[3.14] Cospri's Malice CoC Ice Nova Inquisitor - League Starter.

One last question, I'm at ~44% crit chance. Your PoB says your at ~80%.

Where am I missing that much crit chance? I pretty much have most of the build.

Only two things I feel like I'm missing is watcher's eye, and awakened CoC.

Where am I missing crit?
I'm confused on how to craft the explosion chest, lol. Could somebody dumb it down for me with a baby version step by step? I have the ilvl 100 hunter sadist garb, and I also have the crusader plate with explosion on it with no other crusader mods, I'm lost after that step.
Nvm, figured it out
Dioxy186 wrote:
One last question, I'm at ~44% crit chance. Your PoB says your at ~80%.

Where am I missing that much crit chance? I pretty much have most of the build.

Only two things I feel like I'm missing is watcher's eye, and awakened CoC.

Where am I missing crit?

The watchers eye is huge, you should use a diamond flask until you get your crit chance quite a bit higher. It REALLY helps until you are in the 90% range.
2. Circle of Fear with Herald of Ice has #% reduced mana reservation and one of "Increased Cold damage" or "Herald of Ice increased buff effect".

Can you opt for increased cold damage and increased buff effect if you have a level 4 enlighten? Or would I still run into mana problems.

Also, how do you feel about taking glancing blows and command of steel annoint?
Last edited by mistaho on Feb 20, 2021, 10:51:48 AM
Hey, man build is awesome, im at 91 at and going to add med clusters next but feels like single target damage is to low.. what can I improve?
Currently leveling this build but have one question.

Do you stop moving every 4 seconds to keep your consecration going or is there some other trick that I am not seeing to keep the uptime?
I've got about 120 ex to build this. Will that cover it including headhunter?
Great build so far. Using it as my mapper so far (only level 85). I'm wondering how you're mitigating VRF when it's up all the time? It really kind of wrecks me, not sure if I'm missing something there or now.
Nvm, I just read your note about it.
Last edited by JayCy on Feb 21, 2021, 10:10:10 PM

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