Zero players from top 100 betrayal are melee.

Peterlerock wrote:
Xerise wrote:
Ranged has had an advantage over melee in literally every RPG ever since the dawn of time, because it can deal (some or all of Melee's) Damage at a distance, making melee monsters nullified almost entirely. how do people not understand that? It's innate in RPG's

The usual solution is to give melee more tankiness and more dps, to compensate for the obvious drawbacks of lower reach and AoE coverage.

And poe used to have that.

Back in the day you pretty much had to sacrifice links in your main spell if you wanted leech. No blasphemy, no curse on hit warlords mark, use the freaking life leech gem.
You didn't even get 5 more damage multipliers to begin with.

Melee on the other hand was quite easy to set up.

Over time, this changed. More and more options, more and more power, less and less reason to go melee.

Yes melee should do most DPS and have most tankyness for clear speed/range price it pays. Give melee character. But no GGG just makes it tier 3 all around.

If it were me melee multis would avg twice or more what bow are.
Git R Dun!
The new steel skills are kind of melee -
If you want to shotgun bosses with shattering steel you'll have to hug bosses. With wide shots the damage is not there, only usable for clearing.

Damage is still far off from piling a few spectres or traps on them.

Ofirdr78 wrote:
Melee may suck (played Sunder, Molten Strike, Earthquake), but it's all up to the player personality.

i'll *NEVER* play a multi totem build - i saw vids.
You place totems, RUN AWAY and let them do the work.

it's efficient, but it's not fun.

I love facetanking. I'm crazy. Even when i need to run way i still facetank.
this is who i am, this is my way of playing.

I started playing Betrayal with Tectonic slam, but it really sucks,
so currently i'm back to molten strike, since it's the only normal melee.

"Do you even facetank?"

Look up my Betrayal starter char with Tectonic slam and see does it suck. Feel free to load PoB and see the damage with reworked Tectonic Slam. It is amazing and feels amazing to play. Sometimes i destroy whole screen of creeps with 1 click. :)

Btw i started originally with Infernal Blow, and that I can comfortably say sucks big time with the same gear i have now.

Molten strike feels like torture compared to Tec Slam since new patch.
Last edited by TorsteinTheFallen on Dec 11, 2018, 5:47:05 AM
Basically what I was saying with nerfing stat sticks and giving no 2h buffs they removed all melee weap skills from being playable in betrayal.

Shield + sword has super low damage as usual. 2h sucks unless you're going for hegemony / disintegrator full crit staff (that's the only way you can get decent DPS on 2h). Dual wield for melee got destroyed, not playable anymore.

Meanwhile last league bows were more popular than stat sticks. Casters were more popular than stat stick builds.

GGG response: "Oh gee some redditards are complaining about stat sticks, better remove melee from the game''
Aim_Deep wrote:
Melee sucked in the past then they been nerfing it just recently lulz

like cyclone, sunder, dual wield, molten strike, etc nerfed last 1-2 patches... bascially anything decent they nerfed

The sunder nerf was stupid because the whole reason sunder was very great to use is that you could put conc effect into it without losing AoE. The other AoE melee skills have been sucking ever since AoE nerf. Meanwhile spell AoE got spell totems so they got much more effective AoE. The game has overall a very incompetent balance team that just let blade vortex be OP for like what the 8th league in a row?
Kastmar wrote:
I'm plying frost blades. I'm level 96 right now. Everything is dead till multistrike finish. No bosses of course, but clearing speed is awesome. I have also mirrored dagger for it and build is extremely expensive. They suppose to do something with melee. I understand pain of regular melee.

"Mirrored Dagger" Spells build works with no gear, also frostblade is the only 'decent' melee skill.
Bearbarion wrote:

Yeah problem with melee is that there`s absolutely no upside anymore, with statsticks we at least had some dps but now that those are gone as well we are left with no dps and no survivability...wonder why there are no melee players in top 100...

Well GGG finally made me take a long needed break from the game, so that`s nice :D

no dps, no survability, and no aoe.

think i'm out of this league too.
I would... tend to agree, honestly.
I've never cared for melee, because of GGG's overly heavy reliance on one-shot kills. With all of the crap going on now (holy SHYTE the green megaspam fog and mobs around any Betrayal content!!!!!) you simply can't see the one-shot windup that's about to paste your little melee azz.

But, that said, I've been tinkering around with Infernal Blow w/ Ancestral Call, Faster Att, sometimes Multistrike or added Melee Dmg (on a 4 link ATM) and... I'm rather pleased with how it's going.
Mind, I'm only 55.

Only thing pissing me off is that super-regen transport escort guy who can regen 50% of his life from a single corpse - and uses each corpse 2 or 3 times. I've tried everything I can to eliminate corpses and stifle the regen (Frost Bomb) and nothing dents the guy. He just teleports to the front of the caravan and by the time you find him in all the chaos again he's at 100%.
Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive.
Patch Notes 3.19:
Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment.
Is cyclone not still good? I've played it the last few times, always better than people give it credit for. 2h, too. Even during the stat stick meta.

Disfavour league before, Starforge last time.

This is the first league in like 3-4 I haven't played a cycloner. Throwing totems for something different.

I'll say any melee skill where you have to stand still has felt terrible for awhile; but cyclone always feels pretty good.

Hell, with how annoyingly tanky these betrayal mobs are, seems like a good standard slayer cycloner would do pretty well with 20% cull.
Been playing off and on since 2013. First time, I recall, not going melee. Blowing right through the content like shit through a goose. Fun times.
And the white guys says, I'll have a Coke then.

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