[3.17] Hybrid's Molten Strike Jugg - Hold right click to TANK anything |MELT the Atlas|Divine Flesh|

thomzon wrote:
Answering my own question, the accuracy boost is great for attack speed also, might be worth the 10% mana.
Question is, can we sustain MS with 85% mana reserved, and what gem slot can we use.

Theifs torment is still really good for endgame if you dont need the extra damage and can manage resist elsewhere.
I'm trying right now, and sustaining all that is more or less doable even at level 44 with a very low remaining mana pool and a 6 link.

So definitely doable late game, I'll see how it goes.
Build is a beast for HC. Perfect for syndicate encouters.
Clearing maps up to T10 without any issues and concerns about mods.
Managed to spawn only T5 elder and right clicked guardians and him without even moving.

Great stuff overall. Thanks for the build.

Current gear for reference if someone is interested.

Jinxed myself :D died to massive detonate corpses strongbox. Normally I just open them and whirling blades away but this time i did't. Oh well.
Can only recommend the build anyway! Super dope!
Last edited by MaSterX_BG on Dec 16, 2018, 7:26:37 AM
Deklnu wrote:
deadman29 wrote:
Would appreciate someone taking a look at my char.. I feel like it's somewhat there but I feel like my dmg is so so low for some reason... any help would be great.

Sword is too slow, pick up the nodes on the South West corner, going to blade master, get a G-Shank asap.

I have both? ;o

Char MukzyMoltenJugg

I can clear up to t10 fine but I dunno, the damage just feels low for me.
deadman29 wrote:
Deklnu wrote:
deadman29 wrote:
Would appreciate someone taking a look at my char.. I feel like it's somewhat there but I feel like my dmg is so so low for some reason... any help would be great.

Sword is too slow, pick up the nodes on the South West corner, going to blade master, get a G-Shank asap.

I have both? ;o

Char MukzyMoltenJugg

I can clear up to t10 fine but I dunno, the damage just feels low for me.

the build isnt "snappy" like the cold damage one (TS deadeye, reave slayer..) so it might feel weak but in reality it isnt.
you deal many small hits per sec that amount to high damage, unlike other builds that deals high damage but hit much slower.
you almost never one shot a mob.

when going into a pack, click the right mouse bottom only once and dash away.
because what i wrote above and the fact that the molten balls are somewhat delayed it can feel weird at first but you will get use to it.

i used to stand on packs much longer than i needed and i also felt it might be too weak.
but you really only need to click once most of the time.
Hi, Level 92 here following this build. Got my ass handed to me by the Phoenix Guardian. I guess you can't tank through the explosions... Sometimes being close range sucks.

PS: got all the gear but Xoph's Blood. that thing is expensive!
Hi, level 89 already. When i changed Thief's torment ring i started get out of mana vs solo target... I have "2 mana gained for each enemy hit when attacks". Can you take a look on my build? ChillGamingTv char.
How does this build compare to a traditional 6L Loreweave? On Poe.ninja seem like most of the top players run that instead.
Nice build, just trying get currency to afford it.
Last edited by TimCo on Dec 17, 2018, 12:45:14 AM
So is thief’s torment really one of the things that makes this build? I’ve been running with out one and also no life on hit on other rings and Wondered if I am missing out on this. Right now I’m on Xbox and the build at lvl 65 and 2 ascendancys feels ok but not like amazing or anything I’m still dying a bit. I didn’t know if maybe that’s what I’m doing wrong? Will that ring help me face tank stuff until I get the better pieces of gear for this? Cause things like the dying sun, kaoms heart, and the grelwood shank might be a little bit hard to acquire on Xbox. I think same goes for the helm too but I’m not sure yet how hard it is to get a shaper helm with those mods on it. If any one could answer this for me I’d appreciate it.

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