[April 12] Initial Development Manifesto Feedback

i barely get any currency anymore in maps. how do you expect me to roll hard maps if i aint got the currency to roll one? am i suppose to make new character and farm for currency?, cause that would be waste of time. imo, there shouldn't be a penalty in maps.
me also thinking the endgame map system need a change
playing endgame map is not rewarding at all, u lose large amount of orb instead gaining orb for each map u craft, especially when crafting high lv map 70+, that we must ensure its get highest quantity so it can drop an upgrade map, but most of the time its not, its just drop low lv map like 66-67 or no drop at all even after 100%+ quantity mod
Change the party system so you can choose between a party that is ninja looting verses a party that can greed/need/pass roll on items. Ninja looters can still have there fun and casual gamers or people who are not as fast with a mouse can still join a party and feel relaxed.

It's possible to add to melee damage nodes defensive stats as well. So melee weapon damage node, for instance will get 2% life as well.
The current races are dominated by:

1. Short term Solo races: players who have toiled over theory crafting left and right for the situation ( a generally limited situation), leaving little else than RNG for intrigue. (top ~5%)
2. Long term party races: players who have a long-term-team to theory craft with (streamers?), and are in the ~5% that is competitive, leaving all pick up groups/soloers in the dust.

While, a long term solo race would perhaps be dominated by account sharing, and hampered by tough boss fights/map farming(with or without trading)... it would open up a whole new area to theorycrafting.

It's no secret that party play in this game is immensely favored over solo (when available), and that this also neglects a very real portion of the ARPG/POE player base.

Last edited by maxyohax on Apr 28, 2013, 4:07:54 AM
I find that playing a melee character has several drawbacks. Most of them occur mid game.
The disparity between hp and HP regen in the mid levels of the game is quite large.
For instance, at level 30 a melee character will have 1000 or more hp with fair gear, but you're limited to a 380 hp potion. If you take a Templar get nothing but HP and ES nodes.
Your damage mitigation vs the your regen cant keep up with damage spikes. If at any point you get a large damage spike you have to run away and wait for 2-3 potion uses to refill your hp pool. IT takes 15-20 seconds of fleeing before you can re-engage in combat.

More than that, your ability to target and control your melee character is very poor. A miss-click on a melee character is very punishing. With no way to cancel an attack animation you end up running up and attacking only air while taking damage. The fact that you have to click click click click click to keep targeting new mobs is very counter intuitive. I think a lot of people
actually confuse bad targeting with de-sync. You should be able to slide your mouse from one target to the next without releasing the mouse button.

A targeting bubble under the a mob versus a highlighted model would help some of the targeting problems (ribbons come to mind) along with the ability to slide your mouse from one target to the next without playing an action per minute game style and maybe being able to cancel an attack you didn't intend to make.

Melee needs to have much more mitigation and regen to be comparable to ranged and it's currently not available. The new melee supports are nice but killing power was never truly an issue. The fact is when you make a melee hero in the game you take 3-4 times more damage conservatively and have nothing to make up for it.

I would suggest a flask effect or armor/evasion added to melee damage nodes. This would make them more attractive, give melee mitigation without giving it to ranged, and make mid game melee heroes much more attractive.
Another point re: physical critical strike effect. It's probably already been raised, but melee characters are more likely to get hit by physical monsters' critical strikes (whether ranged or in close) due to the increased exposure inherent in melee. While critical strikes might help the dex based builds (that need not take resolute technique), this proposed change strikes me as yet another way to disadvantage strength-based melee.

Unless the goals is to make Unwavering Stance absolutely necessary for melee (assuming the crit effect is increased stun), I urge GGG to reconsider this one.

Are we going to get an update on melee anytime soon?
I'm seriously getting ticked by the server / client issue.. either get rid of movement based mods / skills on both players and monsters, or fix the issue.

I just read the map/loot drop rate manifesto, and it seems like reducing the number of blue (magic) items that drop would be preferable to reducing the number of white items that drop. White items are more useful for crafting, since you don't have to use a scouring on them first.
IGNs: Boslin, EmilysVermiciousKnid, Sansarya, Hathem, Rejnah
Time zone: US CST (GMT -6)
Welp, I'm done. Another death from mobs that were not close enough to hit (out of hit range). If this is ever fixed, I'll be back. Till then, well.. least I won't need to worry about those particle effects for my weapons and gear.

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