[3.25] MoM Crit Power Siphon Totem Hierophant

Please don't stress yourself too much with the really expensive endgame jewels. This build can go all the way from starter to endgame. It just takes time which we have plenty of. What is really nice is that you can get progressively better.

Thx for leveling POBs i will league start this. Its a long time i tried totem build, so i am really excited about it :)
With the curse buffs vs bosses, have you considered getting +1 curse and conductivity?
Anathema ring seems insane on that regard since we have 5 permanent charges.
We loose a slot with a lot of chaos res, mana/accuracy etc if we give up the ring. If we give up Berserk we can go for rare gloves that can help out. But all that is all stuff to explore. The beauty of a new league. New stuff!
Last edited by zorker on Dec 7, 2022, 11:12:07 AM
Yep... I love totems. I'm in.
I found this german guide on the build today. If you want a different perspective take a look:
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cg7wE5tKoi0
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wvd0ceJ-pso
Last edited by zorker on Dec 7, 2022, 2:59:56 PM
zorker wrote:
I found this german guide on the build today. If you want a different perspective take a look:
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cg7wE5tKoi0
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wvd0ceJ-pso

Oh neat he made a leveling guide for storm brand into this build & it looks like it uses 9 respec pointshttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1leFtza1otBw5ccGjow-RIW7yJjfezagAgO83aATO5-0/edit#gid=1978172463

Wish there was a way to directly level with attack wand skills at league start that didn't feel awful.
Definitely going to leaguestart this build. I love Power siphon as a skill and totems seem to be a safe playstyle for this upcoming league mechanic.

Something I noticed looking at the German video you linked, he doesn't have as many attributes on gear and it seems pretty starved for strength. I hope those aren't issues in endgame.
Last edited by moon_nmh on Dec 7, 2022, 9:35:24 PM
Getting enough strength and dexterity is a struggle the build has to overcome. Atziri's foible is a good option early on since it reduces the requirements by a lot making other gearing choices a tad bit easier.
How does the lightning coil build work? With Purity of Lightning sublime vision and the timeless keystone, we have 80% fire/cold converted, but to get the last 20%, we'd need Kaltensoul, which isn't available anymore. How do we avoid getting fire/cold res in this version?

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