[2.4] Aim's Malice 100% CRIT Discharger, Fast farms, 6 minutes Full Core Deathless

!!! Sorry for my "bum english" !!!
Aim_Deep wrote:

Your build looks awesome. Unfortunately way out of my budget for a temp league. For anyone interested, I'm leveling a DW Malice Assassin, Life-Based, in Essence league now. Doesn't use Vaal Pact or Discharge at the moment, but is burning through all of the content I have been able to get maps for.

Character - EmptyMalice


@Aim_Deep - Do you think the Disemboweling cluster is overkill? With full power charges, I am crit-capped. Diamond flask gets me through the first few seconds without charges.
Rjr3412 wrote:
Aim_Deep wrote:

Your build looks awesome. Unfortunately way out of my budget for a temp league. For anyone interested, I'm leveling a DW Malice Assassin, Life-Based, in Essence league now. Doesn't use Vaal Pact or Discharge at the moment, but is burning through all of the content I have been able to get maps for.

Character - EmptyMalice


@Aim_Deep - Do you think the Disemboweling cluster is overkill? With full power charges, I am crit-capped. Diamond flask gets me through the first few seconds without charges.

Yes way overkill for assassin. Also get intuitive leap and save 5 pts by templar (once you take endurance charge)

When done tree could look like this at 91 with 165 life on tree (you save 3 pts by templar with intuitive leap)

need life minus mana rings tho eg


I hope I find another malice I'll do life build for huge DPS, like 3 million. I think with jewels I can make 180-190% life so like 5K with perfect support gear and 7% life jewels

At 93 could run Grace - HOI setup and Assains mark

Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Sep 8, 2016, 3:24:11 PM
Über Lab finish,thx build!
Thanks for the build. I was pretty stubborn trying to do it shieldcharge elementalist and had to waste 200 regrets getting this league starter switched to coc. Build wrecks even more after finishing uber. rip elementalist coc tho.
Tombss wrote:
Thanks for the build. I was pretty stubborn trying to do it shieldcharge elementalist and had to waste 200 regrets getting this league starter switched to coc. Build wrecks even more after finishing uber. rip elementalist coc tho.

Hey mate had a look at your profile - the Herald of Ice setup which you are not using is very important. Gives vaporizing whole screen effect, shatters for nasty porcupines, more DPS and onslaught. Have a look at my Gorge run.
Git R Dun!
Yeah but I would have to drop my vaal setups. I might try it. I do gain onslaught from the flask also so I dunno.
Ok i don't know what i'm missing, but im get only 3 mana left when i use assassin's mark lvl 20 (with Blasphemy lvl 18 and Discipline Lvl 21 linked in the helm with Lvl 3 Enlighten), and Herald of Ice lvl 18 linked with Innervate 20/20, Ice Bite Lvl 20 and Increased Critical Strikes Lvl 19.

I have both elreon rings with -8 mana.

EDIT: My Cyclone (20/11) Costs 5 mana, is linked with AA 20/20, FA 19/20, PCoC Lvl 20, Fortify Lvl 19 and Increased Critical Damage Lvl 20.

This is my tree, with the same nodes on the left using intuitive leap: http://poeplanner.com/AAMAASBBQU1HQVJNQWFFVjhsNWY3OWJRNDVSbU1Ob25UY0ZJcUMxM3lLd29STC10anRVaHRiT3l3akF1NWZPZDAyeG9RZTc0NjQ0UU4wV05ERGtnUmxnY2VsUzd3MVVsUmpfclEwRjlxNl9Wa25mSWQ3QmdzdnhYWGhxNVdZM19Hb3FNUHhEdDh1TXFUSi0tSS1UZlh6MG14dm9ySzA2RXZ0QXhHY1lNSmI1NmNwSWNUZHdmS1NsLXdtN1dFeGNNNktqanF1ZzE4Vjhrby1yaVRITnlQR3V2dU10RkZSOEJtcmZFWVhUd0Y3M3lmMzVvN2dwdnNPSVY3WmxSc0N5TDBiUmtSVURXNXB5dVg5RkpUUFYtWGxVeXpJRzVRTU5BZjctcz0ACEFBQUFBUUFBAAA=

Thanks for the help.

