to how 'permanent' the death is or anything like that. I just want some acknowledgement of characters past. If someone makes it to 90 and then happens to die they should maintain a position so long as 90 is still an achievement.

If someone has seen any dev posts on this aspect of the topic please point me to it if you could.
I usually play HC but after D3 inferno 1 hit BS death

and this game falling asleep death.

I can pretend I am playing HC on default. I get the same feel but if I accidentally die by falling asleep, I am not too mad.
i started in default league, to get to know the game and see what i have to expect.
Now ive made a HC char and every time he is close to being dead, i just altf4 or quit to login screen. at first this gave me some thrills cause i had to be concentrated to save him before he dies. on SC i just didnt care so much and died a few times, even on lower levels, for the sake of playing kamikaze style. but after a while the thrills got less since it becomes kind of a reflex to quit to login screen once i go below 25% life or something around that. the thrills have been replaced by: meh now ive got to walk all the way again.
but i havent gotten to maps on my hc char yet and i kind of expect HC to become more thrilling again once i get there, since i will have to be more aware of 1shot possibilities.

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