Has RNGesus smiled on you this league?

Everyone so far into maps already an I still at 432, only played a bit over a week.
Still, RNG seems to favor a little bit...

Haven't really spent much on gears. Just half an exalt or so, and another half exalt for silver coins.
Two exalt drop, the rest from trading, got The Fiend card x1 sold, 1x Void Heart sold among the big one.

The Fiend dropped for me at my 3rd day, surprised. But haven't spent what's earned. Maybe a 6 link ES chest but a good one isn't exactly cheap.
Last edited by xonedl on Dec 15, 2016, 11:42:26 PM
Only played in the perandus league for a brief period and came back 2-3 days before they announced breach so this is the first time I'm starting from day 1.

Started out as flameblast elementalist but I've switched to a flameblast totem inquisitor, first time going CI as well :D

Found so far: day 2 bino's(gave it to my brother :o, he's playing a BF assassin), kaom's heart day3 3ex, 6% energy from within, tabula rasa, the last one standing div fetched 50c(should've held onto that for a bit in hindsight).

6Linked this baby in ~40 fusings:

1 carto in a low tier map and another in a t10 that dropped 5 gorge maps(additional items, +3 chest level in 3 chaos woot) :D

Question: Is farming the lab still profitable this "late"? Still need to switch to dual wield daggers to get my crit and cast speed up but can't be arsed to trade for the essences. Tried my hand @ a full keyrun yesterday but that charged dual swords is one speedy motherfucker. Just wondering if it's worth sinking some currency in learning by trial and error.
Well, 12 fuse later, I used all my rng for this league.
MonstaMunch: "You're just jelly because you can't afford to mirror my rod. It's 100% reel."

GooberM: "How does that not warrant a good ol' stabby-stabby?"
got 2 jewellers touch prophecies so far, and a monstrous treasure

i'd say im getting reasonably lucky
"Purity Ain't Free. The labyrinth of ascendency gotta be litterd with the blood of the faithful. Chitus HUSSEIN perandus is not my emperor. He is blasphemous gommunist and probably karui as well :DD. PURITY and FAITH not malachai and thaumaturgy ok. praise God" - High templar voll, circa 1333
Jeeze, and here I am at 87 without seeing a diviners or a unique chest for challenge yet. I felt lucky for my divine orb drop and cospri malice (rip value), but man, you guys put me to shame.
Finally got Zana.

I chanced this. Nothing else worth mentioning really.

Took me 3 fus.

Luck smiled at me, then smacked me against a wall and french kissed the hell out of me.
No it didnt. But to be honest never did.

From a blue Diviners box
~ Adapt, Improvise and Overcome

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