Rework the Eradicator

I accidentally opened a red Eradicator just now on a character I'm leveling. Level 87, 5-link main skill, crap single target dps. Fight took like 5 mins, still did it deathless, only had to log once to refill flasks.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, git gud scrubs.

On a more serious note, I only did the fight a couple times before this, and I only just now realized how mechanical it is. That's not bad in itself, but the bright flashing lights everywhere make it very hard to read wtf is going on, especially in the last phase. Not that GGG care about the ergonomics of their game, but maybe turning down the contrast would help?
suszterpatt wrote:
I accidentally opened a red Eradicator just now on a character I'm leveling. Level 87, 5-link main skill, crap single target dps. Fight took like 5 mins, still did it deathless, only had to log once to refill flasks.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, git gud scrubs.

Git gud? What BS. Everyone else here is well aware that ducking out to refill your flasks will automatically disqualify you from winning a cage fight with Eradicator or any other Guardian.
It's good that he can be hard to kill. I like that. There should be challenging fights.
RogueMage wrote:
suszterpatt wrote:
I accidentally opened a red Eradicator just now on a character I'm leveling. Level 87, 5-link main skill, crap single target dps. Fight took like 5 mins, still did it deathless, only had to log once to refill flasks.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, git gud scrubs.

Git gud? What BS. Everyone else here is well aware that ducking out to refill your flasks will automatically disqualify you from winning a cage fight with Eradicator or any other Guardian.

The game is literally balanced around instalogging out of bossfights.
Bananaplasm wrote:
His invulnerable tentacle phase is cancer. The rest is fine. But that phase is literally the worst phase in the game. It does nothing, there is nothing to do and you just watch whatever environmental effect it triggers.

PS: Your HD 6870s are roughly 10 years old. That's the equivalent of a very weak modern igpu. Probably a 2GB Vram version? Definetly sounds like a loading issue.
Doesn't matter if you can run modern games flawlessy at 640x480. Crossfire doesn't help much either. Also the object is server side, the graphics are all on you. Only because you can't see them doesn't mean they are not there.

Stop making ridiculous excuses.

Yes, they are 8(probably more like 5/6 for me, as its a 2nd set) years old, yet somehow still run every other game i have ever tried in 5760x1080 resolution, when possible, with zero issues. Even attempting to compare PoE graphics to most other games released at any point in the last decade is just laughable.

Are you seriously trying to tell me that PoE is more demanding on my GPU's than games like BDO on ultra settings???

Also ignoring the fact it only happens on this specific fight during one specific phase.... doesn't take a genius...

Also, point out that if it was just a case of not seeing them I would take damage/die, that phase has lightning stuff flying all over and adds spawning... yet I don't, I took zero damage, the arena was simply empty until the phase changed back to him being 'human' form

The poor performance riddled through-out PoE isn't exactly news.
Last edited by Chalace2 on Jul 17, 2018, 5:41:41 PM
If Eradicator doing something, run around. I've been asked multiple times to kill him by friends, most times i've been playing melee or some nicebuild and every time i saw them trying to facetank. Common, people he is mechanical, it's like complaining about Atziri's flameblasts. LIGHTNING SHIT > MOVE. Be humble with your dps urges. Enslaver is a lot harder imo.
Enslaver is fun hard.
Eradicator is bullshit hard.

See the difference?
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
A terribly designed boss, expected in poe now a days.

Im shocked they didnt fix it, too busy making other dog shit bosses i guess
Last edited by Chadwixx on Oct 31, 2018, 7:29:16 PM

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