*Updated for 3.2* Volkuur's poison! millions of dps (7.5 mil shaper - 20 mil shaper GG gear)

cocomoloco wrote:
So in your "recommended" PoB you have Immolate for both Barrage and Ice Shot. I have a feeling however that because Immolate requires at least two hits for Immolate to do anything, something like Unbound Ailments might be better? For Barrage it's obv a no brainer

if you do 1 barrage attack with 10 arrows and crit, immolate will work on the first attack for the 9 remaining arrows after the first arrow. for ice shot, its a bit worse but we have also a lot of hits. i felt it was worth it and highly recommend using immolate unless ele focus provides more damage for you due to GG flat dmg jewels.
Moridin79 wrote:
Sacr0 wrote:
there's definitely cool interaction because its a fire based skill. gives some extra chance to poison and frees up a flask slot. the problem is that burning arrow provides way less hits than ice shot and so the poison duration gets screwed.
maybe you can utilize another fire gem for the cannot be frozen mod? maybe blast rain or so.

nothing is coming close to ice shot gmp chain though ;)

I knew I was missing something! The Ice Shot cone! Duh....Oh well. I knew BA was shit, I Just had to see how bad it was in action :P I'll still keep the helm as it is still fairly decent for the price I paid even without the use of its special mod.

So, for pob calculation of poisons applied recently do we just multiply the number of arrows by aps by 4? Or does the chain/cone actually apply a poison as well? Trying to get a better idea of the mechanics.

Also, is +1 Maloney's still bis on a reasonable budget? Obviously gg shaper quivers are but I'm not spending 20ex+ for one xD

How much blind on hit do you suggest to have in total? I have one 4 prop dual fire dmg life and 3% chance to blind on hit. Should I go up to 6% or more?

Sorry for the rambling. Thanks in advance. xD

yes, number of arrows*attack speed*4= # of poisons applied recently. this is the maximum dps after attacking for 4 seconds straight. chains/cones are also hits and can apply additional poisons. thats why ice shot is so good. maloney's +1 is a very good quiver. try to get 5-6% chance to poison. no need to get more. 3% might lack a bit, especially if you use the effigon.
johanjulmust wrote:
You have already looked at my gear once before, just wondering if you think these rings are ok to use over a torment ring


if you use cloak, you need thiefs torment. your mana sustain wont be high enough without. also, your mana is waay too low for using MoM.
either go for the full cloak version or the full GG version. mixing the versions up really sucks. you need to decide which version you wanna play.
almost none of your jewels has double flat fire rolls. the jewels really need to be improved. if you want to go for the GG life version without cloak, you NEED 2x fire damage + life on your jewels. otherwise your hp will be too low to make this version viable. the cloak version would be suited more if you have bad jewels.
The_Sin wrote:
can ya take a look and make any suggestions? i'm not doing too bad, but still more deaths than i'd like from time to time. thanx.


decent build. your mana is a bit low. if you take a big hit, you'll run out of mana and not be able to get your mana/life back instantly because you do not have enough mana left to attack. therefor, you mana need to be at least 40% of your maximum hp. in your case, thats 1600 mana. this will improve your survivability!
maybe get some mana on boots or jewels!
Hi, I'm going to try this build for 3.2, but I've never played bow or poison builds before and have a rather simple/stupid question.. how does attacking work? Like when will you use barrage vs ice shot? Thanks!
Bit of a PSA about the expensive version of this build: The rings are REALLY important and they're a pain in the ass to get. You want a lot of Life Gain on both your rings, you want Poacher's mark and, ideally, you also want a bit of mana gain on one of those bad boys. THEN, you also want life and resistances.

That shit isn't easy.
hi all, i needed an excuse to get back into playing my assassin. found this guide and here I am :D

just looking for advice on my build, profile should be public
Hey :)
Thx for your answer.
I have Another question.

Is it possible to Play with Belly of the Beast instead of clock of defiance?
And take life notes instead of the mana notes?

So the fire jewel's are actually insane prices now where the lightning are more affordable. Would you just replace Immolate with Added Lightning?
hi all, i needed an excuse to get back into playing my assassin. found this guide and here I am :D

just looking for advice on my build, profile should be public

effigon should be a huge dps buff if you have a blind on hit jewel

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