EDIT 2: Also feel the damage very low, tested with merciless malachai, using Discharge 20/20 20, Life Leech 20/20 and Con. Effect 20/20.
Last edited by Hughs on Sep 9, 2016, 4:36:25 AM
Hughs wrote:
Ok i don't know what i'm missing, but im get only 3 mana left when i use assassin's mark lvl 20 (with Blasphemy lvl 18 and Discipline Lvl 21 linked in the helm with Lvl 3 Enlighten), and Herald of Ice lvl 18 linked with Innervate 20/20, Ice Bite Lvl 20 and Increased Critical Strikes Lvl 19.

I have both elreon rings with -8 mana.

EDIT: My Cyclone (20/11) Costs 5 mana, is linked with AA 20/20, FA 19/20, PCoC Lvl 20, Fortify Lvl 19 and Increased Critical Damage Lvl 20.

This is my tree, with the same nodes on the left using intuitive leap: http://poeplanner.com/AAMAASBBQU1HQVJNQWFFVjhsNWY3OWJRNDVSbU1Ob25UY0ZJcUMxM3lLd29STC10anRVaHRiT3l3akF1NWZPZDAyeG9RZTc0NjQ0UU4wV05ERGtnUmxnY2VsUzd3MVVsUmpfclEwRjlxNl9Wa25mSWQ3QmdzdnhYWGhxNVdZM19Hb3FNUHhEdDh1TXFUSi0tSS1UZlh6MG14dm9ySzA2RXZ0QXhHY1lNSmI1NmNwSWNUZHdmS1NsLXdtN1dFeGNNNktqanF1ZzE4Vjhrby1yaVRITnlQR3V2dU10RkZSOEJtcmZFWVhUd0Y3M3lmMzVvN2dwdnNPSVY3WmxSc0N5TDBiUmtSVURXNXB5dVg5RkpUUFYtWGxVeXpJRzVRTU5BZjctcz0ACEFBQUFBUUFBAAA=

Thanks for the help.

i belive your icd's should be ics's you have increased critical damage gem's instead of incresed critical strikes in your gear is what im saying
dragnmith1 wrote:
Hughs wrote:
Ok i don't know what i'm missing, but im get only 3 mana left when i use assassin's mark lvl 20 (with Blasphemy lvl 18 and Discipline Lvl 21 linked in the helm with Lvl 3 Enlighten), and Herald of Ice lvl 18 linked with Innervate 20/20, Ice Bite Lvl 20 and Increased Critical Strikes Lvl 19.

I have both elreon rings with -8 mana.

EDIT: My Cyclone (20/11) Costs 5 mana, is linked with AA 20/20, FA 19/20, PCoC Lvl 20, Fortify Lvl 19 and Increased Critical Damage Lvl 20.

This is my tree, with the same nodes on the left using intuitive leap: http://poeplanner.com/AAMAASBBQU1HQVJNQWFFVjhsNWY3OWJRNDVSbU1Ob25UY0ZJcUMxM3lLd29STC10anRVaHRiT3l3akF1NWZPZDAyeG9RZTc0NjQ0UU4wV05ERGtnUmxnY2VsUzd3MVVsUmpfclEwRjlxNl9Wa25mSWQ3QmdzdnhYWGhxNVdZM19Hb3FNUHhEdDh1TXFUSi0tSS1UZlh6MG14dm9ySzA2RXZ0QXhHY1lNSmI1NmNwSWNUZHdmS1NsLXdtN1dFeGNNNktqanF1ZzE4Vjhrby1yaVRITnlQR3V2dU10RkZSOEJtcmZFWVhUd0Y3M3lmMzVvN2dwdnNPSVY3WmxSc0N5TDBiUmtSVURXNXB5dVg5RkpUUFYtWGxVeXpJRzVRTU5BZjctcz0ACEFBQUFBUUFBAAA=

Thanks for the help.

i belive your icd's should be ics's you have increased critical damage gem's instead of incresed critical strikes in your gear is what im saying

Yes you are right sir XD, i will test again with two ics. And no, i am not high as the moon, just disperse.

EDIT ----> Now i can run assassin's mark, got two 20/20 increased critical strikes, i still have to test the new damage though.

EDIT 2 ----> The damage still feels very weak comparing, tested with new crematorium boss, took a while to kill with 20/20 Conc. Effect.
Last edited by Hughs on Sep 9, 2016, 5:16:54 AM

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