Divine Vessel - drop rate or rather lack of it

Played over 100 maps. Not a single drop so far.

Do they only drop on red maps? Is the default lootfilter that comes with the game blocking them out?

Definetly not playing SSF next league....
400 maps 2 vessels this is just ridiculous
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This whole patch is ridiculous. I would rather have the 1 passive point back then this crap.
3rd one! it brings us to a neat 1-in-4days average!
Since 3.0 hit, I've dropped 2 exalt orbs, and 3 divine vessels. Yeah I'd say their drop rate is probably pretty similar. I've used each vessel I've dropped though, free upgrades are free upgrades. Thats how I see pantheon, free upgrades. Granted, I don't think any of the ones available to my builds are real game changers, which is kind of sad.
I have only a single drop at L90 so far. But as long as you have a market it's not a problem. Good thing I clicked HSC rather than SSF at the start of the league though.

More than 60 maps, and not seen once. This is completely ridiculous.

Where is the fun for the endgame?

Droprate is too too too too low.
What is the Pantheon used for, if you can't even upgrade it at least once.

Should I play 1000 hours to get 1 Divine Vessel?
Someone still bothering with pantheon?
Even bandits giving better bonuses.

Gods. Phew!
Wazz72 wrote:
Agree, I've done around 50 maps and haven't dropped one yet! I bet they're rarer than ex...


I wish Id found this many exalts this league.

I found 2 exalts :(

anyone wants to trade a couple of their exalt drops for a couple of my flask drops out there, i'm your huckleberry
For the record, I ran a couple uber labs today, and on 2 occasions I found a divine vessel in one of Izaro's chests. So if you're running short on vessels, maybe try farming uber lab a little.

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