Official Blender Post! Lets theory craft for 1.2! 123k Cleave DPS!

No more int problems :D So far I haven't had to take an int node, should be able to get my gems to level 19 without one.

Also, why does my dps increase (cycleon tooltip) when I equip a shield? I put Lioneye Remorse on just to check out my defenses and noticed the increase... thought that was kind of odd.
IGN: Sin
Valentia wrote:

I'd do this:

Gives you the best of everything. More life/Regen, Some crucial block, a boat load of attack speed. There is also a very good damage cluster at the bottom of Duelist, just to the right of the Diamond Skin node you have.
Valentia wrote:
kallell wrote:
Valentia wrote:

I currently am very underwhelmed with Cyclone. I'm in my 50's and Dual Strike just seems a hundred times better and safer.

I am using DS in a 3L with DS + Faster Attacks + Melee Splash.

Cyclone is Added Fire + Cyclone + Life Gain On Hit + Blood Magic.

Should I just ditch trying to use Cyclone until I get way better gear?

Why not multistrike over faster attacks? Seems like it'd be a no brainer for dps increase.

I am on a new character in Nemesis and haven't bought it yet. Will be buying soon. Spent my Chaos on a Cast When Damage Taken.

Another thing... this is my current passive tree and I have 10 points remaining. Should I be going for more defensive or offensive nodes?

How many chaos did you spend on that anyway? Also, what's your gear look like?

Honestly, i usually favor on defense, but this is what i came up with given your deficits.
Possu81 wrote:
I really find it difficult to support some gems with my int. Have you sacrificed any slots to +int in skill tree or tried to get int-items? I look forward that +30 int which I might grab.

What gems are you using that require a lot of Int? In my opinion, Enfeeble isn't that important to level until maybe late game, when you really want to maximize mitigation. Getting one of the 30 Int nodes is not the wrong answer though. If you can't get a decent necklace with Int on it, then 1-2 of these nodes should save the day, and not cause you to lose too much in anything else.
I paid 5 Chaos for it. =)

Here's my gear:

Possu81 wrote:
I really find it difficult to support some gems with my int. Have you sacrificed any slots to +int in skill tree or tried to get int-items? I look forward that +30 int which I might grab.

Decieded to go for both 30 ints in my reach. As soon as you got some decent damage going the manaleech will kick in and you're good to go.

So basically Im running this with Dual Strike and Reave, still testing what I like better.
I did change some passives though - I went to grab Blood Drinker and from there made my way to the Onehand Damagenodes at the Marauder Start. What do you think of that course? I sacrifice Life Nodes for Damage basically. (Unwavering Stance cause no BoR and no RT cause I like dem crits a little better so far)

could you post a build with unwavering stance (if u cannot afford BoR) a cheap build basically?
xenochaos1 wrote:
could you post a build with unwavering stance (if u cannot afford BoR) a cheap build basically?

This would be much appreciated! :)

As I am just starting this character on Dominion fresh.
I started this build recently and am now at 62. Also got a Duelist of this at 51.

I started as a Marauder instead and while it is a bit slower at first (quite a bit) you almost never come even close to dying. With going after proper +HP and +Resist gear as leveling and working towards capping my resists I have to say that I have pretty much been able to face tank everything in the game up till about Merciless with no real issue.

Duelist I noticed I had some problems earlier on once my huge Dex boost wore out and I started missing without Resolute Technique where as the Marauder never had that issue. Also not having Evasion or Blind can be extremely painful when I went Iron Reflexes early on with the Duelist.

Some "cheapo" items for leveling this build I found while playing and have found extremely useful were:

Both have huge HP/MP leech which once my damage went up a bit I basically could spam Dual Strike forever.

Gem wise Multistrike is colossal for Dual Strike. It's a night and day difference and lets me get away with only having 37 mana (even tho Dual costs 32) cause by the time the animation is done I've leached back enough to keep going.

Again great guide and recommend Marauder for Hardcore version!
Last edited by KodiakX on Oct 31, 2013, 6:28:55 PM
Hi, noob question here. I've seen a lot of people using double strike and I'm just wondering what are the pros and cons of double and dual strike? which of those two are better.

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